The Beginning of Time

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I'd explain it to be a wave of inspiration. Maybe a warp-like transition. I wouldn't know. My mind is a strange place. It thinks of strange things, but I know one thing for certain. I do not belong here. My thoughts do not end here. I do not belong here.

Our limits are perpendicular to our broadness of thought. That means we are limited to this universe. It is a pretty small universe. You know what is stranger? We are even smaller. A speck of dust. A nothing. Yes. We are a nothing.

Once upon a time, there was a thing called an explosion from the tiniest grain of nothing. No matter existed. So this crazy, speck of nothing explodes and we all come to exist as we know it and ask each other what the point of life is. Like why did this thing happen? What caused it to happen? But it doesn't end there. The debate goes on. Somehow, everything that exists around us is in complete harmony, synchronized, mathematically and factually acting upon laws that simply exist for this realm and this one alone. We spend our entire lives dedicated to observing these laws and natural phenomenon. But the most interesting thing about the whole situation is (get this) that we aren't content with these laws like everything else seems to be. We long for something different and each and every one of us is unique. We are never content. Not here. Deep down,this world is so foreign to us that we don't understand common concepts like why we can't fly, or why we can't travel at the speed of light. Why we can't naturally do these things. And it matters to us. It really does. We wouldn't be writing about it if it didn't.

And this...this mind. This amazing thing without a physical form. No, the brain isn't that form. It's just a pocket in which the form lies. Temporarily. Another funny thing? Everything in this realm is temporary. Something funnier? We are not content with the concept of 'temporary'. How strange, right? Because all of us know that we weren't formed to abide the laws of this realm, which only concludes the fact that we ourselves are aliens. Aliens that had forgotten someway, somehow what our past planet, (or should I call it realm) looked like. How our lives were like there. And, more importantly, why we came here. For we really did come here. We certainly didn't evolve from primates. There was no need for primates to evolve. The entire concept of evolution is that there must be a need for something to evolve in order for it to survive the poor state or condition it is in. I, however, still see monkeys sitting in trees, living their lives in a perfect manner in accordance to this law-engulfed system we were thrown in.

All of us ask the question and what our role is in everything.

And perhaps, the most saddening thing of all, is that some people choose to ignore it for they don't wish to play their role. They don't want to be bound to responsibility.

Is it really much easier to believe that everybody was born without purpose? We live our lives the way we think is best.

Isn't that an act that is ignorant itself?

Because indeed, we know nothing.

We don't even know who we are.

So how can we know how to rule ourselves?

Oh, but sure, that isn't something we should think about. It isn't even that important anyways.

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