The Changing

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I blinked a couple of times before reading the bloody words again. My mind refusing to accept anything and everything at this point. Nana was right, there were monsters out there, nightmares and demons. And crazy history teachers who somehow could disappear in a single second. And here I was, standing in the middle of my basement, sweaty and confused.

Bloody words dripping from the walls, words telling me I'm something I believed to be a fairytale. Something you would pick out of a horror story or a comic book for that matter. But everything was real. I heard the sound of Nana calling upstairs but for some reason, my feet hurt like anything else. I looked down to see my nails longer than they had ever been, the fur slowly creeping upwards from my feet.
But how? I thought. The changing of a werewolf happens under the full moon.
I pulled myself together. Think Hylla, think.
"Hylla!" I heard Nana calling again.
I forced myself to run, my body feeling sluggish. I could barely move my arms. Sweat trickling down my forehead and the back of my neck. The urge to pull my hair up into a bun or even a ponytail. I pushed myself forward falling onto the stairs.
"Nana!" I screamed. "Help me!"  I yelled as I crawled up the stairs. The air was slowly being sucked out of my lungs.
"I...I can't breathe..."
I haven't even made it halfway when my eyes wanted to close. My chest was as heavy as it could be. So, I just lay there, hot and sweaty.
And then, a sharp pain, smack right in the middle of my heart, a piercing pain, tearing through my body. I yelped in pain.
I looked up. And there he was. A tall slim figure.
"How long do we have? "
"Couple minutes maybe." He told Nana. His voice was deep and cold as ice. Handsome, thick British voice.
He ran down the stairs towards me.
"Hold on." He said to me.
I tried to hold on to him but my fingers were failing me.
"Faerie blood!" He shouted. "Do you have faerie blood?"
"No...I'm afraid not."

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. I felt my body swaying as he was running, taking me somewhere. I could see the trees covering us as he ran into the forest. The sky becoming harder to see as the trees thickened. And suddenly he let me down, onto the cold snow.
"Snow in the middle of summer." I moaned.
"Hush love, save your energy." He whispered. "Georgia, the blood."
" I have it here." She said handing him a small bottle filled with a thick gold substance.
I frowned as I looked up at the lady, dark caramel skin and bright purple hair. Her eyes gleaming dark purple in the moonlight.
"Did she know she had to be under the moon when she started turning?" She asked.
"Open up." The boy said. He leaned over and poured the thick liquid into my mouth, surprisingly it was hot and tasted like melted lava. Not that I would know what that tasted like. The last thing I remembered was the burning sensation of thick lava-tasting liquid slowly moving down my throat.

I woke up in a noisy room. Small winged creatures flying around.
"She has awakened."
I sat up and looked around. I was in a totally different world. Somewhere I haven't been before.
The walls gold and silver had painted blue and red flowers spreading across them. In front of me was a large glass window. The view outside was beautiful. The sun shining bright, and yet somehow I still felt cold. I shivered as some cold wind went down the back of my neck.
"How are you feeling?" A tall brown-skinned man, with silver eyes, had asked.
"Umm, I guess okay," I replied. I looked up and down and noticed he wasn't normal.
"Do you mind?" I asked. "What exactly are you?"
"Your majesty, what do u mean?"
" Your legs, goat?"
He laughed before stepping a little back.
"Your majesty, Anthony the minotaur. At your service I am."
"A minotaur?" I asked "Why don't you have a bull's head? And.. And horns?"
"Well, I do have horns, your majesty." He said. Flicking his long hair aside. I leaned forward looking into his hair.
"Oh dear, has someone cut them off?"
"Yes, your majesty, in the great war."
"And these things minotaur, what are they?"
"Pixies, your majesty."
"Pixies? Like fairies do you mean?" I asked.
" Your majesty, fairies are little women creatures, who have no better use than to loaf around. We often use them to place books in their correct places in the library."
I smiled gently. "So what is the difference?"
"Pixies have magic in their blood, your majesty."
I smiled again. Knowing not what to say. "Tell me, what other creatures live here?"
"Faeries, your majesty. "
"Faeries? Are they not the same as a fairy?"
"Your majesty, Faeries are a race of fierce warriors, who fought alongside the werewolves in the great war. They have magic in their blood and have great war skills. However, their race has been wiped out, haven't heard of one of them in a good 20 years."
"And what else is out there?"
"Warlocks, your majesty. The kings of the magical world."
"And witches?" I asked swinging my legs out of bed.
"Oh no, witches dont exist."
I frowned at the thought of that. Only men have power over magic. I got out of bed and began to walk toward the window.  The sun still shining outside, but still where was the brittle cold coming from?
"Is that it?"
"We have shapeshifters."
"Interesting." I returned to the bed and pulled the blanket off, wrapping it around me. "Let us go for a walk, shall we?"
I walked behind minotaur as he pushed open the doors of the room. The marble floors spread out far with wooden doors, spread evenly the walls.
The marble, shining under my feet. I looked at each door as we walked down the hall. Each door was decorated differently. A roman numeral placed at the top of each door.

After some time of walking and some silence to myself, we came into a big opening.
The roof was transparent, the moon shining down on us. Tunnels of water running along the walls.
I looked down, the I almost yelled as the floor was just as transparent as the roof. Floors and floors as far as the eye could see of books. Shelves and shelves of books.
"Minotaur, is that the library?"
"Your majesty?" He asked turning around.
I pointed towards the floor and he let out a small grin.
"Yes, that is the library." He turned to walk again but then stopped. "Someone is behind you."
I turned to look behind me and there he was, the one who had been following me around, gleaming down at me. His deep blue eyes were so clear as if piecing right through my heart. His facial hair so neatly framing his perfectly shaped face. The ultimate chiseled jawline. I quickly snapped back into reality as I noticed him staring at me. And it was as if suddenly I could hear his thoughts. But not all that clear though, somewhat distant. He stretched his hand out to me.
"Andrew Love."
"Hi, I'm Hylla knight. Nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand for a brief second.
"I am Andrew black." He said smirking at me.

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