The letter 2

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Who the hell was expecting this to turn out the way it did? A hell of a lot of news. First about Hylla and the weird memory kid. And then smack in the face with the two prophecies. So Hyllas mother was kidnapped. Taken away by someone. But these were prophecies, probably told by Krystal Dove. His name was at the table after all. So he told her long before. Why didn't they prevent it? As far as I knew prophecies could be changed...I watched as Hylla and Diego caught up on all their life theories. Watching them made me realize how lonely I had been. Ever since Alaric let me be to myself. How I wanted it. I wanted freedom and he gave it to me. After all, he wasn't my father, but he sure made a decent amount of effort to try and fill the hole that had been left in a five-year-old boy's heart.
When I thought about it I hardly remembered my parents. Nothing of my mother. I didn't even know her. And how could I have remembered? On the other hand, so little of my father. There was a great story behind my birth. Why my mother died. Alaric had told me it multiple times as I was growing up until I was old enough to realize I was the reason my mother died.
When she fell pregnant with me, she shifted into wolf form and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't shift back. She gave birth to me in wolf form and that's how she died. I was the only wolf among many packs to be born as a cub and not as a baby. She gave me her life, along with whatever power she had. Born during the uprising, my father did my best to hide me away from the world. But stories got out. People came to know. Dangerous people. That's all I knew so far. I had a feeling, a pretty strong one to be honest, that Alaric knew more than that. But somehow he always had a way of convincing me he didn't know what happened to my father. Growing up the way I did force me to be the way I am. To act strong. Inside out. To not show emotion. "Emotion is your weakness boy!" He would say. "Show that to your enemies and it's over for you."

"Okay..." I said finally standing up, "if you two are done there are places to be and things to be done."
"Like?" Diego asked.
"Umm, let me think," I said. "Maybe like finding your irresponsible brother who always seems to get lost!"
"Okay. Calm down." Hylla said, patting my chest. "We will get to that."
"Listen love if you're not worried about your brother then I wouldnt give sweat about it. So let me know."
"Andrew, I just found out I have a twin brother. Can you at least give us a second?"
"Hylla." I snapped. "It's being a couple of seconds alright. Half the frikken day is gone!"
"No, your joking." She said and hurried towards the window. She yanked open the curtain, the afternoon sun shining across the fields.
"Shit!" She said.
I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. Rolling my eyes I picked up the jacket I had flung on the couch and headed for the door.
"Im hungry, sleep deprived, and annoyed. So if we get out of here, you two better hurry." I opened the door and stepped outside catching a glimpse of Hylla helping Diago stuff a few too many things into an old grey backpack. I shut the door and took a deep breath. We were way behind. Alaric would have sent me a message by now. Some kind of message. But he hadn't. Or I thought. I looked down at my palm. A slight tingling sensation had started. Alarics favourite way to send a magic message. Red letters started to form on the inside of my hand.
"Andrew, Georgia's fold. Lucy, James, help!" I read. I throw my head back and sighed.
"We're ready."
I turned to see Hylla and Diago standing beside me, Diago handed me a bottle of water and a zip-lock bag of cookies.
"Thanks," I muttered.
"So..." Hylla began.
"We need to go now! Everyone is in trouble."
"The way out this way," Diego said. Pointing towards the sunset. It'll is harder to find at night. But it's not too far."
"Well then," I said. "Better hurry it up"
"Remember when we enter the exist...if that makes sense. Think about Georgia's place. And it'll transport us there." Diago said. "Quick and easy."
"I know how the folds work,"  I muttered.
"Good." He said. "I wasn't speaking to you."
I caught Hylla smiling, then quickly looking away as she noticed I saw. I couldn't believe it. She just met the guy and now their taking sides?

