A Comfy New Beginning

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After meeting up with Ancy and arranging a whole trip to Kathmandu for a while, a weeklong process, I was finally ready to go. I'd bid Peter goodbye, promising to write to him and that I would return, the same with Hazel. I don't know how I'll live without her for the next few months, but I can try. I need this, and everything will be alright. I grab up everything I had already packed up, and anxiously smile to myself boarding the plane she had booked me.

Tony insisted I go on his jet, but I'd never been on a real, public plane before. I assured him it would be to his standards and that I would be fine, and he still had to make sure I got the best plane possible, with the best seats he could find. He's so extra. I shake away my nerves and find my (extremely comfortable) seat. Thankfully, nobody sits beside me, as I prop my carryon into the spot for it and everything else I carried in the seat beside me, my laptop, earbud wad, blankets and pillows.

As soon as we're clear to use devices, I prop my laptop on the pullout table, opening my email. My phone was tangled in the mess of blankets, so I use this opportunity to write to my pals back home, letting the Avengers know I got on the plane safe and sound, Haze and Peter getting an email about how much I'll miss them.

I stifle a yawn, biting back my own tiredness. My eyes feel heavy, but I don't even notice myself drifting off to sleep.


I scramble awake, the dream of me falling and twisting about in the air preventing my sleep. I look around me to realize I'm still safely on a plane, the passengers around me all sound asleep. I also realize that the plane is nearing the ground.

We're landing.

I begin to gather all of my stuff I set beside me, and others begin waking up and scurrying to their carryons.


I push through the slow crowd of people blocking the terminal to the air port. I look around and take a deep breath of the fresh air. The airport, unlike the one I started in, wasn't very modern, but more rundown, like it hadn't seen an update in decades. This was the closest one to Kamar-Taj. I feel panic rise in my throat, nervous about this amount of people crowded around me. All of a sudden everything looks uneven. That woman's hair has a knot in it, there's a pile of rubbish that could be picked up in a corner over there, the sign up ahead is off-center. I bite down the panic and the urge to fix everything.

Suddenly my eye catches a man in a waiting area, holding a sign with my name on it. The man is wearing some sort of robes, and has short, fluffed, dark hair. I nervously approach the man, and he looks over to me.

"You...," he pauses to think for a moment, "Brooklyn?" I nod my head slowly, and he smiles.

"Welcome to Nepal, Brooklyn," he welcomes me, his thick accent lacing the greeting. I smile.

The unnamed man leads me outside, and tells me we've a long walk ahead of us.

"Walk?" I ask.

"Not a lot of people here drive. They prefer walking, the scenic route. Vehicles aren't really something we need." He explains.

"That makes sense. Gosh, it'd be so awesome if New York did that. Maybe I would tolerate to stay there," I glance around the crowded streets in awe.

"You think you could convince a stubborn New York tourist to give up driving? You'd have to get them all at once to cure their fear of getting run over," he laughs.

"I get that," I begin with a smile, already loving it here, "I don't drive, even in the city, but I can't say the same for everyone else."

"Why don't you drive, kid?" He asks.

I give the man a cheeky grin. "I fly,"

"Ah, yes. I forgot, you can fly. That's awesome. What's an overpowered individual like yourself doing seeking more training anyway?"

"It's more of a getaway. Got sick of the city, and if I can't already do it, what's wrong with giving it a try?"

"You've got an interesting learning capacity. I can tell you'll be a fun one to teach."

"What can I say," I pause, "I like to learn. It's fun to have a wide span of things to do."

I continue getting to know the man, and he definitely seems friendly. Finally, we arrive at what I assume to be our final destination.


Sorry for the short chapter! I fell really far behind, and this chapter was rushed, but how was it? Hope you enjoyed!

PS Wednesday's chapter may be a bit delayed I've been so bad at keeping up with writing lately and I'd rather put out a good chapter late than a quickly written chapter soon.


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