Nutella Bond

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Clint pov

It broke my heart to see the small girl, unable to breathe, worried about something to do with her parents. I could see the young red headed girl like, talking telepathically with her, or something like that. Eventually, the telepath led us out, and explained to us what Brooklyn could not.

I usually try to keep my cool, hold up a barrier for my family and the avengers to keep everybody happy and remotely safe. And all the avengers seemed so angry after Wanda explained the situation, and to poor Brooke that was probably terrifying. I stared at her for a moment in shock until there was a little... outburst. By Tony.

He stood up after his heart to heart staring contest with the floor, the abruptness causing Wanda to flinch. He quickly left the room, the door slamming behind him. Honestly, it was probably the best thing for him, considering he hates when he can't keep his emotions from emerging. Vision looked at the floor and said, "didn't see that coming" earning himself a well deserved kick to the shin from Wanda. I turned my attention back to the door Brooklyn was behind.

I went back into the medical room shortly after the rest of the team headed back to their respective rooms. She was hardcore shaking, tears welling down her face. She was probably intimidated by this many angry people so much bigger than her.

I walked closer to the medical cot she was lying on, and her bloodshot eyes stared directly to my soul. She spoke again, her voice shaky and her eyes focused on me. She was trying to keep together for me.

"They- They're all mad at m-me," she sobbed into the comforter, "I knew- I knew I shouldn't have said a-anything..." and so on, her downgrading words spiraling and spiraling about. "Hey, Brooke. Look at me." She moved her tear stained face out of the blanket to meet my worried gaze. She breaks my heart with her eyes alone. She's wiping them on her sleeve, and I'm a gentleman so of course I reach over to the table a bit away and hand her a tissue.

"Nobody's mad at you Brooke. They may be mad at them but they aren't your problem right now. We don't think any less of you, in fact-,"

"But why not?"

"What do you mean? Your amazing. Smart, sweet, funny, talented, there's nothing, not one reason that we would think of you with anything less than high regard."

"But I've made so many mistakes!"

"Who said that mattered? Look, kid, everybody makes mistakes. Tony literally created a killer AI robot disaster just last week. But it's all fine now! Brooke. All that matters is that you're safe and happy."

And that smile there, that one on Brooklyn's face was a genuine smile that made everything worth it. I didn't know why she was smiling, maybe it was newfound comfort. I'd hope so, considering that I just gave her the kind of pep talk most kids would kill for. I'd kill for her, just as if she were my own-

Wait a second. There's technically no reason she can't be, right?

I mean, there's a lot of things legally to sort out about it, and of course Laura and Cooper and Lila and the newborn... but it'll all be okay maybe? Give Brooke some time to adjust being back in the tower for a bit, I go help Laura with Nate... it'll all work out, if we're lucky.

"So whaddaya say, how about we dry those tears and I go ask for the Nutella jar." I say, grinning. Then I was surprised by the unexpected.

She launched at me, her arms wrapping tightly around my torso. Completely disregarding my previous comment, she begins crying again. Then I hear it.

"Thank you Mr. Clint"

"Just Clint."


"Snack time?"

I position her back safely onto the cot with strict instructions from Helen not to let her off of it, but eh, rules are meant to be broken.

"I'll be right back, Iron Woman." And with a grin, I open the door. But a voice stops me.

"It's not iron."

I turn around but that wasn't Brooklyn's voice. When I turn around, I see a very surprising face sitting in the open window. The Princess of Wakanda?!

"Sorry Hawk dude visiting New York and all and my dad wanted to stop and chitchat with the avengers." She said with a mocking tone, "nice tower by the way."

"You're the princess!"

"What about it."

"Well, uh,"

"Anyways as I said that's not iron, they were right when they said Hawkeye was a bird brain. That there is not of Earth, that's for sure, and I don't know how she got it."


Wanda pov

Natasha was trying to calm Tony, so Brooklyn wouldn't be more scared than she probably is, when I stumbled upon the bedroom with the logo from the Bombshell mask Brooklyn had on before. One I had been in a few times, catching Natasha in there.

It won't hurt to go in...

I push the door open, making sure no one is around. On the bed is a phone? It looked pretty old and cracked. I saw a bunch of notifications from both a chat called sTrAnGe StRaNgErS and a person called Bucket. I quickly snatched the phone and leave the room, forgetting about my previous curiosity. I walk straight out of the room, and to my knowledge Tony Stark is a fuckin' genius, man child or not, so I hand him the phone.

"What's this?"

"Found it on Brooklyn's bed."

I guess there was a setting on hers where if you open the phone notifications disappear? Because when tony turned it on to the Lock Screen they were gone. and for the next seven and a half hours, he began to hack. At least he was busy, but I was honestly concerned on what was in that phone if Tony tin can couldn't unlock it. I mean, it seemed to calm him down, nonetheless.

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