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The man gets out and everyone assumes you're going to come out soon after

After maybe 2 minutes severide turns to him
" the girl who got you, was she behind you" he asks and the man just looks at him " em I don't know I seen her in the bathroom but ran past her" he says and severides eyes widen

" so you didn't see her" he says and the man shakes his head

Chief then comes to the scene

" every out" he asks " no, we don't have eyes on Halstead" severide says and chief nods slightly

You lay there with you're now broken mask and see as more smoke enters the small room you were in

You could tell your head was bleeding because of all the blood on your mask but you were more worried about the pain in your stomach and you slightly cry as you sit there alone hoping someone will come it and you can't help but worry about the baby

" are we going in to get her" gallo asks Stella " no not right now, she might come out and we can't risk someone going in there" she says and gallo just turns to chief

" we can't just leave her there" he say's worried
" gallo we only go in if necessary" he says and gallo shakes his head and Ritter comes and puts his hand on gallos shoulder but he pushes it away quickly

" we have to go in she's been in there for 4 minutes, I think that's long enough" he says and severide slightly nods " he's right, we have to go in" severide says looking at chief and he just nods " severide you go in and pick someone to go with you" chief says and severide slightly looks around before nodding to gallo " gallo gear up" he says and gallo nods

You start coughing as more and more smoke enters the room but at this point you couldn't even see anything and could tell you were going to lose consciousness but you still can feel the horrible pain that was going through your stomach and most of your body

Then you can hear people talk but you don't know where or if you were just imagining things but then people are at the door

Gallo and severide go in quickly and straight up stairs then to the bathroom

They walk in to see you with a cracked mask with blood on it and on the side of the bath and laying there holding your stomach almost pasted out

Gallo getting in quickly going down to you

" hey hey hey you're ok, we have to get out of here ok" he says trying to calm you down as he tries to pick you up but you sob with the pain then end up fainting

" severide we have to get her out of here" gallo says panicking and severide nods before leading the way

They get out quickly and bring you to the paramedics

Violet and her new partner checks you out but then you wake up and yell as she touch's your stomach

" that makes no sense, is that where it's sore" she asks but you can't even respond then Ritter looks at gallo and nods basically telling him to tell them

" she's pregnant" he says and everyone immediately goes quiet and looks at him then violet looks down at you

" hey we have to leave now, you guys can meet us at Chicago med" she says and gallo immediately fallows her to the ambo

" I'm coming with" he says and violet slightly nods

" hey Ava we're on our way to Chicago med, gallos here. Can you tell me where it hurts" she says and you cough before answering

" mostly my stomach" you say in pain " and my head" you say putting your hand up to touch it but she takes your hand putting it down again

You guys get there not looking after and you can hear a lot of noise, people and lights all around but you close your eyes not wanting to see them

" hey Ava, keep your eyes open for me" you hear Dr.Rose say and you slightly open your eyes " it's so bright" you say honestly and he slightly laughs " so I'm just going to check your head" he says but you grab his hand lightly
" Dr.Rose" you say and he nods " check my baby" you say weak then feel your head fall back " hey Ava, ava" he says shaking your hand but you had fainted again

" she out, can we get an ultrasound in here now" he says then gallo runs in " how'd you know her" the doc says and gallo stays at the door " she's my girlfriend" he says and Conner nods for him to come in to the room

" how far along is she" he asks " around 18 weeks" gallo says then he nods " hey, can you guys not call her brothers" gallos says after a few minutes " whys that" the doc says
" well not yet anyway but they don't know anything about the pregnancy or anything" he says obviously panicked for a lot of reasons

" yes for now we don't have to call family" he says " so what's wrong" gallo ask's after the ultrasound " she's got blood in her stomach, we have to bring her to surgery" he says quietly but gallo stops him " the baby" he asks " they're no way we can save it, I'm really sorry but we have to get her up to surgery now" he says  serious and gallo nods before watching them take you up

Will and jay get called soon and they see gallo in the surgery waiting room " you here for Ava" jay asks and gallo nods very upset " how is she" will asks and gallo just shakes his head " I don't know but now that you guys are here I'll leave you to it" he says getting up quickly and leaving

He goes to the bathroom first and having his first cry after finding out that his baby won't live and that his girlfriend was in surgery

After maybe 20 minutes he goes down to 51

" hey" he slightly smiles as he see everyone looking worried " did you get an update" Stella asks and he just says you're in surgery before sitting down and Ritter sits next to him

" the baby" he asks and gallo shakes his head before burying his face in his hands



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