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"Oh my gosh, Lucy. Are you alright?" I asked rushing towards her as she forcefully yanked the tape from across her mouth.
"Hylla!" She exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug. Her hug was warm. Inviting. It felt like home.
"I was so worried about your sweetheart."
"You don't have to worry about me." I laughed. "Especially when I'm with Andrew."
"God! I knew it. Something was going on between the two of you."
"We're so lucky to be alive honestly."
"Truly." Alaric agreed.
I watched as he used his magic to help Georgia repair the damages that were done to the house. I was so busy being happy about seeing my family I had forgotten to look around. As you would expect Georgia loved the color purple. Her entire fold was full of it. I turned to see Charlie and Diego speaking in the corner.
"Diego, get over here," I called him. He strolled over to us smoothly his hands buried deep in his pockets. The ends of his hair had begun to darken again.
"Your hair changing color."
"Probably because of the prophecy," James said. "You're the other twin."
"The other twin?" I asked.
"You knew about him?" Andrew asked surprised.
"I thought we both did. Wasn't it clear in the prophecy?"
Andrew widened his eyes at James. Turning away in shame. He didn't catch as much from the prophecy as James did.

"Diego," Lucy said, smiling at him.
"Hi there." He muttered. "Nice to meet you. Whoever you are."
"Diego!" I snapped. "Be nice."
"I'm your aunt, Lucy." She said, giving him her hand to shake. He looked at her confused but still shook anyway.
"Lucy, our mother's sister."
"Ah yes." He smiled. "Excuse me for my rudeness. I'm not used to strangers."
"That's all okay and all. We need to get to Kevin." Alaric said.
"Wait, we just got here. What's the hurry?" I asked.
They all looked at each other.
"I swear I ain't telling nothing!" Charlie said. "I ain't getting another beating from one of dem demons."
"He has a plan doesn't he?" Andrew asked folding his hands across his chest.
"Of course, he has a plan, Andrew. He always had a plan. Even when he loses." I sighed.

"What do you mean honey?" Lucy asked. "Even when he loses."
"I mean it's almost as if he wants us to think we're winning."
"To let our guard down." Diego agreed.
"We need to get moving." Alaric repeated.
"Just wait," Andrew grumbled. "There's too many of us. Too many heads."
"His right." I agreed.
"Someone could get lost again and we wouldn't even realize until it's too late," Lucy said.
"It's me," I said. Counting on my fingers. "Then, Andrew, Lucy, Diego, Alaric, Charlie, Georgia..."
"And James... Let's not forget James." He said. Widening his eyes at me. "How? How can u forget your brother?"
"So eight of us."
"We're stronger in number surely," Andrew said.
"But still it's too dangerous," Alaric muttered.
"As I said before. I ain't telling nothing." Charlie whispered.
"So what's the plan." Georgia finally said, smirking at me.
"That's the first thing you have said since we came." I laughed.
"I don't talk when it isn't necessary." She smiled.
"Okay. Here's the plan. I'm separating us into partners. At the rise of the moon, we meet at Andrews." I said taking a deep breath in.
"Alaric, you take Lucy back to Andrews's place. She'll be safe there."
"Got it he said." Grabbing Lucy by the hand he smiled and nodded before vanishing.

"Georgia, you and Charlie stay here, there's a lot of injured creatures back out there that could use some of that magic." She smiled at me softly.

"Diego, you and James are together."
"Why?" James asked.
"Because you are both intelligent. And that's going to come in handy. I need you to go back to grandmas house."
"Oh. What's it you want from there?" Diego asked.
"I once saw nana with a map, if she's still alive, you ask her for it."
"If not?" They both asked together.
"Then find it," Andrew muttered. "Gosh, you two should be twins."

"Andrew, you and I are together."
"Oh laa..laaa," James said.
"That's not what I meant." I snapped. Trying to stop myself from blushing.
"Great," Georgia said. "So what's your plan then Hylla."
"Don't worry," Andrew said. "Pulling me back by my jacket.
"We going to track Kevin using this claw I took from Myaloú."
"I did not have that in mind," I mumbled.
"Nice move my man," Charlie exclaimed.
"You know how to use it?" Georgia asked.
"Just like tracking, isn't it?" Andrew said pulling it out. "Hopefully Kevin has the other missing one."
"I hope he does." I sighed.
"Probably, it's his means of summoning Myaloù."
"So..." I whispered. "How does it work."
"If Kevin has one, Andrew can use it to pull a current between the two. It'll lead you to Kevin. If not then Myaloù."
"So we not sure?" I asked.
"It's worth the risk," Andrew said.
"It better be." I snapped.

