Andrew, Andrew

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Anthony left, closing the giant oak doors behind him. The intricate pattern of red crystals lining the frame of the door.I turned and took a deep breath.
The bookshelves were in rows as far as the eye could see. Book spines sticking out, in all different directions. The smell of freshly printed paper could be smelt throughout the library. I began to walk a few paces running my fingers along the side of the shelves reading the names that had been graved into it in gold letters. "Mystery, fiction, horror, fact..."
I traced my fingers along the shelves of the fact section. But nothing to be found.
I whirled around, shocked if anything else. "Andrew!" I gasped. "You... surprised me."
"Looking for something I assume." He asked politely.
", umm actually I am."
He gleamed at me smiling. "Well, what are you looking for? Or is it really just the finer details u wish to admire?"
I blushed. I lied to him, or was it just covering up the truth? Either way, it was my only option. I wasn't going to find a book telling me everything in this big of a library, there probably was a thousand book and more. Asking him would probably get me in a lot of trouble.

"You blood?"
He stared at me intensely for a moment. "Why is it that I'm unable to read your mind?" He asked.
"Maybe because Im probably blocking it out."
"Can u do that?" He frowned.
"I dont know... You tell me."
"I haven't..." He started. "Met someone quiet like you."
"What do you mean like me."
"Hylla. Your, not some ordinary werewolf. Youre are the strongest power. A prophecy was predicted thousands of years ago. It came to a point when werewolves began to think the prophecy was just a joke."
I looked at him confused. "You mean people have been waiting for me to come?" I asked.
"Not just to come..."
"But why?"
He dug his hands into his pockets and stared at his shoes."Many different reasons, some for evil and other...well they thought you were their savior."
"What evil?"
"Evil. To steal your power." he muttered.
"Like my father?"
He raised his eyebrow at me and smirked. "Yes. And others too."
"And the savior thing? What exactly am I supposed to save people from?"
"The curse."
"The curse?" I repeated after him. "What curse Andrew, please speak properly."
He bit on his bottom lip and leaned forward, I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes, and just before he began to say anything, Anthony came rushing through the door, his hair dusty, sweat trickling down the side of his face.
"Andrew! He's here."
"The translator? Already?" A fairy asked.
"No! Not the damn translator." Andrew screamed. "Not the darn translator. The castle is on lockdown! Protect our She." He said pointing to me as he rushed out the door.
"No! Andrew!" I screamed.
I pushed the fairies Aside scrambling after Andrew. Keeping up with him was no problem but speaking while running was.
"Andrew, is it him? Is it my father?"
"Hylla get back inside the library. It's for your own good."
"Im not going anywhere."
Andrew halted and turned to me. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in."Hylla Knight! If anything happens to you, the pack will chop my head off and leave it to rot on a stick at the entrance of the forest."
"huh?" I muttered
"What's going on?" Alaric asked.
"He's here."
"Who? Kevin?"
I looked at Alaric and Andrew as they both exchanged worried looks. Georgia pointed to me.
"What's she doing here?"
"She won't listen," Andrew muttered, rolling his eyes and letting out a sigh.
"Im not going anywhere!"
"Look, baby girl." Andrew said taking clasping  my hand."You can come...if you promise to stay in the background. And that goes for you too." He looked behind me.

I turned and saw James who was clenching his fist. Thinking about it, I was going to stay in the background, all I wanted was a peek to see who this man was. My real father, just knowing he was alive was a whole different story.
Suddenly the earth trembled beneath our feet, the walls shaking. I fell forward my hands instantly grabbing onto Andrew. I looked up, his eyes scanning me intensely.
He lefted his hand gently pushing me back. The reaching for my hair, tucking it neatly behind my ear. He grinned.
"Careful Love."
Suddenly a loud sound echoed through the hallways.
"Quick, he's banging on the barriers!" Andrew shouted, smirking at me again, he winked then spun on his heal and headed down the hall. I followed behind him breathing heavily as we ran through the hallways.
We ran through the enormous oak doors and into the fresh hair, tiny droplets of drizzle falling onto our faces.
"Andrew...Andrew...Andrew." Followed by a cold laugh that would make your hairs stand on edge. I slowly turned on my heel. He was tall, wicked all over his oval face. Black hair with a bit of grey in the front and a cruel, nasty smile smacked across his face. He turned his head to the side and let out a laugh.

"You thought these barriers would" He laughed throwing his head back."And look, I came alone."
"Good for you." Alaric snapped.
"Oh, The infamous Andrew Black... Don't get what's so good about you."
"Yea I cant see that!" Andrew said.
"Always with the sarcasm Andrew." He said putting his hands in his pockets. "You know why I'm here."
"You're not getting her Kevin." He closed his first and open them flicking them forwards. His claws coming out almost immediately, his fangs peeking out from behind his soft pink lips.
"Not today, not tomorrow...NOT ANY DAY!!!!"
I closed my eyes shut as Andrew pounced on Kevin dragged his claws across his chest, blood spraying everywhere.
He fell, looking up at Andrew, and laughed."I said I came here alone, but I didn't say I wouldn't call back up."
I stared at him in horror as his eyes began to turn black.Letting his head fall back his mouth opened slowly black smoke emerging from inside.From deep inside him came the demons.
Andrew backed up a bit looking at the demons as they rose to the sky. I watched as Andrew nodded to Anthony. In return he Flung a giant silver blade through the air. The handle shimering at it glided towards Andrew.
He smiled as the handle smoothly landed in his hand. Turning it up he pounced into the air, slicing through the cloud of black demons.

Kevin finally stood up and laughed as the rest of demons surrounded us.
The darkness caving in, the darkness from the school. I remembered it as if it was yesterday. My chest began to flare up and down as I struggled to breathe.
And there it was...the urge of energy as the shadows were caving in. And at that moment I don't know what happened.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!" my hands flung forward, my body bursting with energy. A blast of blue hue exploding out of me.The surge spreading outward knocking over everything in it's path. My claws out, my eyes gleaming with energy. And just a very low angry growl...

 LEGEND OF THE LAST WEREWOLF       Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin