Auntie Nat

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*two months after the occurrences of the last chapter*

I'm back at my usual boring daily routine of completing my schoolwork online, roaming the tower, and training when finally after a boring two months of repetition something in the itinerary splits off and changes.

It's fantastic, the feeling of broken continuity.

I'm sitting in my room on my bed, laptop propped up on my legs doing schoolwork when I hear a knock on the door. I assume it's Tony telling me to eat something, but it's only 3 in the afternoon.

"Door's open," I call out, not expecting who opens the door. The only people who are ever here are Happy, Vision, Tony and Rhodey, with Peter or T'Challa sometimes popping in for a meeting or a meal. (Peter usually the latter of the two)

I look up to see a flash of red hair and that face I've missed for months now.

"Auntie Nat..." I say, breathless. She shhs me.

"Quiet. I'm undercover. I'm hiding out for a while, laying low. I came here in a disguise, but I had to visit. I couldn't have you rotting here alone thinking I was dead, now could I?"

I reached over and flung myself at her, clinging onto her back. "I missed you," I breathe into her shoulder, tears pooling in my eyes.

"I've missed you too, my Волшебный ребенок," I smile at the nickname, not having heard it from her in what seems like forever.

"Is it even legal for you to be here?" I ask, worried about what would happen if someone were to walk in right now.

She doesn't seemed phased. "No, not really. I'm a fugitive, just like the rest of the rogues. I've got a secure place to lay low for a while and I can text you the address from a burner phone."

"What if Tony tracks the number?"

"As soon as you get it, delete it. That phone will already be at the bottom of a lake by the time anyone knows it exists." I nod, relishing in my new opportunity to visit Nat.

"Anyways, I've got to go. Tony will be back soon, and I've got stuff to do. I love you, Волшебный ребенок," she kisses the top of my head before putting her blonde wig back on with a nanotech face mask and leaving the room.

After socializing with a new face that I don't see everyday, one that I've missed, the loss of her presence is boring. Almost painful, like a bandage ripped away from the stinging wound too soon. Pulling on the wounded skin.

I decide to go for some adventure. I patrol a lot more now that I'm homeschooled and there's no major threats to deal with. Patrolling is something to keep me from boredom, but I do it alone often. I leap down to the intern floor and wave at the little underlings then I'm off to the lab to tell Tony I'll be leaving.

"And I just like to have a lot of spare blasters in case there's a threat and I'm not in suit." His voice echoes through the wall. Who's he talking to? Is he on the phone?

I then hear feminine laughter, not that feminine, but I could tell it's female. "That's actually a good idea. A light-weight easy-access protection device." Her voice is deeper, throaty almost, but still very girlish. She sounds like she's about my age. "We should give that an acronym," he says.

I knock slightly on the door and open it, popping my head in. I can see Tony's disheveled face and a newer one. Shoulder-length dark brown hair. Shaggy bangs. Green eyes.

"Hey, Tones, imma go patrol for a bit. I'll be back for dinner." I say, ready to duck back out before he stops me.

"Wait just a minute. I wanna introduce you to someone." The girl seemed to shrink into herself at the idea of attention. I knew how that felt. I move from the door to inside the lab. I smile at the girl and extend my hand, deciding to go with a calm, friendly tone.

"I'm Brooklyn." She lightly shakes my hand, possibly internally mocking me for being so old-fashioned.

"I'm Hunter," the girl says quietly, I'm assuming she's shy. Fair enough. I look back to Stark.

"Hunter is my personal intern. Pretty smart, like you, but will actually work for me." He says the last part with a laugh, so I mock offense.

"She's only 14, but she's hella lot smarter than the other interns. I couldn't waste that kind of potential." The girl begins turning red, so maybe she's modest.

"That's cool. Maybe don't give everything away about your interns to everyone you meet." I joke, and I even see Hunter sneak a smile out.

"Anyway, imma head out now. If you need anything text me. Don't die. It was nice meeting you, Hunter!" I say before leaving. Before the door is shut completely I equip my suit and leave. I sneak a look at the address Nat sent me and quickly write it down in a journal I keep buried in my closet. And yes, it does have a lock. The key is hidden very well.

Nat's in Norway???

I quickly disregard the information and redirect my focus to my patrol. Helping people is what I do.

Hey guys! So a few things are going down in this authors note.

I am taking down Chronix for now. I don't think it matters that much anyway since not a lot of people read it to begin with, but I just thought I'd say something. I'm taking it down because I want to loop it into this story because I want Hunter to be a part of the ending. Chronix will essentially just be their backstory as well as a sequel to this book

Another thing! Be sure to check out my prior chapters if you didn't originally like them. I'm giving them some heavy makeovers so they look less first-time writer-y.


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