Special announcement

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Hey guys me from the future here but I'm actually looking for an editor.
I hate a lot of my chapters and the way that they are written, I love the general idea of them but I just hate little bits of them, like how most are in present tense instead of past and it sounds awkward and other little nit picky things about it.

Also I feel like a lot of the major plot points I introduced in earlier chapters were so easily disregarded and I don't know how to bring them back. Some are just a bit of *cough* foreshadowing *cough* but others, like the original Shuri-shipping, I feel like I just completely disregarded them.

So, anyone willing to help me edit these? You can private message me for more details and any editor will be credited in any chapter they edit (since it's Wattpad and compensation is difficult for me anyway since I'm legally a child and don't have a lot of money 😭)

Anyways, if you want to help me out just let me know and I'll send you the details!

Please and thank you,

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