Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

(Pic: Entrance Way to Underground Bunker)

Beta Ben's POV

As soon as the words came out of Dustin's mouth, I knew I was going to blow! How could someone force my boy into a mating? My boy was stronger than that! And not only was it that he was forced into it, but by another male wolf.

The more I thought about it the more I could feel the rage within my build and boil over. I shot from my chair and looked at Dustin, not able to hold my anger.

"WHAT?" I yelled out. I wasn't angry with Dustin, but from the look on his face, he must have thought that I was about to jump over the table and break his neck. The thought that another man, more powerful than my poor son, would do something so disgusting to him, made the fire in me burn brighter.

"Wait! Just wait!" Jonathan said next to me and I just closed my eyes trying to control my rapid breathing. I could feel my wolf try to take control and shift. He wanted blood and he wanted it now!

"Before we do anything, Dustin how do you know this? What lead you to believe this? I'm not saying it's not true, but Bryan is a strong kid. He wouldn't let someone kidnap him, especially with Sean and Mona constantly by his side." Jonathan asked, and for the first time in the past few minutes my heartbeat and breathing began to steady out.

Jonathan was right. Bryan was a strong kid. And with Sean constantly by his side, no one dared to do anything to him. The two together were just as close as Jonathan and I were when we were younger. Anyone would have to be a fool to go against the two of them together.

"Because he's my mate Uncle!" That one line had my heart racing again, and my eyes snapped open to see Dustin. Mate? How the fuck could they be mates? A collective gasp came from the other members around the table.

"I tried to talk to him and tell him, but he refused to believe it and kept saying he was already mated. That was a several days ago and I haven't heard from him since. I thought that maybe he was playing hard to get, but I'm scared Uncle! I don't want to lose my Mate!" A whimpered escaped Dustin's lips and a tear began to makes it's way down his cheek. I could feel my claw extend from my nails and begin to dig into the table. That was the only thing keeping me where I was. You mean to tell me that Dustin hadn't heard from Bryan in days and he was just now bring this up?

"I want the Warrior Wolves to be ready in five minutes, not a second later! If Steven doesn't willing hand over Bryan, then this means war!" Vision began to waver and I knew that any minute my wolf was going to take over. We were both starting to see red, and we wanted blood for the man who stole my child. My own flesh and blood!

My grip on the table got harder and stronger as if to keep me in place, and suddenly I could feel the wood starting to splinter underneath my grip and the crack came from the table. Before I knew it I recognized Jonathan's hand as he placed it on my shoulder as if to say everything was going to be all right. If it were anyone who had touched me in that moment, they would have lost their arm! And how the fuck was it going to be all right? My son had been kidnapped and forced into a mating by a perverted older man. I mean how old was this guy. He must be around 26 or 27 years old! My son is only 18 years old for God's sake. It was practically rape.

His Possessive Mate (ManxMan) - His Mate Series: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now