A dark night

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"Your friend here is quite a one!" Charlie said to me as we followed Andrew out of the tunnel and into the fresh air. The sky had already started to darken or was that just the clouds of polluted air that made everything seem so dull?
I looked around, the town had fallen, the kingdom in ruins, no wonder Charlie wanted to escape his royal duties. It seemed as if hardly any hope was left. Nothing had been left really. Nothing at all.
Charlie picked up his pace, meeting with Andrew, he pointed towards a bridge on the other side of a burnt field. The field was still alight, light smoke filling the sky. It looked as though we were headed for the fields and over the bridge. Charlie turned to us indicating we should cover our noses and mouths with something.
Andrew ripped off his shirt, exposing his fine body underneath, his six-pack catching the attention of all around him. Tearing his shirt into several pieces he moved toward me slowly.
"Hi," I said.
He smiled weirdly and shook his head. "Hello, Hylla." He leaned forward, pulling my hair to one side.  Carefully placing the piece of the shirt around my face and making a knot at the back of my head. He then dragged his fingers through my hair, pulling it back so it lay neatly between my shoulders. A rather cold shiver slithered down my spine making me shake.
"Are you alright love?" He asked lifting my chin with his finger. His fingers were even colder than the shiver.
"You sure your not a vampire?" I said laughing.
"Why do u ask love?" He said.
"Well, your very cold..." I weirdly shoved my hands into my pockets as he looked at me in shock.
"Not you!" I gasped. "I mean your fingers, your fingers are cold." I stuttered.
"You're just very hot love!" He said and walked off. I could feel my cheeks turning red as they burned with butterflies. I shook the thought away and continued to follow through the field.

"So... Andrew huh?" Couldn't find someone less good?" James asked poking my side.
"Stop it." I snapped. "I don't like him if that's what you're suggesting."
"I'm not." He laughed. "But why the blushing though?"
"What's not to blush about James? It happened in the moment. It's over now."
"Well, my spidey senses say..."
"You're a werewolf, not a spider James."
"Well, then my doggy senses..."
"James!" I looked at him bluntly.
"I'm just saying, something cooking here." He smiled pointing back and forth to Andrew and me.
I pushed him away and continued to walk.
But was he right though? Was something cooking up between Andrew and me or was it just the two of us, obsessed with his perfect appearance? His perfect stature? Maybe it was that which made him so attractive, or was it the way he acted towards me and not towards anyone else? I would only know in time. I looked ahead, the field was coming to an end and the bridge wasn't far from where we were. But the night was also coming to an end and it was getting dark faster than we thought.

"The bridge won't hold all of us at once, we should cross one at a time," Charlie said.
"I'll go first," Andrew said. "Then Hylla after me."
"I'll go last." Charlie smiled.
I watched as Andrew walked over the bridge and disappeared into the darkness. After a short while, he shouted.
"All clear!"
I walked towards the bridge my heart pounding in my chest. I placed my foot on the tip of the bridge, as I heard it squeak I almost thought of backing out.
"You can do this Hylla," I whispered to myself.
I straightened my back and held my breath before walking over briskly, I heard the sound of water splashing as I walked across.
The smoke from the fire was still thick, hovering over the bridge making it hard to see. I stumbled forward and touched something cold. I gasped in fear and moved back.
"Hylla," Andrew said, taking my hand and pulling me into his arms. "You okay love?"
"Yeah, thanks."
We waited until Charlie finally crossed over the bridge.
"Well, something's definitely in that water." Charlie laughed.
"Really?" I asked. "Like what?"
"Crocodiles maybe." He said.
I looked into the smoke trying to see the water but to no avail. The smoke was still thick and it was getting darker by the minute.

By the time we reached the foot of the hill, we were covered in complete darkness. Unable to see a thing.
"We should wait for the morning," Alaric suggested.
"You've been rather quiet all this time, why should we take your opinions into consideration?" Andrew muttered.
"Andrew!" I said.
"What?" He asked.
"That was kind of rude, don't you think?"
"I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I just think that we're so close stopping now doesn't make sense."
"Besides. It's dangerous out here." Charlie said.
"Okay then," Alaric said. "We continue."
"We take the option that is safest," I said.
"I agree with her." A voice came from inside the smoke.
Andrew and the rest gathered around me in a circle, ready for attack.
"All alone out here, the four of you'll." He laughed.
"What do u want?" Charlie asked. "Just take it and go."
"No!" Alaric said. "Be careful with your words."
"It was already said." We heard his voice again, this time closer than the last.
"You won't be getting anything." Andrew snapped. "Not without getting through us first."
"That's fine really. All I want is...your lives."

I opened my eyes unable to remember what happened. Hands tied behind my back I turned to see Andrew still unconscious.
"Hylla." He said.
"What just happened."
"Magic..." Charlie exclaimed. "The work of an experienced warlock."
"I think not." A voice said from the corner of the room. He hit the light switch, I closed my eyes from the brightness.
"Great, a werewolf," Alaric said.
"A werewolf?" Andrew sighed sitting up. "A werewolf and yet I can't get a scent."
I looked over at Charlie who shook his shoulder, turning his lips into a frown I knew he knew nothing about this.
"He's covered in magic...my magic!" Alaric exclaimed.
"Your magic?" Andrew and I asked together.
"What do u mean your magic?" Andrew whispered. "You made this?" He asked nodding towards the boy in the shadows.
"No," the boy said coming out. "He just used his magic on me."
He was not too tall, but still a whole lot handsome. Round face, green eyes, and extremely thick brown hair. Dressed in an old sweater and a pair of jeans he looked as if he haven't had a shower in quite some time.
"I did?" Alaric asked.
"Are you the one you think I am?" Charlie asked. I looked at him in confusion.
"That'll be the settling power. Same thing I threw on you'll before you guys passed out. Cool right?" He said.
"Are you the one he thinks you are?" I asked.
"Yes and no." He said
"Yes and no?" Andrew frowned. "What the hells that supposed to mean. Give us a straight answer will yah? And your awfully quiet after all this while!" He snapped at Alaric who was glaring at the boy.
"Is it really you?" He asked. "Diego is it? That's what your mama named you."
"Hello, Alaric."
"So now you two know each other?" I asked surprised.
"Oh once upon a time, I knew him."
"Once upon a time?" We asked.
"Before our tribes were cursed..."

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