The letter 1

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When Andrew said we were going to meet Alaric if anything went wrong. I knew he was already up to something. He turned to Diago and gave him a nod.

"Let's find out what's in there shall we?"
I watched, as Diago and Andrew headed toward the darkness. The space behind the bookshelf. It had to be there for ages. Hidden away for a reason.
"Hello, I'm still here, you know?"
"I'm aware." Andrew sighed. He turned back to look at me. "Come on then love, will you?"
I hurried forward. Looking into the darkness wasn't the scary part. I closed my eyes and focused. Looking at it with my wolf eyes would be easier. Wolves could see in the dark. It hadn't been enough time since I turned. I hadn't learned my powers. And even though I was a pretty fast learner, I still hadn't gotten a hold of it.
I opened my eyes slowly. I don't know what I was expecting, but not this. A dusty, little room. Riffles and weapons on one side. Gear on the other. Right at the end of the room a tiny cabinet. Smack in the center of a huge oak table. Six chairs... Six people. I walked in slowly, I felt Andrews's hand brushing against me, his voice in the background, as if nothing, like a whisper.
"Wait... Hylla."
I walked towards the table. Six chairs. Why were they six chairs? I leaned closer. Carefully inscribed on each chair a name. I blinked and opened my eyes wider but couldn't see a thing, my eyes began to wonder, and the room began to blur. I looked forward and suddenly it was hot. It was getting hotter and I was starting to sweat. I didn't know what was going on but I felt as if something inside me was about to explode. I leaned forward my hand grabbing on the table. I heard Andrews's muffled voice in the background. Coming out to me, telling me to breathe.
"A light switch." I heard Diago saying. "I always wondered what this switch was for."
As soon as the lights turned on, my ears were filled with a ringing sensation. I clapped my hands over my ears. Tears filling in my eyes. The burning pain rushed to my head. Screaming as the pain shot through my entire body.
And then it was all over. I opened my eyes to know what was a well-lit room. Pages and books scattered on the floor... I lifted my head to the ceiling and let out a sigh of relief. I grabbed the first chair and pulled it out.

"You okay love?" Andrew asked.
"Kevin knight." I read.
"I'm sorry, Kevin knight, as in your father?"
"I don't think there's another, Andrew."
The next chair.
"Lia knight."
"Lucy knight."
"What's my Moms name doing here?"
"Georgia." I shrugged, "Just Georgia?"
"Kaiden knight," Andrew read.
"Kaiden?" I asked.
"Kevin's brother," Diago said.
"You know awfully a lot about him don't you?"
Andrew squinted at Diago. "What's going on with your hair?"
"What?" he said awkwardly touching his hair. The ends had begun to lighten. Slowly losing its color
"Who are you?" Andrew muttered grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him forward.
"Diago, I swear."
"What's your last name?"
"I don't know...."
I laughed. "You don't know?"
"Who are you?" Andrew snarled.
"I think it's Alarics magic on me!" He blurted out.
Andrew slowly let go of his shirt back. "That would explain the hair."
"But magic doesn't just wear off does it."
"Certain spells," Andrew said. "Others are more powerful they wear off when the victim meets a certain person, they cast it that way."
"Or..." I whispered. They meet the person who cast it."
"Definitely Alaric," Diago said.
"Do you think?" Andrew said.
I walked over to the other chairs.
"Krystal Dove, the second head."
"Never," Andrew said, grabbing me so he could get a better look.
"Look, Georgia Rose."
"That wasn't there before." So magic is used in this room also.
"The last chair," Diago said. "It doesn't have a name."
"The head of the table," I whispered.
"Oh, it has a name." Andrew laughed walking towards it. He pulled the chair out and turned it towards us. The name of the back is engraved on the outside, in thick gold letters.
"The strongest power." I gasped.
"This chair is yours," Andrew smirked. "This isn't any room."

