Promises, urmomises

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Clint POV

I can barely see anything out of these bars that isn't right in front of me, but I can barely see Brooklyn. I heard her talking with Stark. Seems like she's beginning to go insane. I've never seen her yell at anyone, let alone Stark. He ruined this when he signed. Those two used to be so close, like a father-daughter relationship almost. He signed and ruined that for her. No one gave a damn about Brooklyn when it came to the accords.

"I'm... leaking?" I can hear her laugh. Definitely going insane if she's starting to quote the Grinch.

Peters pov because I want action

I can't believe I just did that!! I stole cap's shield, was wacked by that big guy, and went on a MISSION with TONY FUCKING STARK!!!!! The two guys got away though, and Mr. Stark doesn't like that. Maybe he'll let me help him catch them! I should text him.

It really did hurt though, fighting Brooklyn. Physically and emotionally. And I know she was holding back when she fought me, which proves just how powerful she is. I always told myself that it would suck to be on the opposite team fighting her. It kind of pisses me off though.

I've talked to Tony. The accords could've been amended. It would take time, but this could've been sorted out. If Captain America wasn't so stubborn, none of this would've happened. So I do think they are at fault.

I know Brooke couldn't have been on this path, because she hates being told what to do because of her past. She did the right thing and retired, but clearly she can't hold back for long.

Although, maybe I'm in the wrong? I patrolled with Brooklyn when I knew the Accords had forbid it. And it must really hurt her that the second Tony Stark asked me to join him, I went. I'm really embarrassed of what I did back there when they trapped her in that invisible prison thing. I can hear it all in my head.


Tony turned to face her. I saw her smile upon realizing he can hear her. My eyes flick between Brooke and Mr. Stark, the difficult choice between my best friend and my idol.

Mr. Stark turns to me. "You know her?" I look down, almost embarrassed at being caught, best friends with the enemy. Oh dear.

"She's my best friend." I tell him, tears pricking my eyes behind my suit, but outside I look fine.

"What are you going to do then, Pete?" His voice echoes in my ear. The main thing that I hear over and over again. Reminding me that what happened next was my decision, my call, my fault.

I sit there, silent for a moment while I think this over. My eyes flit between Brooke and Mr. Stark. This is a painful decision. It would increase Tony's trust in me significantly if I didn't do anything. But I would be a terrible friend. Or I could do something, Tony would hate me and I'd be a rogue, but I would remain Brooklyns friend. It's a rough decision, but I have to do the right thing.

"What will you do with her?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"She'll be fine." He assures me, but something tells me he's lying. My Spidey sense is ringing in my ear. But I ignore it to do the right thing. Fuck the right thing.

"I'm sorry, Brooklyn." I choke. I'm a terrible friend.

Everything that happened there, I could've prevented it. I have to visit her.


I've webbed myself as close as possible, and made a quick call to Mr. Ross letting him know I'm stopping by. He protested at first but I told him I would be poking for information. I watched the Raft rise in front of me. I hoped they wouldn't hurt her. She's been through enough.

I greet Mr. Ross with a smile. He mutters a brief hello. What a nice fellow. I head down into where they keep the rogues. Mr. Barton stands, and I about lose my nerve right then and there. Before he catches a glance at me, he says, "Whoa, is the futurist back to scold us again? What luck. Should've told him not to bother!" He yells. I'm taking it that Tony is the futurist. Then Clint looks at me. "Oh, it's you." I'm in suit, as to not give away my identity to the others. "How goes it, kid." He says.

"I'm fine," I tell him. I look around at my surroundings. "So what brings you here? Tony send you to reprimand us? Tell him I'm not taking orders from a child in a spider onesie." Offensive.

"No, sorry Mr. Hawkeye. I'm not here for Mr. Stark. Just to visit a friend. Also, it's not a onesie."

He scoffs. "Sorry, kid. I don't think you would have any friends in here." I wave him off. Hurtful, but it's possibly true she hates me. Or he thinks it's highly unlikely that I'm friends with anybody here. Did Brooke not tell him who she was patrolling with? I see a redhead wrapped in herself like she's in an insane asylum I remember Brooklyn saying was Wanda. I see the big guy from earlier looking at me confusedly. "Who are you supposed to be?" He asks me.

"Cmon, man." I gesture to myself. "I'm Spider-Man!"

"Oh sorry. Fellow insect?" I nod. He smiles at me. Too bad he's a bad guy.

Then I see her.

There's a figure dressed similar to Wanda but in black, curled in on herself but facing the wall. Her head leans on the glass and I can't see her face from this angle. From her tense position, she seems to be in pain, and much more heavily wrapped than Wanda. And if the power blockers weren't enough, she had guards stationed outside her cell. Damn.

"Go away, Peter." She chokes out. I can hear her voice laced in pain, and she sounds groggy, like she's been crying. If I didn't know she had hyper senses like me, I would've been confused as to how she knew I was behind her.

"Hi." I say, calmly, kindly, and respectfully. I didn't want to argue with her. I wanted to apologize.

"You've got nerve coming here, Parker. Especially after choosing an entitled playboy you barely know over your supposed best friend." She says.

"Look, I didn't know they would put you here. He said- he said you'd be fine, I didn't imagine he'd do this!" I say, tears brimming my eyes at her hatred of me.

"It was Ross, not Stark. And what did you think would happen? He'd take me to my room and lock the door? Knowing full well I had a vast amount of powers to escape? He's a bitch, but he's not stupid, Peter." I can hear her begin to cry, my enhanced hearing allowing me to hear her sniffles. So Stark had nothing to do with it?

"I- I don't know, Brooke. I'm sorry."

She then turns around. By that I mean she spends about five minutes scooting so she can face me. I see it all. The cuffs covering her arms and latching her arms together but cutting into them. The blood. Her tear stained face and her red, puffy eyes.

"Sorry isn't going to break off these fuckers!" She screams, attempting to lift her arms. A tear falls at her inability to do so. My heart breaks. "Oh no, you aren't allowed to cry, Parker. You're free. You get to prance around in the sunlight, dance around in the rain, all while I'm trapped down here suffering, perhaps dying as I lose blood, I'm straining myself trying to use my powers, and losing myself as there's a damn good chance that my powers are keeping me alive and not using them kills me! All because you chose your idol over me. I'm so sorry, Peter."

Her paler than normal face softens with the last sentence, then scrunches up as she screams as loud as she can. I cover my ears as my senses begin to jack up and I'm sure hers are too. Her hypersensitivity is probably going crazy with every thing down here. "I PITY THE FOOL!" She yells. I turn away from her as a tear falls from my face, wipe it, and say, "I didn't mean for this to hurt you, Brooklyn. I'm so, so, sorry. When you're out of here, I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you."

"If, not when, Parker." She says dryly.

The next part I whisper. "I will find a way to get you out of here." Then I walk away.

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