Chapter 13- Muddy Trails

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The sun shined into the cabin making my eyes flutter open. Ryan was breathing deeply and quietly. I smiled looking at her sweetly. I scooted closer and gently placed tender kisses on her back and side. She groaned turned over and smiled looking at me. Her hair was messy and she had a faint sleepy smile.

"Good morning sunflower." She smiled moving hair onto my back I was naked still and was laying on my stomach. I placed my pointer finger under her chin and kissed her lightly.

"Good morning babe." I smiled softly.

"Do you think anyone heard us last night?" I asked giggling.

"It's possible, you were pretty loud." She smiled laying on her hands over her head.

"It's embarrassing." I cringed.

"It's fucking hot." She smiled looking at me up and down.

"No." I laughed.

"It sure is, and when you squirm under my touch." She added. I shook my head.

"Well at least you don't have to be shy when seeing me in my bra." I laughed.

"Not anymore now that I've had the pleasure of seeing every beautiful inch of you." She smiled kissing my shoulder.

"Why, did you never let...anyone touch you." I asked curiously tracing her scars.

She smiled up at me holing my cheek with one hand.

"Never liked anyone enough." I looked at her with wide eyes. Was I seriously the only one who's touched her? Why me? What was so special about me?

She got up and was wearing black skin tight boxers and grabbed her a t shirt and black basket ball shorts. She looked at me from the mirror and smiled. She then dug out me a pair of spandex shorts and a t shirt as well.

"I heard we are going mudding today." She smiled looking at me while finishing changing.

"Fun." I smiled getting out of bed and wrapping a towel around me she turned around and grabbed the towel yanking it and leaving my body exposed. She bit her lip and looked at me up and down again.

"Don't hide from me." She smiled handing me my clothes. I laughed lightly and put on my black sports bra and black thong. She spun me around and crashed her lips onto mine. I moaned as she put me on the dresser.

"Hey guys you awake?" Sara said opening the door a Crack and seeing us right away.

"Oh shit." She closed the door giggling.

"We are gonna be going on four wheeler's soon, so come one down when...your done." She giggled again.

"Fuck." I smiled covering my face with red cheeks, Ryan laughed putting my hands down.

"How much longer is this going to be a secret anyway." She asked, it was a good question and I knew I finally had the answer.

"We aren't, we're done with that." I said smiling looking at her thoughtfully.

"Oh?" She asked, her blue eyes increased in brightness at the thought.

"Yeah I'm tired of hiding, your my girlfriend, and I'm proud of that." I smiled, her teeth shined through and sparkled at me.

"Glad to hear it." She said watching me closely. I jumped from the dresser got dressed quickly and opened the door as I was marching down the stairs Ryan smacked my ass hard and giggled as it jiggled as she puts it. Suddenly we noticed everyone staring. I smiled showing my teeth and walked to the kitchen grabbing a bagel and juice.

"Yum." Ryan smiled grabbing her half from me. I finished my bagel and sighed some of my juice.

"Here take what's left." I handed it to her. She drank it down quickly clearly dehydrated.

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