New Girl On The Street

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I decided to walk home from Peter's place instead of fly since I didn't really feel like flying around tonight. Before I left, Peter insisted I go inside and eat supper with him and May. It wasn't too bad, and May makes a killer lasagna.

On my walk home, I foolishly bump into someone. Her stuff flies everywhere, and instinctively I go to help her pick it up. "Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there," I mutter out in apology, as I scramble to grab her things. I hand them back to her and we make eye contact. She smiles and brushes her long, wavy honey blonde hair out of her eyes, "Don't worry about it. I should've been watching where I was going," she says sheepishly. Only when we make eye contact do I realize how stunning she is.

I never really knew my sexuality, and didn't really care much about it either. Love is love and all that sappy stuff. But I never thought I'd fall head over heels for a girl I met on a city sidewalk. My god she's pretty. Immortality was pushed way into the back of my mind. "I don't think I've seen you before. Do you live in this part of the city?" She asks.

Maybe she's one of those people like me who know this city like the back of their hand. I shake my head. "I'm just around Queens visiting a friend. I live more upstate, but I used to live really close to here before we moved." I left out the part where I actually lived in the Avengers Compound.

"Oh, cool. It's a long walk from here to upstate," she laughs slightly. "It's not that far upstate, we just say it is because it's farther up than Queens and the main city. Do you live around here?"

"Yeah, I've lived in Queens since I was little. I know the city like the back of my hand. Do you go to Midtown?" She asks me. At this point we are no longer in the middle of the road standing, but I was now walking with this stranger from Queens.

"I used to. I'm homeschooled now, school was just a lot of... stress and trouble, for me. Do you? And more importantly," I add with a laugh, "why have I never seen you before?"

"Yeah I go to Midtown, and I don't get out a lot. I don't know," she replies. "Either way, it's still a pretty long walk. Why don't you take the subway?" She pries a bit more.

"I don't like subways all that much. They feel creepy. I like to walk, or sometimes someone drives me." I leave out who drives me, and the flying part.

"Well, okay. Well, it was nice getting to know a new face around here, but I've got to go. My mother will kill me if I'm not home for supper. Do you have a phone?" She asks. I feel a pang of nostalgia when she mentions a meal with her mother. I wish I could have something like that, but now both of my families are torn in two. In a daze I pull out my phone and we exchange numbers.

"Hey, I didn't get a name," I call back with a slight laugh. "Oh! Right. I'm Hazel." She says with a smile. Hazel. That's pretty.

"I'm Brooklyn." I smile back at her. Im sure my face is red as a tomato, and luckily it's chilly so I have that as an excuse. I'm terrible with people, and I just had a full length conversation with one of the prettiest women I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure my face was still a dark pink when I walked through the door, and I still couldn't wipe off the grin that's been plastered on my face since she left. As soon as Tony saw me he gave me the parenting look.

"What's got you smiling like that?" He asks me confusedly.

Still in a daze, I reply, "Oh, nothing," the immortality thing now pushed way back into the back of my mind.

"It's not nothing... it's a boy, isn't it!" He yelps in realization. "Or... I dunno. Someone? Gotta give me something kiddo," Hmm, real convincing man. I give him a blank stare, totally 'judging' him. I don't know what I'm feeling right now or how to deal with it. If I'm in a closet of any sort, I'm not sure I wanna be out yet. "I'm going to bed," I announce finally. I don't know how to deal with this. I want to text Hazel back.

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