Chapter 16

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[Not Edited]


"So they caught the little one" i exclaimed looking at mark. I started laughing loudly and he looked at me as if i just ran away from a Mental Hospital.

"Why are you laughing like a mad man?" He asked quite puzzled about my hysterical laughing.

"Because i gave him the address. I told them where my little one was, i knew it from the start but i chose to let them search for a while and then told them where he actually was." I said twirling in my chair. Damn, I'm having so much fun and the game just started.


"Calm down marky... I let that bastard have my little one for just a time being. I wanted him to trust me more, i wanted him to lean on me and he did. He will never expect that I out of all stabbed him in most unexpected way" i said and mark still looked unsure about what i just said. I know he won't understand now but with time everything will be revealed.

"Patience my boy, patience" i said to him and he scoffed. I rolled my eyes at his nonchalant behaviour.

"Marky tell Jihyunie to plant bomb in the head base of Jeon, you know i marked that place in our map. Tell him it's time to get our plan into action, let's see how our precious Mr. Jeon will deal with this" he ran outside to get the work done, i know he is excited to do so.

"Mind you Jeon, you'll regret that you even knew someone like me" i said smirking ever so proudly.


I woke up with the most awful pounding in my head and body, it's like a truck has ran over me multiple times. It was a bit blur when I opened my eyes so i carefully sat up, not trying to be quick as I'm already in pain, I don't want it to be more worse than it is.

After few blinks i was finally able to realise my surrounding which was unfamiliar. I got scared when i remembered what happened before i lost my consciousness. I started to get panicked. No, no, no this can't happen. I was running away from him, how did he knew where i was? I have to run, I can't stay with him. He is dangerous.

I quickly stood up from the bed i was on, i made my way towards the door but before i could reach it a voice made me stop and be glued to where i was.

"Where do you think you are going baby...hmmm?" The voice came from the very dark corner of the room, i couldn't actually see who was there but i knew that voice. I can recognise that voice anywhere without any mistake. The voice that's been haunting me since i got to know his actual intensions.

I was near the bed post so i took hold of it, very tightly. I was holding it like my life depends on it. I couldn't move, the voice has so much authority in them and it was challenging me, telling me to dare and try to run if i can.

A pair of arm came around my waist and i froze. The hands around me were wrapped tightly so i couldn't move. As soon as i got my sense back, i started struggling in his arms but i couldn't. It was like his hands were made of steel.

"Where do you think you are going?" He said right beside my ear and i felt shiver run down my spinal cord. His voice was low pitched, i felt my knees giving in but i stood my ground. I wanted to slap myself for thinking like this in these kind of situation, for god sake I'm kidnapped by a dangerous man, he could kill me for all i know.

"L-lea-ve me p-please, let m-me go" i said stuttering and i wanted to smack myself for that, now he will know that I'm scared, i was still struggling in his arms, i really wanted to get away from him but he wasn't letting me go, rather than letting go his hands tightened around me more, i nearly stopped breathing because of it.

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