Sorry Wanda

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Tony pov

When Nat said the kid was still alive, good god I can't even explain how my heart felt. Like the grinch at the end I guess. I don't know why I took such a liking to her, but everything about Brooklyn screams 'protect' at me. She's in a medical center in the tower, and Dr. Cho always tries to sends us updates. It's been three days since the Ultron disaster, and I'd say Clint and I are a mess, Steve and sometimes Natasha keeping the team in tact. Nobody heard from Bruce.

I've even resorted to going back to spending all my time distracted by my suits. Clint hasn't been home to his family since the chaos in case something happens he'll miss, and I can tell he's on edge about it. I haven't seen Natasha in the past three days much at all, Thor either. I see Nat sometimes trying to hold the group together, but other times I catch her just crying in Brooklyn's room.

Every now and then Pepper yells at me to get my act together instead of wallow alone with my suits, but I rarely actually listened. Wanda now had a room in the tower, but the only traces that she was even here was occasional sobbing and rushing into Brooklyn's medical room where she would stay for hours.

The constant screams are worrying, her nightmares we can't wake her up from, the endless thrashing. I don't know what has happened to her in the past, but it wasn't good.

And there was still no sign of Evelyn on the chat, so I decided to message her.


Hey kid you good? Haven't heard from ya in a bit
Sent three hours ago


One week and two days later


Hey kid you good? Haven't heard from ya in a bit
Sent one week ago

Evelyn I'm sure ur busy but I'm kinda concerned
Sent six days ago

Did you break your phone or something?
Sent three days ago

Sent yesterday

Dammit kid why aren't you answering me
Sent just now


Brooklyn pov

I open my eyes to a blinding light, confusion surrounding every bit of my brain. I quickly squeeze my eyes shut, then open them again away from the visions I see. The dark haired woman in the corner- Dr. Cho? - comes over to me.


I gesture toward the light. She quickly fixes that with something else I'm confused by entirely.

"FRIDAY turn the lights down 35%"

My eyes adjust to the new lighting, my mind still wandering and hurting as well as my physical self. I look around the room I'm in noticing it's a medical room, and my body is covered in bandages. Dr. Cho quickly explains, lowering my confusion.

"The blast from Ultron, miraculously only caused you a minor concussion, along with deep cuts throughout your face and shoulder from how and where you landed. However, the wound in your stomach was rather concerning, and we were all very confused as to how you lived through that."

Wait a second... if- if they saw my stomach... shit.

"Also Brooklyn, when the others get in here they want to talk to you about something."

Shit. I looked up at what she called FRIDAY.

"That's Tony's new AI since Jarvis kinda... is Vision as well as Ultron..." I nodded though it made no real sense. Through FRIDAY, she called the others into the room. The doctor started the conversation with, "so Brooklyn, along with the new stuff from Ultron, there seemed to be other scars and older injuries on you?"

Shit. I winced at the remembrance of my mother and Mr Michael.

Tony looked to Captain America, who I tried to save the Ultron day, however long it's been since then, and said "language"

Shit did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did and I'm never gonna live that down am I Stark?" Tony shook his head as Steve snapped his fingers to get back on topic. Cho left the room then, deciding it wasn't her place to be involved.

"It's no big deal" I meekly replied.

"No big deal?" Tony sighed. "These nightmares, flinching, and the injuries which by no means are minor or recent or self inflicted are "no big deal"?"

I sighed and looked at the floor. They knew and there was no way I was getting out of it. They wouldn't want me anymore... my eyes wandered to the red headed girl in the corner, her red eyes and tear stained cheeks catching my attention. Clint spoke up.

"We aren't mad, you can talk to us Brooke." Turning away from Wanda, with the smallest voice audible, I told them, "No, I can't..."


I sighed, before looking down at the sheets of the medical cot.

"Well, uh, my uh, parents- they-,"

And then an image from Mr Michael flashed through my head, and I stopped. When I think I'm safe, all I see is that monster.

"They what?" Tony asked.

The images and memories kept flooding in, and I knew I was crying, but I was focused on trying to breathe.

"They- they- I can't breathe... sh- shit..."

And I looked up to seven wide-eyed angry avengers, angry not at me but it sure as hell felt like it. Wanda just looked down at me with love and concern, Nat and Clint quickly mimicking it, and I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.


"I can't!"

"You can."

And I tried.

Wanda however had the words I didn't.

"Did they... hurt you?"

I quickly looked down, another scene flooding my mind.

She nodded, her telepathic abilities syncing with mine, understanding what I could see. She winced. She could see it all. So I quickly tried to clear my mind, and send her a mental message.

I can't tell them. It hurts too much.

Dont worry about it, Brooklyn. I'll tell them?

I- I guess. Dont mention more than the parents and hydra, please Wands?

I've got you covered. Get some rest and I'll fill them in.

I nodded at her seeing all the confused avengers. She led them out, Tony keeping his eye on me.

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