Chapter 1

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Author POV

Today was just like the same as always, birds happily chirping, the leaves ruffled beneath the morning bright clouds. You could hear a whistle through the cool air. Everything was normal for Jimin, as he was happily skipping with his Taetae to be at work on time.

He was happy because his dad didn't came home last night, he was sure he would have got beaten to pulp by his dad as always, but last night was much normal. No beatings, no bruises, no pain and no tears. So he was so happy that he even forgot to eat his breakfast. Taehyung was so delighted to see his best friend smiling like a goofball, skipping around being all careless.

"Even though I'm happy that he didn't came home last night, I'm worried if something happened to him" Jimin said as they were getting ready to work. They work in a small café named as "Delight Café" which they love. Its small, but the interior is so welcoming and give customers warm, cosy and homey feeling which they love. The aroma of coffee beans, freshly baked sugary goodies always lure them in. The owner of the cafe is a very gentleman, who treats them like his own sons as he don't have children of his own.

For Jimin he is like a father figure which he never had, ever since Jimin was small his dad was busy with his work, he use to never give him attention or affection like a normal father would give. His dad never had time for his family. Things went downhill when his father started to cheat and use to return home drunk ending up beating his mom and sometimes Jimin. Life was never easy for him since childhood, he never got the family he truly deserved. His mom and tae were the only family he had. His father started gambling, left his work as he got fired because he went to work drunk.

Nothing was gut wrenching then to see his mom on the floor covered with bruises and blood. He came from school when he saw his mom on the floor cover with blood. He couldn't proceed what was happening around him, he was too numb to react either. He was just staring at his mom's body which was lifelessly laying on to the floor. He wanted to cry, wanted to weep, wanted to scream, wanted to sob but nothing came out of his mouth. After a while police came and started to examine the crime scene, trying to find evidence. He was still standing where he was 20 minutes ago, not moving an inch. That day he lost himself, that was the day when his life became an absolute hell for him, more than it use to be.

His dad didn't even minded it.
"Thank god that bitch died or else i would have done it myself someday" those where the exact word his dad has said, when he got to know that his wife died. Police was hiding something, they didn't investigate anything just said that his mother committed suicide and they closed the case. He couldn't bury her because they never gave her body back, Jimin was just 14 when it happened so he couldn't fight back but one thing he was sure about was his mom didn't committed suicide, someone killed her. Taehyung has been his only support since then.

"You don't need to care about that bastard, he can go die for all i care" tae snarled, he has always been like this when it comes to Jimin's dad. Well truth to be told, anyone would be like this after knowing the truth.

"Hey, i get it he hits me on regular basis but that doesn't mean he deserves to be dead. It's too cruel and inhuman" see that's Jimin for you, caring and loving. Getting hit by his father everyday but he still cares about him. Tae always think that Jimin is too forgiving, caring and innocent anyone can easily manipulate him or even take advantage of him which is what tae is most scared of. He doesn't want his Minnie to be in trouble or getting hurt. He had never let him date because he was scared what if they will just take advantage of his naivety and will leave him. Tae is overprotective of Jimin, which isn't wrong since Jimin is a pure soul in this cruel world. He just wants to protect him from harm but unfortunately the only thing he can't protect Jimin is from his father, that fucker always beats him. At time Jimin couldn't walk because of the beating he have received previous night.

"You are just too caring Minnie, get the hell out of that caring nature and open your eyes not everyone deserves your fucking kindness" tae spat as he was still angry. That man just instigates his anger. Worthless piece of shit.

"It's okay Taetae, don't spoil your mood because of him, he might come back today" Jimin said trying to change the topic as he can clearly see how taehyung was shaking in anger.

"He better not come, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Anyways, do you know Mr. Lee is getting a new cat, he said you like cats being around so he wants to buy it for you. He is so awesome and he loves you so much." Tae said feeling a bit better since he changed the topic about Jimin's father.

"OH REALLY, I'M SO GONNA JUMP ON HIM WHEN I SEE HIM NOW. HE IS SO AWESOME, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH" Jimin literally squealed and almost spilled the coffee he was making, grabbing everyone's attention which made him look like a fool, but he doesn't care he really like cats, he's been blabbering about those cute little creature to Mr. Lee since forever and now he will finally get it. He was beyond happy, today so far his day was going much better than usual.

"Taetae, i don't have my saving money with me anymore" Jimin said while frowning a bit as he just remembered that he gave all his money to his father. He wasn't ready to give it but his father forcefully took it from him.

"Why, as far as I know you've been saving money for a while now" Tae asked concerned now. He knew Jimin was saving money to buy a beautiful painting he saw and instantly fell in love with, but now when he is saying he has no saving Tae became a bit concerned as to where the money actually went.

"Dad took them, i wasn't giving him but he forcefully took it from me and i couldn't do anything to save it. Taetae, i so badly wanted that painting but now i couldn't get it" Jimin was on the verge of crying but he was really holding himself back from doing so, as he wanted to be strong. He really loved that painting when he saw it in a shop, he went in and asked for the price it wasn't much but at that time he had no money as his father took all of it so he decided he will save some money and would get the painting but now the money was gone too and so was his hope. He really wanted to cry about it, but he knew it won't change a thing for him.

"Hey, it's okay we will get you that painting. You don't have to save okay I'll just buy it for you" Tae said trying to comfort Jimin but Jimin started to shake his head from side to side. Clearly disliking the idea of taking money from Tae. He has been always like this, he doesn't want to cause trouble to others. He would suffer himself rather than anyone else. He was indeed so selfless.

"No, no i don't want it anymore. I'll just let it go because I do want you to waste your money on it" Jimin argued with Tae as he really didn't wanted to trouble Tae with all this stuff.

"Minnie, I'm not wasting my money think of it as a pre birthday present okay" Tae said but Jimin was still adamant about not taking Tae's money.

"No i don't want it" Jimin said going back to make coffee for the customer with a sore mood as he wasn't yet over with the fact that he has no money left to buy the only thing he had wished in a while. He felt useless.

"Okay then how about, i lend you the money and then after you get your pay check you can slowly give it back to me in few months, i mean you will get what you want and i will get my money back after you pay me back" Tae suggest but Tae knew he wasn't going to accept money from Jimin when he will try to pay him back. He was just luring him to buy the thing he wanted to for so long.

After thinking for a while Jimin finally agreed to it but not before threatening Tae that if he won't take money back he will end their friendship, which was total bullshit, even Jimin himself knew that he wasn't capable of doing anything like that. He is too kind to hurt someone's feeling. So Tae just agreed with it. Jimin started to work, smiling again.

The Cafe was busy today and they were working nonstop without a break. It's been like this since they started to work, someday its Fully packed, someday you can barely see customers so they are used to it. After talking scratch that, screaming and jumping, giving the biggest bear hug to Mr. Lee and thanking him like a million times their day ended with a beautiful smile on both the face....

Not knowing someone was keeping their eyes on both of them the whole time with a snarky smirk.


Here comes the first chapter... Oh I'm so excited to see your response.... Please let me know.
Check for errors or typo it's not edited so let me know again... I hope you will like it. Love you guyz...❤️

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