Kevin Knight

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"The number of times I wanted to go down to Snow Forest, it's unbelievable."
"When are you going to shut that trap of yours knight?" I asked glaring at him with disgust. From the time we left Snow city, the only thing he had been talking about was the Forest and the times he wanted to go there.
"Andrew, do you think it's real?"
"What? Your brain? Oh defiantly not, there isn't even the slightest chance of there being one up there."
He frowned at me and continued walking. I could hear his thoughts at the back of my head. I knew he wanted to know about the lake. Snow Lake. The lake that only a few had claimed to ever have seen. The thing is Snow city was a town far off the charts, quiet and cozy but somehow still has its mysteries. Surrounded by giant mountains, the tops of which were always sprinkled with a little thin blanket of freshly fallen snow. And the way out of town, that's when the forest came into view and behind those, mountains and mountains in a row as far as the eye could see.

"Black, u looking lost."
"Distant," I replied. "Distant is the appropriate word to use in this situation."
"Fine, you're looking distant."
"Yes and so did you a few minutes ago when u wanted to know about Snow Lake." I reached over and grabbed the back of his jacket.
"Sit!" I told him staring directly into his eyes. He sat, and almost immediately a smirk was wiped onto my face. The thought of being able to read minds and to control a lost mind was amazing.
"The Snow Lake. So much do you know about the Snow Lake."
"Not much." He replied. "Really nothing at all, just that it exists somewhere between the Snow mountains and not many have seen it."
I looked at him and sighed. "True, they say, people who set off looking for it...never came back. Ever!"
"You're just trying to scare me." He said nervously.

I looked into a distance and smiled. It was true. Stories and legends had been told, engraved into the hearts of the young from a tender age, burned into their brains, to tell their children and the children after that. Mentioning Snow lake amongst a pack of werewolves was like a curse on its own. The same place where the pack of Krystal's wolves had disappeared. The place of the cursed. Some say they are still there and that's the reason anyone who goes to find it never comes back.

"You realize I can't read any of your thoughts?" He asked becoming impatient. "So your gonna tell me or not?"
"I'm debating it." I grinned at him. "Did u hear that knight?" I asked.
"Hear what?"
The softest footsteps coming towards us and voices traveling in the wind. I grabbed James by the collar and pulled him behind the fallen tree trunk.
"I know I should have told her, but it was your responsibility as a father!"
"Lucy!" The man said. I peered over the top of the trunk, the man was tall and thin with a rather wide forehead and black hair the ends of which were turning grey. The lady's back turned towards us I couldn't tell what she looked like.
"Whose there?" James asked breathing heavily.
"Shut up before they hear you."
"You blame me?" The man asked. "You should blame me when I slice through her throat and drink her blood out of the Snow cup."
"She's the strongest power, Kevin, you won't be able to harm her, she has a protector."
"Yes, and what makes you think that protector can stop me?" He whispered grabbing her by the throat, the tips of his nails digging into her skin.
"We should stop him," I said to James who looked at me like he saw a ghost.
"Come," I whispered.

I clenched my fists tight and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath I let go forcefully. I felt the sensation of myself turning going down my spine. The fur creeping up my legs and down my arms. Now I was who I really was. A big heavy black wolf with no regret. I ran forward forcefully growing fiercely. The man turned around and put up a hand, showing me to stop. And without control, for a moment I almost did. I turned back and saw James stuck in his footsteps, unable to move. His eyeballs frantically moving around. I concentrated on pulling all my energy to the man. My mind kept going to the lady whose mind kept on screaming...'Hylla! Hylla is not safe.'
But the man, his mind... Was screaming a whole different story. I pounced on the man hitting him over, he smiled and disappeared into dust.

Where did he go?" I muttered. 
"I...I don't know." She was afraid, quite shaken up. Small perfect circled holes draped around her neck, all dripping with blood.
I breathed out heavily, took a deep breath, and let out the excitement that had crept in while everything was going on.
"You're a mundane," I said to the women. She looked afraid and tired. Maybe traveling for a couple of days without proper food and water.
"Yes, yes I am."
"So? What's a lady like you doing this deep in the forest?"
"I came looking for something, and I found it. Now I'll be on my way."
"Not so fast." I smiled. I looked her in her eyes and snapped my fingers in front of her and instantly her eyes closed.
Not magic, just a trick a warlock had taught me some long years ago. I pulled my cell out of my pocket and dialed up a number.
"Anthony, east side of the forest, put her in a cell. Come fast, she won't be asleep for long."
"Whose Anthony?"
"He's my guard."
"Guard? " James asked. "Why on earth would someone like you need a guard?"
"I don't."
I could have sworn I turned around for just a second before a whirling portal of yellow wind had swallowed James whole.
"Andrew!" The ringing of his voice screaming, still in my ears minutes later.
I picked up his jacket from the floor and dusted it off.
I walked towards the city, not looking back.
Today I lost two things, my chance to find the her and James. And although I haven't had a conversation with the man, I knew who he was. He was the father of the one from the school earlier. I heard it between the screams of his mind.
"Kevin knight."

And what his mind was thinking was an entirely different story. He wanted blood. Power. War. Massacre. Everything krystle Dove had been trying to avoid.
"Kevin knight..."

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