Finding Lucy

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Hylla was lying unconscious in a corner, Anthony right next to her. Georgia and Danielle joining barely able to get onto their feet. And I... What was I doing?
Trying to figure out what the hell just happened. James on the other hand was growling away on all fours. Snapping his teeth at the knocked over kevin.But...what had happened with Hylla and why was she unconscious. I looked over again at Kevin, he was gone! I scanned the area for Kevin. He was fast, but nothing got past me.
"Andrew...she isn't breathing." I heard Anthony screaming.
My heart pounding in my chest, faster and faster as my the process went through my head.

With Hylla laying one side unconscious and no sign of Kevin, it meant I needed to find him. And that's exactly what I was going to do.I dropped onto all fours, sniffing my way through the dust. Until I heard something behind me, the heavy breathing of a hurt wolf.I slowly moved towards it, growling as I did.
"Help me! Help me!" He cried. I stood up and bent over. Pulling him overexposing his face. Blood poured from his eyes and nose.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Help me!" He howled.
I looked around for someone to help, but as I did he sprung up, knocking me over.
I gasped as I picked my hand up to my nose. I could feel the blood slowly trickling down. I looked and my bloody fingers and then back at him.
"Oh no, you didn't! " I growled. Pouncing towards him, claws exposed I dragged my claws across his chest digging through his flesh and touching his bones. He stumbled backward, as if not sure if I was able to kill him. I advanced to attack again, but before I could reach him he whined and fled into the forest. I turned to see Hylla standing amongst the dust, she smiled at me.
"You okay Black?" She asked weakly before fainting out cold again.

"What we need to do is find her mother." I snapped at James.
"Well, you're the one who left her with Anthony."
"She was gone before I reached her," Anthony said in his defense.
"Which means," I said looking at James. "Someone just had been nearby."
"Someone was there with us." James gasped.
I looked over at Hylla, lying unconscious on the bed. She didn't know her full potential. And neither did she know her powers. How to control it. How it worked. Everything was new to her. The blast of energy she gave of was incredible. My body still ached from being hit over by it. Being a werewolf with super extraordinary powers must have been unusual. I looked at James, frowning to himself he thought. 'Should I tell him I saw someone?'
"Yes." I glared at him. "Yes telling me someone was in the forest with us could be a really important detail u left out."
"Hay! Dont read my mind."
"Well, then dont hide stuff from me." I snapped.
"I didn't lie." He protested.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock. You hid the truth."
"Okay, Andrew I'm sorry I won't do that again."
I looked over at Hylla as she slowly sat up shaking her head.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Just the two of you."
"You sure?" James asked worriedly.
"Yes, and I dont feel any pain."
"Speed healing. Progresses as you use your powers." James said as he walked out of the room.
"Is it Andrew?" She asked.
"Well, it depends why your asking. Don't you trust your brother?" I laughed slightly.
"Guess I'm already a liar, aren't I?" He shouted.
"I'll go," Hylla said getting out of bed and rushing after James. I decided to let them be. After all, they were brother and sister who needed to get along. Especially if they were going to live under my roof.
I walked briskly out of the room. Nodding my head to the guards who walked past me.
"Sire!" I heard Anthony's voice screaming from behind me.
"What is it now? Anthony."
"I'm afraid I have good news and bad news."
"Get to the bad news then, shall we?" I said.
"One of our guards had spotted Kevin with the women, heading for silver sand folds."
I turned around alarmed. "The outlawed gardens?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm afraid sire."
"And this guard, can he be trusted."
"Can you trust me, sire?"
"Of course, there hasn't been a single second where I've doubted your loyalty, and you of all people are well aware of that."
"Then you can trust this minotaur."
"Very well, we leave tonight."
"I'm afraid that cannot happen." He sighed.
"Whys that?" I asked surprised.
"Well, he kind of disappeared."
"Disappeared?" I widened my eyes at him when I understood what he was trying to say. "You mean he went through the fold?" I asked.
He nodded slowly.
"You let him take a freakin mundane though a..." I screamed then lowered my voice when the guards started to turn to look. "You let him take a mundane through the fold!"
"I assure you sire, if I was there I would have followed." He pleaded.
"Anthony, you don't follow someone into quicksand, you stop them from going near in the first place."
"Sire." I turned to see another guard huffing away, as if he had been running.
"I...i saw sire."
"You saw what exactly?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I saw the exact location to the opening of the fold. I saw him sire, coming in and out a couple of times."
"That's it," I said. "We going in tonight. "
"Should I alert the household, and prepare the weapons?"
"Yes." I said. "Alert them, tell them were going hunting."
"Yes sir." Anthony said grabbing the other guard and walking away.
"Finally," I said. "A chance to catch Kevin knight myself."
I smiled to myself before going behind Anthony.

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