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I was unconscious, spinning a pool of wind. Round and round I went. And somehow it's funny, how I'm always the one who finds myself in this kind of situation. Andrew could deal for himself pretty fine, living in the forest all these years. Barely being out in the city around mundanes. If that's what you'd call them. As for me, a teenage life like any other wolf out there, and yet there haven't been many. Forced to hide in the shadows of scary dark places and nowhere to go. You better hide, and when the full moon comes out lock yourself indoors. Not because werewolves have no control over their bodies at full moon or that they get together and howl at the gleaming moon in the sky.

But legend has it that the werewolf who cries under the full moon will be burnt to ashes. Because the moon has the power to give a werewolf its powers and if a werewolf stands under the moon to cry, the power overloads and boom!
Some say if you're caught under the full moon by the protectors of the forest, night faeries, they will lock you to a fold forever. A fold, such a strange word, and from my understanding a fold was like a parallel universe sort of something made by a very powerful warlock decades ago and was initially used to chain warlocks who groomed and bred demons. But after the war, no one knows the location of the openings of the fold. And our race, all our worlds, the shadow world, the underworld the wereworld...we were dying out. One by one each of us would go.

And yet again it was in a second that a whistling sound had taken my unconscious mind away from thinking properly. And being unconscious was maybe the only time I thought properly. I was roughly been shaken. By something, it wasn't holding me but definitely, it was touching me, like with its mind. I slowly started to bring my mind back from thinking. And with great effort opened my eyes. They felt heavy and droopy. Yes like I wanted to doze off again. And before me, I saw a fire, a raging fire. Its flames red and hot. Beside me lay an old leather jacket, a pair of boots, and some leftover pie. Scattered around the fire were some stones and a couple of broken bones. At first, I thought probably from an animal that was hunted and eaten. I turned my head to the other side. And almost shrieked in fear, there lay a half-eaten body. The head and torso were unable to be seen.

I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me. I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be unconscious.
"Well done, you have plucked a fine body from the mundane world this time." He started walking towards me the bottoms of his shoes lightly pressing against the ground.
But I could hear it, the leaves crushing under his feet was like a glass being thrown at a wall. My senses were all over the place. The smell of damp decaying bodies filling my nostrils.
"And my son, did he come easily?"
"Yes." An echo replied.
I stopped breathing for a minute. Did he say, son! I thought he was Hyllas father and now he's calling me his son?
"He will be glad to finally meet me after all these years."
Right, I thought. Me? Happy to meet him. His as crazy as they make him sound. The greatest disappointment in my entire life. Without realizing I smirked at my thoughts.
"He's awake!"
I can't even begin to explain to you. One minute I was sitting and the next I was in a tunnel of swirling green smoke. Trying to get out was helpless.
"Stay inside the force field!" I heard a man shout.
And I didn't want to say otherwise. I stood still for a couple of seconds before my nose began to bleed. The watery blood dripping down my face and onto my shirt. The wave of nausea and dizziness washing over me like the sun washes over the earth each morning.I put my hands out reaching for the sides of the force field, something anything to lean on. And then there it was a strong arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me out.
"You're killing him!" A woman shouted.
"It's a side effect Georgia, werewolves first times are always bloody."
I fell forward my palms hitting the ground. Trying to get my eyes in focus.
"Grab him!" The woman shouted at the man. Her short purple hair swooping around her caramel face.
"You okay boy?" A man's voice, deep as the ocean. Softer than a whisper.
"I guess so," I muttered trying to stand a sharp pain piercing through my body.
"Just don't think about transforming, you're not powerful enough."
"Wasn't thinking about it." I moaned in pain. I looked straight into his sea-green eyes. The magic swirling around him. Traces of green smoke could still be seen amongst his pitch-black hair fairly short hair. Thick with gel all carefully combed to the back of his head.I started to try and push the sound out and soon I began to feel like a dying shoulder on a battlefield. Hearing the war but unable to do anything.
"Get up! Quickly!" The woman grabbed me by her hand and made me sit up. "Bottoms up."
She handed me a tiny vile, filled with thick black liquid. I pulled up the cork and took a sniff.
I almost gagged at the smell before putting it to my lips.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Drink!" She said. "It's a potion, it'll help recover your strength."
I tilted over the vile and poured it down. The thick black liquid traveling down my throat. Burning as it was slowly going down.
I suddenly felt a burst of energy. My eyes burned as flames burst through my skin filling the space around me.
And then it was over...and I felt alive again.

 LEGEND OF THE LAST WEREWOLF       Where stories live. Discover now