Chapter 22- Truth and Guns

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I laughed bending over in the car laughing hard, i threw my head back shaking my head.

"I work for the president as a hit man." I smiled sarcastically, he looked at me with a dead blank stare and rolled his eyes.

"Sorry what was it called?" I laughed.

"The Shadows." I laughed again shaking my head. I looked over at him and saw him not budging or breaking character, my eyes went wide and i looked at the road. Oh my god. Ryan's strength, guns, violence, the first aide training. My mouth parted and a deep labored breath formed from the bottom of my lungs, a burning, tingling feeling tickled my stomach. My mom's dead body snapped and contorted in my head her dead lips muttered.

'The Shadows'

I shook my head feeling a sick feeling formed at the bottom of my stomach. I need air. Landon pulled into kristens and slammed the car in the park gear. I opened the door jumping out of the car walking to the tree line holding a tree and feeling tears sting my eyes, I looked around the trees shaking my head. This isn't real, this can't be real.

"Where is she." Ryan demanded.

"Calm down before you do something dumb." Landon snapped.

"Why are you here?" Kristen asked curiously.

"My place got shot up." Landon sighed.

"They know i have her." Landon explained.

"Who?" Vin demanded.

"Above your clearance." He snapped at him stiffly.

"Where is she?" Vin asked carefully. I looked at the tree line across the road feeling my knees grow weak, how was i going to do this. My mom just died, all i want to do is lay in bed, cry and listen to sad music, maybe make some bad decisions. I wanted to go back in time and forget wanting answers, maybe it was better unknown. My voice echoed into my ears. some answers are better left unanswered. i took in a deep breath thinking about Ryan's lips touching mine puffing air into my lungs at school, my cheeks went red and a small smile formed. Landon pointed at me hunched over by the tree.

"Rylie." Ryan whispered. I turned looking at her smiling softly feeling tears slip. Her bright eyes shined as tears glossed her vision, she walked slowly down the stairs looking at me breathing unevenly. I ran towards her and she rushed down the hill, i slammed into her hard and roughly into her chest, i buried my face into her feeling tears slip from my cheeks. Her cologne was enough to make me sleep for weeks. She pulled away holding my face kissing my forehead and cheeks.

"Ryan." Landon spoke roughly looking at us, i tensed and so did ryan. She looked fearful of him.

"She knows." Landon said softly looking at her quietly, Ryan's arms around me got hard and tense at Landon's words, this is what she was so scared to tell me. She must have thought I would run the opposition way, a part of me wanted to. She looked into my eyes and sighed looking at me painfully. She shook her head and put her hand to my cheek.
Sara looked at us from the porch shaking her head looking down, did she know? Ryan put her finger on my chin making me look at her. She looked so different, so strong. She was working for them. It explained so much, I should be scared but I felt so safe. Normal people would run, scream, hide, But when i looked at her ice sharp blue eyes i never wanted to leave she had me in her trance i was stuck.

"I'm sorry sunflower." She whispered sadly looking into my soul, she looked scared of the fact that i knew.

"Don't be sorry, I understand why you didn't tell me, it was probably for the best that it came from him." I said looking at landon who was smiling softly watching us. She looked down painfully.

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