Crazy Love •Namjin•

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Kim Namjoon sits across from his business partner, Mark, at a table in a restaurant. They are both dressed in suits and discussing business over lunch.

MARK: (stands up) Excuse me, I need to wash my hands.

Namjoon nods, while Mark walks away.

Lia, Mark's girlfriend.

LIA: Hi, Namjoon. (smiles flirtatiously)

Namjoon looks up from his phone and stares at her coldly.

NAMJOON: Can I help you?

LIA: (leans in) I was hoping we could get to know each other better.

Namjoon rolls his eyes and goes back to his phone, ignoring Lia.

LIA: (desperate) Is there anything I can do to catch your attention?

Namjoon doesn't respond.

LIA (trying harder): You know, I think you and I could have a lot of fun together.

As Lia stands up, she accidentally collides with a passing waitress, causing the waitress to drop a tray of dishes. Lia immediately starts yelling at the waitress, even though it was her fault.

LIA (angrily) Watch where you're going! You ruined my dress!

Lia's temper flares up immediately, and she starts screaming at the waitress, blaming her for the accident. The waitress tries to apologize, but Lia won't listen. Lia's anger intensifies, and she takes a step towards the waitress, raising her hand to slap her.

Suddenly, a hand grabs Lia's wrist, stopping her from hitting the waitress. Lia turns her head to see who it is and is surprised to see a confident-looking woman standing there.

YN: (firmly) Let her go. You're making a scene.

Lia tries to pull her hand away, but Yn's grip is too strong. Yn's calm demeanor unnerves Lia, and she takes a step back, looking uncertain for the first time.

LIA: Who the hell are you? This is none of your business.

YN: (smiling) Oh, I'm just passing through. But I can't stand bullies, and I couldn't help but intervene.

Lia glares at Yn, but Yn's confidence seems to be unshakable. She can't help but feel a little intimidated.

LIA: This is all her fault. She should have been more careful.

YN: (sarcastically) Right, because accidents never happen. And it's perfectly okay to berate and slap someone for making a mistake.

Lia starts to feel embarrassed now, as the other diners are starting to stare at her. She takes a step back and tries to compose herself.

LIA: (defensive) I just want an apology. Is that too much to ask?

YN: (firmly) No, it's not too much to ask. But maybe you should apologize first for your behavior.

Mark returns to the table and notices the commotion.

MARK: What's going on here?

LIA: (lies) This waitress spilled water all over me, and I demanded an apology.

YN: (smirks) You might want to check the CCTV footage to determine the truth.

Mark looks at Namjoon, who nods his head, and they ask to see the CCTV footage.

The footage shows that Lia collided with the waitress and was the one who started the altercation.

MARK: (ashamed) I'm sorry about her behavior.

YN: (firmly) She needs to apologize to the waitress.

Lia reluctantly apologizes, and Mark pays for the damages.

As they leave, Namjoon turns to Yn, impressed by her boldness.

NAMJOON: Thank you for handling that situation.

YN: (smiling) It was my pleasure.(leaves)


The principal stands at the front of the room, introducing Yn to the senior class.

PRINCIPAL: I would like to introduce our newest science professor, Yn. She comes highly recommended and has already made quite an impression on our staff.

Some of the students whisper to each other, shocked to see such a young professor.

STUDENT 1: She's so young, I can't believe she's a professor already.

STUDENT 2: (whispers) And beautiful too. This is going to be a great semester.

But one students, Kim Seokjin, sits at the back of the room, uninterested in the new professor.


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