"It's the courtroom," Diago whispered. "The chamber of the wisdom they call it."
I looked at Diago confused. And I was. Somehow he seemed to have so much knowledge. He knew so much and yet so little at the same time. It was as if he had mountains and mountains of memories hidden somewhere and they were coming out piece by piece. Unless someone, that same someone who had him forget his name, used a spell to block out memories. To have him forget. But why? Was it to protect Diago or to protect the people around him?
"I'm sorry!" I said. "Who calls it that?"
"Who exactly is everyone?" Andrew asked.
"I...I don't know.
"I knew it," I shouted. "I knew it, this warlock is seriously, seriously powerful. Probably Alaric. He took half your memory or more, for what reason who knows."
"You think someone took my memories?"
"Yes! You can't even remember your last name Diago."
"Exactly," Andrew said.
"You don't remember things, but you remember them."
"That doesn't make sense."
"Andrew...What do you think?" I said, looking over at him.
"He has the answers, all of the answers."
"Most of the answers." I corrected.
"Hylla," Diago said.
"Most of the answers," Andrew repeated. "But doesn't know why or how."
"Hylla" Diago again.
"Do you think Alaric, Andrew?"
"What!" I shouted.
"Jesus!" Andrew shouted. "We leave you for one second and something goes wrong."
I stood stunned as the room was lit up with what seemed a bright blue light, the table had opened and spread out a little. A tiny compartment in the middle. An envelope was placed in it. Sealed with a purple stamp.
"Well, that concluded my theory regarding you."
"Andrew" I sighed. "Give him a break."
"Oh, I'm sorry." He snapped. "Now we're on his side."
"What is your problem?" I asked.
"My problem?" He widened his eyes."
"Are you two dating?"
"No!" We both replied.
"Sure looks like it." He smirked.
"Shush." I snapped.

I rolled my eyes at Diago, who continued to smirk. Walking across the room toward the table I couldn't help but notice the fine print on the top of the envelope. The tiny swirls and flowers were hand drawn. Shaky, but still so beautiful. Anyone could tell it was done patiently, with love. It almost seemed as if...
"Hylla. My angel."
"Someone wrote this for you," Andrew picked it up. "Go ahead. Read it."
He handed me the envelope, my hands shaking. For some reason, I was already nervous. Even before reading it.
"Hylla." Andrew placed an icy a hand on my shoulder. I shivered as it traveled down my spine. I look up at Andrew. He turned his head to one side frowning at me weirdly.
"You okay love?" He asked.
"Yeah... just got the shivers," I said. But really what I wanted to say was...when u touched me I felt a shock of electricity. I felt the butterflies in my stomach. I felt my heart flutter a bit. And maybe I felt that kind of shiver you feel when your falling in love with someone. But how would I know? Someone, not someone. My father was trying to kill me. Now was not the time to think about love. I sighed and looked down at the letter.
"I don't know, something about this is making me nervous."
"Oh for the love of God love!" Andrew muttered and grabbed the letter from me. He slid his pinky under the seal and popped out the letter. He read.

Daughter, by the time you would gave reached this it's probably been years. I'm sure the only reason you reached it is that you've finally changed. You a werewolf now. Like you were always meant to be.
The day I found out I was pregnant with you, I never once thought I would be having twins."
"Give that to me." I snapped pulling the letter away from Andrew.
"A boy and a girl." I read. "Hylla and Diago." I looked up to see Andrew staring at Diago. His hair had completely lost its color. Now instead of dark chocolate brown it was icy white.
"Were twins." We both said together.
"Continue reading," Andrew said.
"I hope my dearest sister lucy has taken care of you after all these years. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep you and your brother together. I'm sorry diago, I know you listening. My sweet baby boy. I trapped you here. Begging a warlock to block your memories so that u could never leave. It was only to protect you from your father.

My babies, find me. In a place so dark, nothing can be seen. A place so cold, nothing can be felt. A place so hidden, nothing can reach. A place so far, no one can know. Its location is hidden yet it is not. Its lands are empty, yet somehow plenty. You can't find it if u search too much and not if you don't search at all. Tied down by your father, chains and all. I cannot escape the mirror hall. Find me. Before it's too late. Before nothing of me is left. Thats all.

Something is yet to come, something terrible. In a place so cold, even the wolves are frozen. As time goes on one by one they die. Cry, they cry, but tears are heard not. Be it or not the Black will come, to join forces with...the strongest one. Together they rise Together they see. The eyesight that is reality. Not what's covering, not what's on top. But deeper into. The magic drop. Surrounded by trees and mountains so high, with one tiny passage, so small,  so hidden that no one can find. Let the strongest power come. Let the strongest power, fight against the darkness...


Lia knight.

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