Whose your father?

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Wow I thought, he was indeed really gorgeous. And those blue eyes... I knew I'd seen it somewhere before. And I was right. My mind scrolled back to the day at the school and after that coming up the stairs from the basement. And somewhere else. Under the full moon perhaps. But I couldn't remember. And my brain wasn't going to allow it. Right now my life and my brain were both upside down. Twisted, and entangled was my normal life and the life I was facing now. I then remembered that my mother was still missing and I didn't have a clue where she was. And now I'm in a place? A castle of some sort. Well, they sure had a lot of books and I couldn't wait to read them.

A loud voice from the other side of the hallway began to echo towards us.
"Let go of me at once."
"Please sir, I assure you I am of no harm."
Andrew grabbed me and pulled me beside him. As I turned I saw a very familiar face.
"Wait you two know each other?" Andrew asked me.
"Son?" I looked at Andrew.
We all stood there starring at each other in shock until the short caramel-colored woman with bright purple hair showed up.
"Hylla is this Alaric. Alaric, Hylla. James and Andrew most of you are familiar with. I Georgia."
"Hi," I said. "You saved me under the moon."
She looked at me with confusion. "You remember?"
"Yes, I remember everything."
She turned to Andrew and raised her eyebrows.
"Well," he said, dragging his fingers through his hair. "She's the strongest power."
"Oh!" Both Alaric and Georgia bowing before me.
"Okay..." I held my hands out showing them to stop. "I'm not whatever he says and there certainly isn't a need for anyone to be bowing."
"No," Andrew snapped. "It's your right. Accept it."
"Fine." I snapped, " but then why did he call u son?"
"Because he grew me up after my father died."
"Your father died?" James asked.
"Ours too." I looked at James placing a pitiful hand on Andrews's shoulder.
"I assure both of you, your father is rather pretty much alive."
"Very alive." Alaric corrected smiling. "And his a pain in the ass."
"I agree with you." James muttered.
"Wait, you talk as if we share the same father?"
"Yes, because you do." Andrew sighed. I looked at James who slightly nodded his head.
"My fathers alive!" I shouted. "Omg!! I can't wait to meet him."
"No! Its not like that Hylla." Andrew snapped.
I looked at him for a couple of seconds before blinking or even thinking anything. Did he really just snap at me.
"What?" He asked shrugging his shoulders.
"That may have been a little too harsh Andrew," Georgia said.
"Well, basically to break it down for you, your father is the worst werewolf to ever exist. He deals in dark magic, black magic, demons, the dead, cursed warlocks and he wants to kill you." He tucked his hands into his pockets and looked away.
"Look sister, he ain't lying, he tried to kill me too," James whispered.
"He did?" Andrew looked surprised.
"He did, and that's why we landed here. " Alaric smiled. "And we were just about to leave."
"No!" Andrew reached out but then quickly pulled his hand back. "Her mother is out there."
"Wait," James pointed out a finger to Andrew. "You put her to sleep. You called your guards."
"That would be me," Anthony called from the background. "At your service you highness."
"What happened to my mom!" I exclaimed.
"She...." He began to say.
"She got away, I believe Kevin has her."
"Andrew?" I asked. "Is that my dad?"
"Yes, that's him. The asshole!"

I slowly put my head down as they all dispersed one by one. I overheard Andrew telling Alaric and Georgia to keep an eye around the border. What border? I thought.
"We need to keep her inside the building!" Andrew muttered  under his breath.
"It would be safer we take her to the meadow," Alaric argued back. I pretended to be in my own space and time, not moving a flinch as not to make them aware I could hear even their softest whispers.
"Taking her to an entirely different fold? Are you out of your bloody mind?"
"Andrew, please it's not safe here."
"Alaric is right, Andrew. I agree we keep her here in Snow city but put up a force field, some kind of spell to at least secure the premises."
"Georgia, this ancient building belonged to Krystal Dove himself, it took people...werewolves decades before they could find him. Do you really think someone like Kevin and his minions will find it?"
"They will, but it will take time," Alaric said. "I suggest you, station guards, at the very end of the field."
"Even after the force filed?" Anthony asked.
"Yes, even after."
"Fine!" Andrew sighed. "I'll allow a couple of layers of extra protection and the guards. Only our finest. But remember I'm doing this for her."
For me? Was Kevin, my real blood father really trying to kill me? And for what? Who would know that I could ask and get the answers? James?
I then thought of an even better idea. A library as big as a town, I was sure to find something in there.
I moved towards Anthony and their voices stopped.
"Anthony, would you be so kind to lead me to the library?"
"Why yes your majesty. It would be my pleasure."
"Shall we get to it then?" I smiled at them as Andrew frowned at me. I pulled Anthony by the arm and quickly huddled away. Hoping he didn't catch onto what I was doing.
"Hylla!" He shouted.
Oh shit I thought, I wanted to carry on as if I didn't hear him. But Anthony pulled me around.
"Andrew, how can I help you?"
"Are you...looking for something specific? " he asked raising an eyebrow.
"No, I dont want anything at all. I only wish to....admire the structure of this building, it's finer... Details." I smiled. He nodded and we turned to leave.
Idiot, I thought. Admire its structure.? Finer details?
What the hell was I thinking?

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