Chapter 17

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[Not Edited]


"Tell me you son of bitch, where is my Jimin?" I said as i got hold of his hand and twisted it backwards towards his back. So for those who are wondering what's happening ? I'll explain.

I was in the basement with none other than the biggest scum of the century. Yeah if you thought about Park Jackson, you are damn right. I've dragged him right into my basement as soon as i got the news that MY JIMIN went missing. Everything was going okay, i was having the best time of my life but then this happened.

I was being considerated here, and giving him the right treatment, if dragging him down harshly with few scares counts. I've been asking him the same "Where is my Jimin?" Question for about half an hour now and he is so adamant about giving me hell, but now i have had enough of his bullshit and my consideration.

Everything has limitations and he's just getting on my nerves. I would have seriously killed him the moment i got my hands on him but i needed information, information that only he knew.

I told you before that my men have seen him practically being a slave for JJK, he was left unharmed which was what shocked all of us even when he was in huge debt. I knew something was wrong the moment i saw him unharmed and sickeningly happy about something, i so wanted to wipe that happiness from his face but i had to wait that's why i left him be, but turned out that it was the biggest mistake I did. I shouldn't have let him be, i should have done something as soon as my guts told me something was pathetically wrong.

"Bring me the thing that I've told you to prepare beforehand" i said to one of the guards which were standing in the basement.

"Sorry Mr. Park Fucking Jackson-ssi, it's time i do things my way and now you're gonna regret that you didn't spoke up when i told you to do it nicely" i gripped his hair tightly while pulling it back. Fucking pathetic excuse of human.

"Scar here is the thing you've asked for" the guard came running back inside with an injection which was filled with Truth serum in it. That's the only option I've got. He isn't going to open his fucking mouth so i have to do it for him.

"Inject it, come on do it fast, I've got more issues to deal with I don't have time for this fucking shit" i almost screamed at him because i really was frustrated to the core. I didn't knew what was happening, i didn't have control over things which i so thought i had. What else do you expect from me?

The guard quickly injected the thing and stood back fearing that I'll snap again. Now we wait for a while. It will take time to get the thing actually work as the chemical will slow the speed at which his body sends messages from his spinal chord to his brain. I really don't know much about this stuff but it comes handy while doing stuffs like this.

After i was sure he was hanging between the twilight state (state lying between consciousness and unconsciousness) I knew he was now ready to give me answers but the thing is, the effect of truth serum only stay for 5-10 minutes max after that it will start to wear off. So i need to be quicker with my questions.

(A/n :- i really don't know much about Truth serum, i had to google it so I'm not sure if the provided information is right or wrong)

Firstly i shook him a bit so he will know that he has company. I'll try asking him a basic question first to see the effect of the serum.

"What's your name?" I asked him, his head was swinging from side to side as he was trying hard to keep his concentration on the source of voice. Let's hope this will work somehow.

"Park Jackson" he answered but i still need to be fully sure that he isn't luring me into believing him.

"Who do you have in family?" I asked him as i sat infront of him because my legs were really giving out, as i was continuously on my toes from when i got to know My Jimin went missing.

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