The Hideaway, The Witch, and the Widow

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I fly down to the guy I'm chasing and using this great sweep of power I knock him into a wall, tie him up, and leave before the cops arrive. Then I look back to the address Nat sent me.

How would I even get to Norway? What would I tell Tony? Is it even legal for me to be outside government supervision right now? I need to figure this out.

I do have my license. I could tell Tony I need a break from New York and that I'm doing volunteer work in Europe. I could still do said work, just not tell him specifically where in Europe. They'd put it on a resume that I did volunteer work there. I already have a place in Norway near that address I could go to. That would cover Tony and the travel.

He would get me a jet, and I can borrow some money for a rental car. Problem solved. I'm visiting Natasha.

I finish my patrol and shoot Tony a text. He's already arranged a jet for me and some travel money. Maybe I could get away with staying in Norway for a while. The city has plenty of people looking out for it, they certainly don't need Bombshell.

Still in the suit, I fly to where the jet is stationed. Theoretically, I could fly myself there, but that requires a hefty amount of energy, flying transcontinental. I wave at the guard stationed outside the jet and board. It's empty, smells fresh and new, and it's very over the top. Very Tony.

I sit down in one of the very comfortable cushiony seats and prepare myself for a long ride. I prop up my laptop on my knees and finish all my schoolwork to cover a few weeks ahead and watch a movie. Somewhere along that timeline I fell asleep.


I wake up to a bright blue sky blaring into my eyes, and I hastily shut the window. I blink my eyes open a few times to try to fully wake myself up, and remember I'm still on the jet.

After another hour or so, I notice the clouds drifting above us as we near the ground. Landing time, finally. After all the hassle of getting off the jet and collecting my things, I call a cab to take me to pick up my rental car.

The ride is silent, which I'm grateful for. This whole trip is very stressful. I'm wearing a nanotech mask so I don't get caught, and if I had to strike up a conversation with a cab driver I think I'd lose my shit.

I pay him and get out at my stop, rushing to find my car. Only two more hours to drive.


Nats pov


"Hey, Nat. Natty. Tashaaaa,"

I groan and sit up, rubbing my eyes only to see Rick hovering over my bed.

"Dude what is this wake up call?" I groan in frustration.

"I made some breakfast, if your hungry." He says with a sheepish grin. I roll out of bed and into the kitchen. I grab a plate and wolf it down before looking outside. Looks like Norway to me.

Then I see something pretty unusual for the safe-house. A dark blue solstice turning the corner into the yard.

"Looks like you got a visitor," Rick says nonchalantly. I punch him in the arm.

"No shit, Mason." I walk outside with a gun tucked into my pocket, trying to get a glimpse at who's driving the car. Short, dark brown hair with blunt bangs peeking out from the window, the girl rips off a nano mask. I rush out to greet her.


"Nice Pontiac, little witch." I chuckle, watching her eyes light up at the sight of me. I pull her in for a hug. "Hi Tasha," she says with a grin. I look over to the very confused Rick.

"Brooklyn, this is my friend, Rick Mason. He's supplying me with a safe house after, well, the accords."

Brooklyn smiles at him, shyly waving. "Hi."

"Rick, this is ostensibly my niece, Brooklyn. She's a badass little witch." He gives her a smile as well.

"Welcome to my house that Nat seems to think is hers," Brooke about laughs her head off at that one.

"Want some breakfast?" I ask her. She immediately perks up at the mention of food.

"The hell I do. Long ass flight."

"Ohhh, so Tony flew you here?" I chuckle.

"Eh, I drove two hours to get here from where I said I was going." She shrugs.

We go in and eat breakfast together, even though I already ate something. I've been working hard to wipe the red from my ledger, to achieve something I never really knew what, to be forgiven. For a family. Maybe I should retire. It'd be so much more peaceful. But I would lose my real family. The Avengers.

"Hey Nat, I think we're outta butter." Rick says, lifting the empty butter tub in explanation. I sigh, grabbing the tub and tossing it in the trash bin.

"I guess I can run out and get some more." I look over to Brooklyn. I don't know how she'll handle being alone with a man, based on her past experiences. Is she gonna freak out? Is she better now? I haven't seen her in so long, aside from when I visited her last week briefly.

"Hey kid. I'm gonna go get some more butter. I need you to stay here where it's safe. It's a safe house for a reason, yknow?" I explain to her. She nods, but I sense uncertainty.

"It'll just be a couple minutes. I'll be back as soon as I can. It's safe, I promise. I would never lie to you, Brooklyn." She finally gives me her strongest smile and I pat her on the shoulder proudly. She's come so far from when we chased her down in the streets that day. I could tell she was still a bit nervous staying here alone with Rick, but I knew Rick would never do anything to hurt her, considering he knows I'd beat the shit out of him.

He could calm me down after a panic attack, surely it would work with Brooklyn? Now I'm only worried about her and her mindset about this. I ruffle her hair as I walk outside to my car. I'm in a black hoodie to disguise myself a bit. It's not until halfway back home from the store I realize something.

I'm being attacked.

Just recovering from some writers block, but I hope you enjoy this chapter! It took a bit longer to write as I was struggling to produce a decent chapter I liked in a certain amount of time, but with minimal motivation. I pushed myself to do it for all you guys I know are reading this, so here you go! I love you all 🫶💕💕

The next chapter may be a bit late because I have a life that's being extra lifey right now, so any delays and I'm terribly sorry


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