Civil Tension

14 1 0

Feels good to cave to my instincts and write a new chapter even if nobody likes it.

Now I'm writing for me 😎😈


I sit up in a bed, but it isn't the one from Clint's house. I look around my new location. I recognize it, it's familiar. But barely. I was in a hospital room for a while before I went to Clint's place. And before that was Ultron stuff. I haven't been here in forever.

I run my hand along the dust gathering on the dresser. The one I picked out with Tony. I brush the dust off of my fingers and open the wardrobe. Many of my things had been packed up and taken to Clint's house by Clint himself, so it's mostly bare hangers swinging slowly. My Ironman t shirt is still here. I never wore it in public. Just to sleep. It shocks me that having that shirt used to console me enough to allow me to sleep. Tony and I used to be friends.

I thumb through the clothes in the wardrobe. Mostly just other band shirts Clint left behind. I step away from it and slowly close the doors. I look around a bit more, mindlessly gazing at my Stark Tower bedroom. It's probably been months since I've been in here.

Then the shock wears off. Was I drugged? How did I get in here? When did I fall asleep? Did everyone make it out of the raft? Where's Clint? Is he okay? I should go back to the farm...

"Ahem," I hear a voice behind me, shocking me out of my thoughts as I jump. I quickly spin on my heels to face the familiar voice.

"Stark." I scoff, meeting his eyes. To my surprise, he wraps me in a hug. My first instinct is to push him away. But as he clings onto my shirt and whispers apologies I feel a sense of sympathy. I slowly wrap my arms around him until he pulls away.


"How did I get in here?" I pry, my other rampaging questions bitterly hanging on the tip of my tongue.

"You fell unconscious when, um, Spider-Man pulled you out of the Raft and I brought you here." He says in a calm, gentle voice. Trying to be subtle are we?

"Did everyone else make it out?" If anyone else is still in that hellhole, I'm gonna fucking riot. You can't just leave people like that! I just about died.


I repeat my question. "Did everyone else make it out?" But it's more of a statement this time. An order.

"Their all out, but I can't say for sure any of their exact locations. Sam is presumably off the map undercover with Steve and Barnes. Wanda is probably somewhere in hiding"

"What about Clint? And Scott?" No nonsense tone, activate.

"Clint is, well, I think anyway, with his family. Tiny dude I heard was put under house arrest."

"What? Why?" My instincts screaming at me to make a scene, I choose not to.

"I don't know. Look, kid, I'm really sorry about all of this, but I don't know what to tell you." He sighs, sitting down in one of my chairs. I had a bit of an obsession with chairs before I left. There are at least ten in this massive room.

All of my emotions began welling themselves up in my head. I couldn't help but think this was somehow my fault. Or entirely avoidable. It was. I'll probably not see Wanda for a while, and what if she hates me?

What if Scott was under house arrest because all of us were too arrogant to see this for what it really was? A setup from Zemo to split is all up.

What if Clint is mad at me? What if I try to go back to the farm and he doesn't want to see me again? What if he's mad that I'm back here?

Sam, Steve, and Bucky all off together? I don't think they'll ever be back. I don't think a compromise is possible at this point.

I just want us to all be a big, happy, laughing family again. My happy Avengers family.

And that will probably never happen again. I could feel a tear drip down my face, as Tony got up from the chair.

"Hey... kid. It's alright.." he says, wiping the tear with his thumb. He pulls me into a hug.

"I just wish we could all be a big, happy family again," I whisper as more tears fall uncontrollably down my face. I begin to sob into Tony's shoulder.

You're weak, a voice oozes into my head, like blood dripping from an ear.

No I'm not, I fight the voice.

You are

I'm not.

You're weak and pathetic. You always have been and always will be. You've gone soft. The last part was carefully enunciated, like the voice was trying to get a point across.

Fight! It screams.


After a while of awkward silence, Tony leaves, and shortly after I resort to walking randomly around the tower exploring to clear my head. In the year I lived here I still never managed to see everything this place had to offer. According to Tony, him, Rhodey, Happy and Vision were now the only ones who were at the tower full time. Peter stayed with his aunt, and T'Challa in Wakanda.

This family really was over. On top of that, Thor was off-world and nobody really knew where Bruce was. I really was alone, and nobody I used to bond with was around anymore. I could still talk to Wanda with my mind powers, but that was about it.

I stumbled across one of the abandoned training rooms. I've never seen this one, and I've never seen anyone else use it. It was so different to the other training rooms. Instead of weapons and simulations lining the walls, there were other things. There were still weapons, but the room seemed more about fighting with grace. Mirrors and barres lined the walls as well as chained weapons and sabers.

Dance fight.

I dug around in my pocket for my wireless earbuds and opened my good ol friend Spotify, hitting shuffle. I could fight to whatever song played first. (Above)

I began to dance and whip the chained maces around the people-like dummies, slashing them with the sabers. I took down the dummies with style and elegance and a little bit of brutality. The song ended and all thirty of the dummies were on the ground. I stood up and smiled to myself. I will be coming back to this training room.

Got you wrapped around my finger, babe.

I pick up the dummies and reset them before going again. When I'm satisfied with my work, I leave.

Prepare for a long two years of patrolling with Peter, visiting Clint and the family, and sitting in my room, bored and alone, occasionally exploring.

Hey guys...
I'm back!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and have a wonderful day.
🫶 you all!

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