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You all talk to Casey for awhile then the detective comes but only wanted to see severide which you were fine about because you didn't even wanna talk about it

Brett soon comes over to you with violet and turns to gallo " sorry but can I steal her" she says and he nods taking his hand away
" bye" you kiss his cheek before fallowing them to one of the offices and in there they had box's

" what are we doing" you ask " decorating, we going to have a small bride party in here for Stella" Brett says and you nod before you all decorate

Stella walks in with Brett and you guys trow  confetti

You all basically spend the rest of the day there before you go out to find gallo

It was now late and everyone was in the bonk room but you find gallo in the kitchen

" hey come here" you say and he fallows you out to the squad table where you both sit

You guys were laughing about something random when Casey comes over

" hey gallo" he says " come here I got something to give you" he says and gallo gets up but kisses you before running over

After a few minutes they get a call and you have any idea

" hey Cruz I'm not technically injured so can I maybe help out" you say and he nods " yeah get in quickly" he says and you nod before getting your hoodie off with you t shirt order and putting on all your fire gear

Tony pulls out and Cruz who was acting Lieutenant turns to you " you sure you can help out" he says and you nod " yeah im all good" you say and he nods

You guys get there to see it's a gas explosions in one of the houses and that a pregnant woman was stuck in the building next to it

" Stella send someone up with the paramedics" chief says and she looks around " gallo come with me and Cruz can we bring Halstead up" she says " yeah sure thing" he yells and you nod going up the second building

You guys get up to see the woman and see she has a metal bar in he shoulder probably from the explosion

" this goes all the way through, gallo and Ava cut it" she says and you both nod while the paramedics check her out

Gallo gives his jacket to Stella to cover the woman's eyes

" I hold you cut" gallo says and you nod

You holds the bar sturdy as you slowly cut through it

" guys how long, fire spreading in here fast" Stella says " just a minute" you say and gallo nods agreeing " got it" gallo says and you both go to help then lift the woman

The next thing she goes in to Labour and you guys can't move her and Emma Jacobs runs out like a baby after seeing the fire

Not long after violet delivers the baby and you had taken off your jacket to wrap it in

Violet hands you the baby as she stops the bleeding from the mother " guys we got to get out of here" Stella says and you nod " you good with the baby" violet asks and you nod

Gallo and Stella helps the mother out and you and violet walk out with the baby

" hey nice job" you say to violet and she smiles
" thanks" she says

You all go back to the fire house and it was the end of shift so you guys just go home

You and gallo walk in to your house and you smile

" today have been a crazy day" you say and hug him " yeah I know, now let's go to bed. I need sleep" he says and the both of you go to sleep

The next morning was the morning of the wedding so you both go over to Stella and severides place

*Other*                                        (Chicago Fire, Blake Gallo)Where stories live. Discover now