Book of prophecies

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The sound of whistling winds could be heard inside my ears, in fact,  it left it ringing in my brain. I could feel my body temperature drop as Mr.Baker grabbed hold of me pulling me into his swirling gust of green smoke. I whirled around to see fear in Hylla's eyes, as with one jolt we had lifted off the ground and began to spin in moderate circles. Rounder and faster as each second went by. It might have been in a second for Hylla, that we had disappeared right in front of her eyes, but for me, every second was accounted for. The feeling of hell itself embracing me whilst  I had still been in shock about whatever the hell was back there.

I realized I was lost in my thoughts when my feet hit the ground with a loud thump. 
"We've arrived Mr. Knight. I'm sure you will be safe at your home?"  Said Mr. Baker dusting off his clothes.
"You bet?" I asked sarcastically. "Yeah, and what the hell was that anyway? You trying to kill me?"
"That James was teleporting... Now if you'll excuse me, I have places I need to be."  He glanced at me one last time before disappearing before my eyes. And yes, it was just a tiny second.
"So, someone's home early today." I heard a voice coming from one of the inner rooms of my house. Mom wouldn't be home. It was a weekday so she'd probably be out drinking somewhere or hungover in Show Forest.
I slowly slipped off my shoes and began walking towards the kitchen hoping that some other kind of creature wasn't waiting in ambush to spring out at any given second and attack me.
"Is someone there?" I asked.
I turned to look over my shoulder. There is was, a magnificent shadow of a wolf splattered across the walls of the living room.
"I said, is someone there?"
"No genius, haven't you heard? People just hear strange noises these days."I jumped at the sound of the person's voice. Slow, calm, and steady yet as cold as ice. The kind of voice that gives you the shivers. A voice filled with pitty at all left for it's the victim. A voice, when u heard it you'd be sure today was the day u die. And I sighed... Knowing it was probably my last breath. I inhaled deeply, breathing in the dust from the old house, and shut my eyes tightly. Take me I thought in my mind.
"Exactly where would u like to go?" The voice said.
I opened my eyes faster than I closed them. There in front of me was a tall handsome young man. Broad shoulders, the shaven beard with the perfectly chiseled jawline. Thick black hair swooped to the back of his head and the most perfect shade of blue eyes.
"Are you done analyzing me?"  He asked raising an eyebrow.
"What's your game man?" I muttered. "Can't a man think in peace?"  I stopped at the thought of my question. He smirked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, I can read your mind...James knight?" He asked. I nodded my head after what seemed like an entire minute. Because I was in shock maybe, at the fact that there was a handsome freak who could read my mind and was most probably a I was.
"I'm Andrew. Nice to meet you." He said putting a hand out to shake. As soon as I reached out to shake his hand he pulled back and laughed.
"I'm only gonna say this once, so listen properly the first time. I'm gonna need that book you stole and the address of your sister." He put his and out again.
"Look, you can have the book but I don't have a sister." I shrugged reaching for my bag and pulling out the book.
"You don't?" He asked surprised.
"No dummy! Hylla isn't my sister. I only met her today anyway."
"She's in danger...I think."
"You think?" I asked, blinking at him.
"Yes, well you see the prophecy says 'Two and two shall make a pair. In this, there shall be one's white hair. Don't forget... it's not in your care. Carry it away, protect it. For one shall want whats not his. One shall want its blood. The one with the a knight. Save it before the night, in which he takes the blood and ignites. The one shall use the dark force to bring back the other despite him dying he shall rise..." He stopped for a moment perplexed.
"The one who's watching, he shall oversee, he shall guide, undenied. Wait until the chosen two collide, to take back what was stolen and free those who are broken...indeed unspoken." I completed it for him.
He looked at me for a couple of seconds then sighed.
"How do u know that?" He asked. "That's what I wanted the book for."
"My mom..she thought it to me when I was younger. Now don't ask me what it means because I don't know."
"But I.," Andrew said grabbing my shoulder." I...know what this means."
"Care to explain?" I asked.
"I need your help though with some parts at least."
I dug in my bag for a page and pen and began scribbling down the lines from the prophecy, as fast as I could. I saw Andrew pacing up and down from the corner of my eye.
"Right first line." He said. "Two and two shall make a pair. There's a legend about two twins who married two twins and one of the two had children."
"Twins?" I inquired.
"Yes. Twins of course." He rolled his eyes at me. "Line number two, in this there shall be one's white hair. Meaning one of the children has white hair."
"Oh, you mean like from the legend of the strongest power?" I groaned.
"Yes. Dont forget it's not in your care? What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, confused.
"Maybe...the child was abandoned?"  I suggested.
"Couldn't be. Maybe it's being looked after by someone who isn't its real parents."
"Clever." I smiled. "Just to be sure, why are we calling"
"Because James Bond. We don't know the gender of our baby!" He snapped, his voice still cold as ice.
"Then...why don't we just call it baby?"
He gave me a deadly stare that made my insides turn upside down. I could barely swallow, continuing to look down at the page I read.
"Line number three. Carry it away. Protect it?" I asked looking at Andrew.
"That we need to find it and take it away to a safe place obviously. "
"Fourth line." I sighed, already getting tired of this. "
For one shall want what's not his. One shall want its blood. Pretty self-explanatory. "
"Fifth line. The one with the a knight." He looked at me and raised his eyebrows.
"Maybe like a soldier? A king's knight? At the castle? Prince Charles?"
He looked at me frowning as though I was the biggest disgrace of his life."Really James bond? Hylla, it means Hylla!"
"Oh gosh." I gasped lowering the pen to the table.
"Hylla is in danger Andrew."

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