Chapter 15- Hit Me

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I was excited since after school, me Sara and Maddie were going dress shopping for homecoming, Ryan was looking way more attractive lately since the gazebo. She made me so flustered and full of love I never wanted to leave her sight, or have her leave mine I suppose is how you would say that. I walked to art class and had covered the bruises and sat on the stool by our pottery wheel. Ryan grabbed my stool pulling it in front of her with ease. I felt myself grow hot as her arms were placed over mine, her dark tattoos were distracting, her veins danced under her skin interlinking like vines. She interlocked our fingers pressing them to the mold of the clay. I was breathing unevenly yet again, when was this flustered feeling going to go away.

"Make it any more obvious that I'm doing something to you, I may have to fuck you right here." She whispered into my ear, my eyes went wide and I felt a heat increase between my legs, I stared straight with red cheeks. Did anyone hear that.

"Stop talking dirty and getting me flustered." I whispered back. She chuckled into my ear I smiled watching our fingers interlock more. I smiled thinking about her hands all over my naked body, her mouth on my skin, I bit my lip trying to regain composure.

"Fuck.."I whispered softly.

"What?" She smirked.

"Oh nothing." I smiled tightly, I needed to calm down like now. The bell rang and the school filtered out for lunch quickly me and Ryan were walking and she opened a private bathroom yanking me into it locking the door. She pressed me against the door kissing my neck hungry for more. I moaned softly forcing my hand into her pants


"Fuck she whispered." In my ear I smiled feeling her hand play with me softly, she pulled away looking into my eyes deeply as she shoved her fingers inside me, my face softened and I crashed my lips to hers as I shoved my fingers in her as well. We breathed heavily entangled in a hot heavy mess moaning against each other's lips. I felt her contracting just as I did we breathed deeply looking into each other's eyes.

End smut^

She grabbed my hand and rushed quickly got us out of the bathroom and walked out back to the pond Ryan un packed our lunch and handed me mine. Talk about a quickie at school? Scandalous.

"What's today for lunch." I beamed.

"Salads." She smiled.

"Yummy." I smiled.

The rest of the day flew by thankfully with being able to stare at ryan all day, it went smoothly. Sara and Maddie rushed up to me smiling at ryan.

"Now we steal her." Maddie smiled.

"Tell me the color you find so I can get my tie." She smiled.

"Your not wearing a dress?" Maddie asked. Ryan laughed looking at me. Maddie looked confused.

"She's more on the masculine side of things." I laughed lightly.

"Text me babes." She smiled placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Yellow." I smiled against her lips.

"Deal." She smiled pulling away.

"I'll cook supper tonight so you girls don't be out to late." She smirked at us walking down the hall.

"Okay let's go!" Sara beamed we all piled into Maddie's convertible she put down the top since It wasn't to cold yet. She blared music and sped our way to the dress shops. We stayed browsing through the racks and Maddie found a dark purple one and sara found a pretty white one they both rushed to try theirs on. My mom rushed into my head, I smiled sadly. I didn't like that she wasn't here for this. Her being gone this long made it to where it officially turned into an investigation. I found a large yellow one and smiled victoriously I changed quickly and walked out to see Maddie and sara in their dresses.

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