Escape (Yet Another Kidnapping)

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After a while longer, the woman, whom told me to call her The Ancient One (I just called her Ancy anyway, she hates it) breaks me out of the underground lair of Hydra. In the astral body, she scoped out the place to find all its exits, and she taught me to do the same. She told me I would be a wonderful student at her training course in a place called Kamar-Taj.

I can't get over the fact that I have to live forever now. That sucks ass. My other powers were so much better. Wait, does that mean that overuse and cutoff of my powers won't kill me? I should try. I don't think so.

Ancy takes me home, and even with my constant assurances that I can in fact fly, she insists she walk me home.

"How long have you been alive?" I ask her. If she's going to live forever as well, how long has she already done it?

"Oh, only about 500 years. In the grand scheme of things, compared to the eternity I still have left to live, 500 years in my lifetime is like a minute in a millennia." She explains.

"Damn. So... forever. That's a long time to have left alive." I sigh out.

"It's not just a long time. It's all of time. There is nothing to look forward to. No light at the end of the tunnel. Just more and more tunnel." She says hopelessly.

"Well, what if the tunnel breaks?"

"A new tunnel is built and put into place. We lose earth, we move somewhere else. Eventually we'll be the last surviving humans, and whatever new thing reigns supreme after us will be fascinated with us. Unless of course Doctor Samael gives the serum to anybody else."

I'll be living in eternal misery... and the more and more I think about it the more and more I want to break out into tears, imagining the funerals of those I love. Tony, Clint, Nat, Steve, oh god, even Peter. I'll outlive Peter...

Ancy reaches over and wipes the tear from my face.

"Even though you'll outlive them, you could find joy in teaching. You'll know more than any of them, and could teach countless generations. Come join me at Kamar-Taj." She says in attempt to give me hope.

"I'll think about it," the rest of the walk ensues in silence, and when we reach the compound I tell her goodbye. She quickly disappears as I go inside before I can say another word. The girl working in the lobby today had short red hair, and when I came in she instantly looked up and made a phone call. Lovely. I went up to her.

"Hello. I'm just going to head up to my room." I tell her, but I think she's new.

"No no, you can't just do that. Wait, your that girl. The one- hang on, I've got someone on hold." I stopped talking and let her go back to the phone. She hangs up and in the doorway is a very distraught Tony. His hair is disheveled, he has big purple bags under his eyes and they are red and puffy. He's in the same clothes he was wearing the day I was taken, about a week ago.

"B-Brooklyn..." he stutters out, running towards me, enveloping me in a massive hug. He holds on tight, as if in fear that I'll be taken away the second he lets go. "Tony," I breathe out. I wasn't even gone that long, but the new shock that I would outlive everyone is still processing in my brain. I desperately needed to make the most of the little time I had with the people I loved, considering how, as Ancy put it, in the grand scheme of things, the parts of my life that they are in are like comparing seconds to years. This was going to be a long life...

Eventually we break out of the hug, and he slings his arm around my back as we head to the elevator. "You've gotta stop doing that," he chuckles slightly. "Stop doing what?" I ask.

"Getting yourself kidnapped. God, kid, you and Peter both are gonna end up giving me gray hairs." He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"What happened with Pete?" I question. Normal spider boy nonsense or more?

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