love is strength

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The thing about having power you didn't want in the first place is some way or the other you always find a problem with it. For example...

1. Not knowing how to use it.
2. Not knowing exactly how much power you have.
3. No idea why you have that power.
Or a more serious matter, like...
4. Someone always trying to kill you.
5. Someone trying to take that power.
6. The responsibility that comes with that power.

Honestly, if I had it my way, I would probably give this power away and live a normal life... that was before I fell in love with Andrew, or before I found out really how much this power meant to me. It meant a great deal, especially after it saved my life twice. I saved my own life twice. Once from my father and then again from my father's demons. For some reason, I didn't understand why they were helping him. What did he promise them in return for their obedience to him?
I wasn't about to let that go, I was going to get to the bottom of it, no matter what it took. I now knew I had to save my mother. Someone who I thought I knew turned out to be an entire lie. The worst part of it all was I fell for the entire thing. I believed lucy was my mother. I believed I was normal. Heck, I wanted to grow up and become a detective! Guess now all I have is to protect the pack.

You come to that part of your life when you realize that certain things are there for life. No matter what you do, nothing will change that. That's what happened to me. When I found out I was a werewolf, I was confused. I was scared. But most of all I didn't know what was going to happen. After some time people came into my life, and things happened to me that made me change my mind about who I was. One of those reasons was Andrew. At first, I haven't thought much of him. Now I knew I was falling in love. And this might have just given me the push I needed.

I stood back in shock...trying to gather my thoughts as one by one they seemed to just be flying through my mind faster than my mind could process. Let's take it back a few minutes...

I gasped, trying to catch my breath. My heart pounding against my chest. I couldn't believe it myself. I had beaten off a demon. Again my powers had come in handy. I threw back my head in laughter.
Standing up I looked back at Andrew and Diego. Covered from the dust I had blown everywhere.
"We made..."
I was stopped by Andrew. Out of nowhere, he walked up to them. Pulling me by the hand and swinging me into his arms. He lowered his head kissing me. And in that moment it left like forever. Then it was over. I stared at him shocked. Unable to think. I was shocked. I was speechless. He let go of me and dusted off his clothes.
"Hmm, right."
"Umm...excuse me? What was that?"
"What was what?" He asked.
He lowered his head. Then looking back at me he smirked a bit.
"Your right sorry, it was a mistake."
"Argh! Andrew?" I snapped. "Diego, won't you say something?"
"Oh, I think...I think maybe I just saw Henry."
He quickly walked away from us and wandered into the grass.

"Andrew," I said.
"Yes?" He asked. "Aren't you gonna own what you did?"
He took a deep breath in and sighed.
"Your right, I kissed you. So what?"
He looked at me without saying a word.
"Look," I said. "I know it's hard for you to show emotion, but I'm here for you. I'll always be here."
"That's the problem."
He grabbed me pulling me into his arms. His embrace was somehow cold and warm at the same time.

"Hylla, I grew up knowing emotion was a weakness. And weakness is the last thing I need right now."
"Love is not a weakness Andrew."
He looked at me and smiled
"You think?"
"Love is a strength. Love makes you stronger.  Love is what keeps people together. If it wasn't for love we wouldn't be here trying to help Georgia and the others."
"Your right." He sighed. "But I need to be focused. I don't need a distraction right now."
I looked at him and shook my head. Biting down on my bottom lip, trying to hold back my tears.
"Is that what I am to you?" I asked. "A frikken distraction?" I whispered. I looked away as a tear rolled down my cheek.
I felt his cold fingers turning my face towards him. Pulling me into another cold embrace he whispered.
"I love you so much, Hylla Knight. I want to love you with everything I have. Fighting Kevin and trying to love you a hundred percent at the same time would be impossible. It is impossible. The only thing I ever want to worry about is you. The only distraction I want is you. I hope you can understand this." He smiled at me before walking off towards the house. Diego slowly walked behind him. Dragging Henry along.

I looked at the sun setting over the hill. The day had been good and bad at the same time. I didn't understand why Andrew wanted it to be this way. But knowing he loved me was enough. Suddenly, I had a purpose to keep fighting. Something inside of me had finally lit up. Even though we were in the midst of a war, I had never felt happier. Right now I had to put that happiness aside. I still had a brother to save. My family to save. My pack.

This war from far from over, and Kevin was about to get was he deserved. Wrath was coming to him so violent, he would never expect it. We would catch him by surprise. Not he nor his army of demons would see us coming.

 LEGEND OF THE LAST WEREWOLF       Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