Sneak Peak²

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The car ride there felt like years, with my mind wandering to the naughty thoughts swarming in my head. I couldn't stop myself from picturing his heavy, muscly body on top of mine, pounding himself inside of me. The thought of him bending me over the kitchen counter and making me cum all over his huge cock. Because he is definitely huge. Come on, now.

But, even with some alcohol in my system, music blasting in my ears, and all my friends dancing around me, my mind still pictures his lips on mine. What it would feel like to kiss him. God, I really want to kiss him. With a drink in my hand, I sway my hips to the pounding music, my body in a trance. I can't control my moves. Even when a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pressing their body onto mine.

For a few seconds, I imagine Bucky holding me like this. I imagine him liking me the way I like him, and enjoying the contact like I am. But, then I realise that it isn't him, and a small frown appears on my face. The face of the unknown person behind me appears in my side vision as they place their chin on my shoulder, their body getting impossibly closer to mine.

"I couldn't help but come over here, baby. You looked so fucking hot when you danced like this in this fucking dress." He whispers into my ear.

I may have some alcohol in my system, but I don't have enough in me to go off and fuck some random man that I've never met. I may be a party animal, but I'm not that reckless. I turn in his hold, seeing his face under the bright neon lights of the party. The smirk on his face tells me the disturbing thoughts that he is having as his eyes wander all over my body. It also tells me that he is drunk. Super fucking drunk. When he opens his mouth, the stench of alcohol is breathed all over my face.

"Do you wanna come with me, baby?"

No. "I'm alright, thank you." You aren't Bucky.

He frowns, his hold on my waist tightening. He leans in for a kiss, but I throw his arms from my body and stomp away from him the best I can in my heels. With the loud music blaring through the crappy speakers around the house, I can barely hear a few heels following behind me. I turn my head, seeing my friend, Clara, and the other friends we came with. They look curious at my disappointed expression.

I don't answer any of their questions, though. Instead, I storm out of the house, dissatisfied and sober. They follow behind me, Clara's boyfriend getting his car keys out of his pockets and opening the doors. He didn't drink anything, so he drives us all home. First, all the other friends are dropped off at their homes, my house on the other side of the town. When we make it outside my house, Clara turns in the passenger seat, looking at me pitifully.

"Are you okay? What happened in there?" She asks.

I got hit on and it wasn't by Bucky. "Nothing, I just didn't want to be there anymore."

"Okay, well, text me when you go to bed. Let me know that you are okay."

"You two, Clara." I lean forward and pull her into a hug. "Thanks for the ride, Sean."

"Don't worry about it." Sean smiles from the driver's seat.

I get out of the car, watching them pull out of my driveway and speed down the road. I sigh, feeling that my night has been ruined. I barely got drunk, I got hit on by a drunk idiot, and I'm still turned on by my naughty thoughts about Bucky. I pull my keys out of my bag, shove them into the keyhole and open the front door. All my next movements are careful, making sure that I don't wake up the rest of the house.

I creak up the stairs, holding my heels in my hands. When I make it to my bedroom door, there is a small, yellow light under the crack of the door, seeping through. A bundle of nerves builds in my stomach as I hesitantly open the door, a small creaking noise occurring. I peek my head through the small crack I have created, looking into my room. My bedside table lamp is on, illuminating the room. However, that is the least of my worries. Sat on the end of my bed, his hands leaning back on the bed, holding his body up, is Bucky.

With the angle he is sitting in, his shirt is ridden up his body, allowing me to see a sliver of his muscly body. I can see a perfect V-line designed on his tanned, chiselled body. I physically gulp at the sight, building up enough courage to open the door fully and step inside my bedroom. The bed is cleared of my other possible outfits for tonight, making me feel grateful for his kind gesture. The sound of my feet against my wooden floor alerts him, making his gaze shift from my ceiling to me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you would have gone home by now." I ask, nervously.

"I'm staying the night." He states, a matter of factly.

"In my room?" I tease.

"No." He chuckles, looking down at the floor.

I walk fully into my room, shutting the door properly. Trekking over into my walk-in closet, I place my heels down on the floor, tiptoeing back into my room. Bucky hasn't moved from his seat on my bed, instead, now he is leaning his arms on his knees, looking up at me. He smirks at me, gaining his confidence back.

"How was the party?"

"It was fine," I answer.

"Then why are you back so early?" His eyebrows raise.

"It's not early."

"Y/N, it's almost 11. You left before 10." He states.

That shuts me up. I can't think of a comment to say back. Noticing this, he pushes his body off my bed, stalking towards me. I tense at the sight, feeling nerves building in my stomach. Again. He keeps walking until he is standing in front of me, his tall statue towering over me.

"How was the party?" He speaks, his voice low.

"It was alright." I gulp.

"What happened?"

"Uh." I should tell him, right? "There was this guy. He, uh, tried to..." I guess I am.

"He tried to what?" His face morphs into a stern look.

"Fuck me," I whisper.

I don't know if I was answering his question or begging him to do it to me. But, from the look on his face, he thought I was answering him. He begins walking towards me, forcing me to step backwards. He stalks towards me again, eventually making my back hit the wall by my door. I gasp as his lips hover over my own, his breath mixing with mine. I still don't know if this is a dream or not.

"He tried to fuck you?" I nod my head at him. "Did he get to kiss you?"

I shake my head.


I raise my eyebrows.

"Did you want to kiss him?"

I shake my head again.

"Do you want to kiss me?"

My lips part at his words, a moan building in the back of my throat. His hands travel to my face, holding my cheeks in his hands. I flicked my eyes up into his own, searching for any malicious intentions. But, I don't find any. Instead, I find that his eyes are dilated. The once full blue eyes are now only a thin strip of blue, the black being prominent. His eyes are filled with lust, mirroring my own.

"Yes." I breathe out.

He smirks, his tongue licking his lips. That move alone makes my knees buckle together and make me feel weak. His hands travel down my body, holding me by my waist. My eyes refuse to leave his lips once they part, allowing me to imagine all the dirty things he can do with his tongue.

But, then my thoughts are interrupted by a feeling I never thought I would get to feel. Ever.

His lips against mine.


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