We landed with a soft thud on the other side of the fold. Georgia's fold. I wasn't surprised by the long open wide fields of lavenders and purple daisies. The tall palm trees and the hot summer sun. The fact that she lived almost by herself. Apart from the random fairies and the flower ladies. Similar to fairies, without wings. The garden gnomes. A little too friendly. The pixies. And Of course...
"Andrew Black and the rest."
"Talking rabbit."
"How rude, Andrew black."
"Hell, Henry."
"Mr. Black. How nice to see you. Hurry along. The madam and others are in trouble."
"Why haven't you helped them then," Hylla asked.
"I'm just a mere rabbit you see. The madam enabled me to speak. Using her magic."
"So then?" She asked confused.
"Pardon, answered your question."
"That's okay." She smiled softly. "Go on."
"Well, there's a force field, around the house you see."
"Shit!" I snapped.
"Henry cannot go past you see."
"Why not?" Diego asked.
"Dark magic sir, you see."
"Yes, Henry. We see." I muttered picking him off the ground and putting him on my shoulder.
"Why thank you, Mr. Black."
"Careful, only henry can see the force field. "
"You mean the wavy green barrier around the house?"
All three of us looked at Hylla.
"You see the house ma'am?" Henry asked.
She blinked, looking at us worried.
"Hylla," I asked.
"You okay sister?" Diego said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't you see the house?" She asked.
"Not even Henry.. sees ...the... house ma'am." Henry stuttered.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Hylla, this barrier is made of pure evil magic," I said.
"Only half of what Henry was made of. Which explains why he can only see the barrier."
"Are you saying Hylla is evil?" Diego asked.
"No sir. Maam is neither evil...nor pure. She's immune."
"Not immune Henry," I said.
"Okay." She sighed. "what the frik are you'll talking about?"
"Yes, Mr. Black."
"What would this force field do to the strongest power?"
"Nothing Mr. Bla.....haaaa.." he stopped. As if he was in shock. "Youuuuu... maam you...."
"What?" She asked.
I smiled and winked at her. "Get used to it, darling."
And you guessed it. Shit, I thought. Andrew you frikken piece of shit. You called her darling. Act cool. Act cool. I told myself.

"Maam, please go through, help madam. She can let us through."
"No!" I said. "Hylla saw something in there, that she's afraid of."
"What could the strongest power be possibly afraid of Mr. Black?" Henry asked.
I looked at Hylla concerned, then looked at Diego and nodded.
"Hylla, what do you see in their sister?"
"Demons...hundreds of them. Guarding the house. They are waiting for us."
"Then we create a bond."
"You mean a blood bond Mr. Black?"
"Yes Henry and please, call me Andrew."
"It's dangerous," Diego said.
"It's worth the risk," I said.
"No!" He shouted. "SOMEONE COULD DIE ANDREW! "
"I said, it's WORTH THE RISK."
"HYLLA COULD DIE!!" He shouted.
"Listen to me Diego. I know Hyllys the stronger than u think. She's stronger than any of us."

"Yes, I know." He sighed. "But..look at her. Look at her Andrew. She's been staring into that thing for long enough now. She's terrified. She's scared."
"Then let's reassure her," I said. "Let's make her feel safe."
"I say it's her choice," Diego said.
"Fine. So be it. Let her choose."
"I'll do it." She said. She slowly turned around. Tiny blue flames jumped around inside her eye. Her rage could be felt even from where I was. She wasn't terrified. Diago was wrong. She was Enraged.

"I said let's do it. I may have you Diego. But James is the brother I know. Lucy may not be my mother, but she was all the mother I had."
"How do you know that James and Lucy are in there?" Diego asked.
"Because." She said. "I can feel them."
Grabbing my hand she took out one claw, slicing it into her palm and then into mines. She grabbed onto my hand firmly, and with the other repeated the same thing for Diego.
"I'm sorry Henry, but this is as far as you go."
"Yes ma'am." He said, hoping off my shoulder.
"Wait why?" I asked.
"The bond only works for humans." She said.
"Didn't you know," Diego asked.
"Yes...but we are part animals also," I said. "And so is Henry."

"No," she said, looking up at me. "He only has the quality of a human he can only speak."
"And besides," Diego continued. "A spell made him this way. Crossing into the barrier could remove this magic ultimately killing him."
"Why is it that suddenly the two of you know more than me?"
"I guess when we apart were good, but together were better." Hylla laughed.
I smirked and shook my head. "Can you get any hotter love?" I muttered under my breath.
"She leaned closer to me and whispered. "Bet yah I can."
Throwing my head back in laughter, I realized maybe it was a good thing I showed some emotion. Even though Alaric wouldn't approve at all.
"Take a deep breath," Hylla said.
I took one last look over my shoulder at Henry, winking at him before stepping into the force field.

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