"It's been hours Andrew," I complained.
"It's only been 1-hour love," He said. I turned away as my cheeks began to feel hot. I knew I was blushing. And it was for a damn good reason.
"You tired?" He asked.
"No. I'm just... I don't know. I've lost hope."
"I feel the same love." He sighed.
"Maybe we should stop," I suggested. "For a tiny bit maybe."
"Okay then." He said.
He walked towards a willow tree, stamping the ground around him he looked over and smiled.
"Grounds dry."
"That's nice," I said, dusting the ants away as I sat.
He took a seat next to me, putting his arm around my waist he pulled me closer. I could feel his breath, breathing down into my hair. I smiled. I finally felt like a normal teenager again. This is all I wanted.
I leaned my head back against his chest. Looking up at him in awe. He tilted forward and gave me a peck. I smiled and moved away.
"What's happening between us?" I asked.
"Again this?" He asked.
"I'm confused, Andrew."
"What... are you not sure if you love me."
"Of course, I love you silly." I sighed. "I mean..."
"You love me too." He said winking.
"Come," he said patting his chest. "Have a nap. I'll keep guard."
"Aren't you tired," I asked. Climbing on top of him. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Placing my head on his shoulder. My face was buried in his neck. The smell of his strong perfume flooding into my nose. I could feel his heartbeat beating against my chest. And for a moment it was as if his heart was beating inside my chest. As if his heart was beating next to mines. He wrapped his arms around firmly. Dragging his fingers through my tangled hair.
"Sleep now, my queen." He whispered.

Someone calling my name. Someone shaking me. Is someone moving me??
Andrew was standing up, his arms still around me. I opened my eyes. The moon had already risen. How long had I been asleep?
I let go of Andrew. My feet hit the ground with a soft thud.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"The forest just behind the house." He whispered.
"Okay. What happened?"
"You were sleeping so I carried you here." He whispered again.
"Why are we whispering?" I asked lowering my voice.
"Because. Someone is following us." I said. I watched in horror as the bushes ahead began to rustle. The leaves began to move.
"I know your there," Andrew shouted.
"Okay... Okay. You got me." He said coming into the light.
"Myaloù?" I asked.
"What?" He said.
"What the frick are you doing?"
"I sensed my claw and came looking." He shrugged. "What are you doing son of..."
"Listen I'm tracking down Kevin." He snapped. "Where is he?"
"Andrew.." I said tapping his back.
"I don't know. I want my claw."
"Andrew... I said tapping his back again.
Andrew tossed Myaloù his claw.
"Who has the other?"
"Krystal dove." He said.
"You lie."
"He uses it to summon me. To leave dreams for people...werewolves who he has messages for."
"Andrew!!" I said.
"What?" He turned around. In the distance just as I could see, Lucy coming from the tip of the woods. Dragging a sword behind her as she walked towards the house.
"No fight?" Andrew asked Myaloù.
"I don't fight unless someone is paying me."
"And what is Kevin paying you?" I snapped at him.
"Eternal life in the valley. A werewolf as well as his kin as my slaves."
"And he offered this to every demon?" I asked.
"Just the greater ones."
"Wait, you said valley?" Andrew asked confused.
"Valley of the cursed."
"But no one has been able to find it," I said.
"That's what he wants your power for." He snarled before disappearing into thin air.
"Why isn't he on Kevin's side anymore?" Andrew asked.
"Probably when he realized that Kevin would never be able to kill me."
"Yeah." He said. "Come on. Let's get to Lucy."

"What's going on?" I asked. Rushing down the hallway, towards Lucy. James and the others were already around her. She was covered in blood. Her hair swept back. Gasping for breath, sweat trickled down her forehead.
"What's going on??" I shouted.
"Kevin..." She said gasping.
"Yeah?" Andrew asked.
"What about him?" I said. "Lucy??"
"Give her a break," James said touching my shoulder.
I gave him a death stare, telling him to back off.
"Lucy! Where is ALARIC?"
"Kevin..." She breathed again.
"He died..." She whispered. "His dead Hylla."
"What?" I asked in shock, stepping back.
"Who killed him?" Andrew asked.
"I did."

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