Bad Influence

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855 Words

(Every character in this is 18!)

I'm so close to falling asleep with boredom in this classroom right now. The teacher keeps crapping on about the war, and I can't keep up with it. I don't even remember what war we are learning about. But, it is close to the end of class on a Friday, and I can't wait to get out of this hellhole. It's almost summer. I've been switching between staring at the slowly ticking clock and drawing random doodles on my skin to pass the time. I started at my hands, covering my fingers in drawings of the bones under my skin. Then I turned to my arms, littering them with small drawings of stupid things that come to mind. I'm currently drawing on my upper thigh, drawing a messy heart with an arrow pointing out on the side. It doesn't look good, but it is helping with my boredom.

"Y/N, please pay attention." The teacher calmly looks up from her desk.

I sigh as I shift my eyes from my leg and towards the board, seeing an ocean of notes that everyone else is copying down. I probably should do the same, but I can just look all of this up in my textbook. The teacher doesn't teach us anything, she just re-reads the information off the page and writes it down on the board for everyone to copy. I watch everyone else race to get everything down on their paper until I feel pressure on my thigh. Someone taps their finger on the skin, making me follow the movement with my eyes. Bucky Barnes, the smart and quiet kid who is sitting next to me looks at me through his deep blue eyes, with a wide smile on his face.

"Can I draw something?" He asks.

I nod my head, watching his smile turn into a concentrated expression. Instead of taking the biro pen from my hand, he picks up his fancy pen off his desk, takes off the lid and leans over to my desk. They are placed close enough that from anyone else's eyes, it looks like he is just looking at the floor instead of leaning over and touching my thigh. The soft pricking feeling of the nib against my skin makes my muscles tense slightly but quickly relax when I get used to it. He keeps shifting in his seat to get at the right angle but gets annoyed and just grabs my thigh, pulling it over his leg. My eyes widen at the action, not expecting it from him. He has always been the small and isolated kid in the back of the class who is too scared to raise his hand to answer a question.

"One more warning, Y/N." The teacher rolls her eyes. "And a warning to you, James. You both will be in detention if this continues."

I try to prevent myself from rolling my eyes back at her, but I know that we are the ones who are being bad. Even though we aren't disrupting anyone, we aren't doing the work. Bucky taps my thigh again, signalling he is done. I look down at my leg, seeing the ink beautifully drawn on my skin. I go to move my leg off of his and place it back under my desk, but he places his hand on it, keeping my leg in place.

"What are you doing? We're going to get in trouble." I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"It's nice though." He smirks.

I shift my eyes from his lips to my thigh, finally seeing his artwork. It's a detailed snake wrapped around a thick knife, its body tightly holding the metal upwards. I smile at the piece, seeing the skills he has. He did it in such a short amount of time, and it looks beautiful. My eyes can't keep from looking at the drawing, seeing more detail the longer I stare.

"It's beautiful," I whisper, feeling eyes on me.

"Okay, detention for both of you." The teacher raises her voice.

The bell rang and everybody moved from their desk, collecting their belongings and shoving them into their bags. People rush out of the room and down the hallway, speeding out of the building. Lucky bastards. Bucky and I stand from our desks, grabbing our things and moving to stand in front of the teacher's desk. She stands behind her chair, her bag over her shoulder, a few books pilled up and tucked under her arm, and a scowl on her face.

"You two will stay here and clean up the classroom. Only when this room is spotless, you can leave."

She walks out of the classroom with her things, shutting the door behind her. This room isn't dirty, but it also isn't clean. There are a few pieces of paper scattered around the room, some books thrown on the desks around the room instead of the bookshelf, and some litter all over the floor. Whilst everyone else gets to start their summer vacations, we are stuck cleaning up this classroom. At least we aren't alone.

"I guess it's just us now." Bucky smirks.


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