Chapter 11- Self-Defense

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I walked inside after the phone call with my mom and looked at ryan quietly. She was sitting at the table scrolling through her phone, looking up at me she got up and walked over to me grabbing my waist, setting me on the table. She looked at me with a hungry look in her eyes staring at my lips. I put my hands into the back of her short hair and smiled lightly.

"Tell me to stop." she spoke softly. I looked at her with a very confused look as if i ever would ask her to stop, there is no way i would ever have the strength for that.

"I dont think i ever could have the ability to do that, thanks for believing in me though." I laughed shaking my head, she scooted me closer to her till my pelvis hit hers roughly and i let out a sound biting my lip. She smiled showing her white teeth and she started licking her lips seductively. I smiled at the sight feeling every millimeter of my skin turned hot.

"You make me melt." i said seriously gasping for air, she was getting closer slowly. I couldn't contain myself anymore and smashed my lips on to hers hungry for more. She wrapped her hand into the back of my hair moaning into my lips. I let out a shrill moan as soon as she bit my neck. I covered my mouth whimpering. Her hand grabbed mine removing it from my mouth i looked at her curiously.

"Don't." she said breathlessly.

"I sound horrible." i laughed lightly.

"No, you don't i like it." She smiled with a devilish look into her eyes.

"Oh yeah? Ryan?" i moaned quietly pulling her ear close to my lips, Her body went tense and her arms flexed.

"You're playing dangerous games." she whispered into my ear.

"What's a dangerous game?" I looked laughing small and quietly.

"Me." she whispered before grabbing my ass with her hands lifting me up off the table. I squeaked in shock not expecting the sudden movement, she slammed me down onto the sectional and crashed her lips onto mine groaning into my lips hungrily. She kissed me deeply gliding her tongue into my mouth a sharp gasp escaped my lips as she slid her hand under my shirt gripping my back. She yanked herself back looking down on me with wide eyes.

"Fuck, your bruises i'm so sorry." she said shaking her head.

"I got carried away i'm sorry." she said painfully looking down at me.

"Don't be, i'm fine i'm okay i promise." I looked up at her with promising eyes, her blue eyes softened and looked away, i grabbed her face making her look at me.

"Ryan, stop treating me like i'm glass and going to shatter at any minute, I need to feel normal OK?" I smiled.

"I will always be gentle with you no matter what, if there is ever a day where i'm not ill give you a knife to kill me myself." She said intensely.

"You're so violent sometimes." i laughed looking at her observantly.

"Did you have like a weird childhood where you where secretly a murderer?" i laughed jokingly.

"Something like that." she laughed painfully looking away. I grabbed her face making her look at me.

"Hey, is there something i need to know? before getting my neck deep into your world." i smiled questionably looking into her eyes, fear and pain swelled in them for the first time since we met, I saw fear. I raised an eyebrow at the unsteady unfamiliar gaze.

The door suddenly opened and we both jumped up from the couch i looked at the reflection in the window seeing my hair.

"Shit." i said softly straightening it out.

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