Running From Your Problems

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It's been about a week since Clint and Peter told me about the accords, and I'm basically healed at this point, thank you self-heal, and Clint has been preparing his farmhouse for me to stay there. When Tony found out that I was leaving, I will never forget that face of pure sadness he held. I'd miss him, but I won't join him.

We left today, to his farmhouse just on the more rural outskirts of queens. (Pretending it's there for vigilante convenience) I would meet his family later, then meet up with Peter tomorrow, if everything went according to plan.

Clint has also been keeping me up to speed with what's been going on with the broken up avengers and their fights. And that they were planning something big in Germany, and invited a few... extras. And I won't help unless Clint does. I don't want to fight my family unless it's absolutely necessary.

**a bit later, at the farmhouse**

When we arrived, Clint introduced me to his family. The kids looked so young and naive, and I instantly missed the feeling of naïveté from so long ago. The boy introduced himself as Cooper, and gave me a small wave with a smile. The girl on the other hand, rushed up to me with a silly grin, and started... fangirling? Clint laughed at this adorable affair, and lightly warned her. "Lila, careful, she's human too." Then he looked at me with a grin. "Mostly."

The eager Lila showed me to her room, where I would be staying, and helped me unpack my few belongings. She was telling me a bit about herself as we did this, and I learned quite a bit about my new foster sister. I didn't tell her much about me, seeing as she was still very young, and most of my stories aren't exactly fit for children. Age nine, I think she said.

Cooper pov

After Lila and Brooklyn went off into what would be their shared bedroom, Mom and Dad wanted to have a talk, which got super annoying because they would kick me out to go to my room or something, and Nate was still too young to hang out with. And Lila never wanted anything to do with me anymore, and I doubt this new girl would change that, but who knows, she seemed pretty nice. I went off to my room before they even asked me, I knew the protocol by now. Dad was an Avenger, and Mom had the right to worry, I guess, but that doesn't leave much space for me.

Approaching my room, I heard Lila laughing in her own, next to mine. The new voice said something, barely audible. I assume she's not too fond on conversation, Lila's favorite thing. But I tuned in the conversation, hearing myself referenced in her same quiet tone.

"So your older brother, how old is he?"

"Oh, he's just a boring old 13 year old. All he does is sit in his room." Lila laughed.

It's not like you ever want to do anything with me anyway.

"I only wish I was boring when I was thirteen." There was something familiar in her tone, I often heard Dad speak with it after a mission with the Avengers. Remorse. She gave off broken vibes, which is I guess what happens when you have superpowers, it's not like everyone just gets them at birth, and if they do, unless you're not from Earth to begin with, you certainly won't have a hearts-and-rainbows life.

I used to date 'broken' girls, guys sometimes too. I could pretty easily tell them apart, something with how they hold themselves, how they speak, how they act in public.

"How old are you then, Brooklyn?"

"I turned 15 in April."

"Dang! So your like, in high school?"

"Yeah, I suppose so."

I don't think Dad thought this through, or maybe he thought it out entirely. I'm just going into eighth grade in august. She's gonna be a sophomore! I mean, that's not that much of a difference, but why about Lila and Nate? The more people in this house, the less one on one time I get. It's like they forget about me half the time. I guess it's fine, she seems pretty nice, and seems to keep to herself.

She's only two years older than me, and Lila is four years younger than me. And then there's little Nate. Maybe she and I could even be friends. But what if she's like the girls at school?

I wasn't really in the mood to go sit and sulk in my room, so I hesitantly knock on Lila's door.

"Come in!"

I open the door slowly, and Lila instantly frowns. "What do you want?"

"I didn't see a sign on the door saying I couldn't come in?" What're you two doing?"

"Fine. We're just getting to know each other!"

"Both of you, or just you blabbering nonstop?" I snicker.

"Hey! I do not blabber!"

"Sure, sure."

I see the newer girl smile slightly, then look at Lila. "You were blabbering a little..."

The younger girl opens her mouth in humored surprise, practically gawking. "Was not! Maybe I was a little..."

Maybe this won't be so bad.

She seems cool, what's the worst that could happen?

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