Chapter 20- Blood and Glass

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I felt my body grow numb from head to toe, i couldn't move. I did not want to move. I followed the blood trail with my eyes and found a bloody hand print on the walls of the house. I took slow steps following the bloody trail, i put my hand on my gun and closed my eyes tightly taking a deep breath in. I put my hand on the door knob and pulled my hand away slowly finding blood on my hand. Was the lady who tried to kill me in my house right now. Was she back to kill me, finish the job? I didn't know, it was time to grow up and get tough. I took in another deep breath opening the door slowly, i pulled out my gun and looked down at the floor, there was a thick bloody trail. Like a body had been dragged in. It was pitch dark in the house so I carefully turned on the lights seeing blood all over the staircase the walls and followed the pool of blood into the hallway, my breathing increased the more blood i seen. I turned the corner into the kitchen and froze, my 2 weeks of searching came to an end. My mom was laying on her back holding her stomach, she was dressed in all black and her hair was soaked in blood. A strangled curdled gasp left my lips. I dropped the gun, once it hit the floor it fired instantly sending a thick bullet into the china dish set in the corner of the dining room shattering dishes and glass all over the floor. My mom looked at me sadly with tears spilling from her eyes.

"I love you sweets." She gasped and breathed quickly i felt my skin crawl as she let out a deep gurgle, her chest stopped rising and her eyes glossed over.

"Mom." I said quietly.

"Mommy." I threw myself onto the ground crawling in the blood towards her, i scooped her up roughly and held her in my lap.

"Mommy." i spoke with my voice cracking, i held her face with my bloodied hand and started hyperventilating.

"Mommy it's okay, i missed you." I cried shaking violently.

"I found you mommy." I smiled.

"I found you." I cried harder holding her close to me, i buried my face into her neck and cried grunting in pain.

"NO!" I screamed loudly shaking the pictures on the wall. I looked into her eyes crying rapidly.

"Mom. wake up, it's okay you're safe with me, i can protect you now." I cried rocking back and forth.

"I promise okay just wake up." i begged desperately.

"I'll do anything, just wake up, please!" I screamed louder, my arms where shaking her body softly as the shock and nausea hit me, i hadn't ate all day so that on top of this was nearly making me pass out, i had to pry my eyes open from passing out as the blood rushed away from my brain.

"I love you mom, please." I cried gripping her tightly.

"Rylie?" Sara whispered, i was rocking back and forth when she turned the corner latched tightly onto my mom, her hair was dragging back and forth in the puddle of blood. She gasped putting her hands over her mouth letting out a sharp cry. Her face was sheet white and her body looked weak as if it were going to crash to the ground and turn into nothing.

"Oh my god." She cried roughly breathing. Her eyes were huge and the blue was dark from it being so dark in the house.

"No sara, shes okay, she's going to pull through this okay call 911!" I cried while holding her head. Sara was shaking dialing on her phone, my hearing muffled as i stared into my mom's eyes. They were completely glossed over and her pupils were huge and empty.

"It's okay mom, help is coming, okay." I cried grabbing her hand and squeezing it tightly smiling with a crazy look in my eyes.

"They are on the way Riley, but...Riley she's not breathing." Sara said quietly kneeling by me.

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