//Chapter 4: Captain Kidd//

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(2 weeks later)

You felt like absolute crap. Black Pearl had stayed true to her word and kept up with her torture every single day you refused to give in. Today, you'd had enough. It was clear Nobody from the republic was gonna come for you. Why would they, they probably thought you were dead. They probably didn't even hold a funeral, that's how much you thought you meant to them.

You awoke once more to the sight of Black Pearl bringing food to feed you. Clearly, this was some sick joke to her, otherwise why would she keep you alive. You were just a cookie like any other to her. "You're up early today. Here, I thought I had to shove all this down your throat again." She joked. You glumly said to her "Why bother? It's clear that nobody up there cares about me to check if I'm dead. They probably didn't even so much as erect a gravestone for me." You said, crying a little. Black Pearl sets down the food and asks "Awwwww, somebody knows how I feel for once, do they?" She grabs your chin and moves your head so that the two of you have full eye contact with one another. She continues "If this is how you truly feel, then you'll want to help me in my plan. And I know what those liars in House Oyster are like. They're cutthroat, caring only for profit."

You ponder the thought for a bit. On the one hand, you'd be betraying not only house Oyster but the entire republic as well. Nobody would want to be near you again. But on the other hand, they left you to die and didn't bother to find the remains. You clearly meant little to them so a bit of revenge would be nice. After a moment or five of thinking it over, you decide that there wasn't much point in not working with the Black Pearl. At least then, you might get to see the outside world again. "Alright. Let's hear this plan of yours." You say.

The Black Pearl merely grins and tells you "It's simple, really. All you must do is find a way to get Elder Oyster to the duskgloom sea." You're confused by such a plan. Elder Oyster was one of great influence and power. It was unlikely that you could get her to willingly come along. Then again, kidnapping is always an option if all else fails. "It won't be easy. It never is with anything regarding the republic's upper class." You say as Black Pearl cuts your bindings. "Well, with you coming back from the dead to them, you should be able to manage. Now then, your clothes are all soggy and ill fitting with them being all torn up. Get ready and meet at the top deck of this ship by sundown. Oh, and one more thing. If you do this for me, I got a special prize waiting for you when you return with Elder Oyster. Run along now, my little tool." She said, giggling a bit after the fact before leaving the ship.

You look at your clothes. She was right, they were a mess being covered in tears and various stains. You decide to look around the ship to see if you could find something more suited to your purposes. You stumble onto what looks like an old crew's quarters. There, on one of the beds, you find a peculiar set of silverish white robes not unlike those worn by Elder Oyster herself. They were a little murky but they certainly beat what you had on at the moment. So you quickly changed into said robes and looked at yourself in the nearby mirror. The robes complimented your hair and eyes surprisingly well.

(Several Hours Later)

You Walked up to the top deck of the ship. From here, you gazed upon the Duskgloom Sea in all its malevolent beauty. Yet, it was not the storm riddled, Maelstrom filled nightmare you remember it being those few weeks back. Shortly after arriving, Black Pearl Cookie finally showed up and you turned around to look at her. She said "Glad to know you're good at following instructions. You'll make a fine tool for this job. I must say, the silver really compliments that necklace of yours." The necklace, a gift from Elder Oyster, now molded into a symbol of why you're doing this task. She continues "I presume all your faculties are in order? Nothing here that needs to be done for you?" You nod and say "I'm ready to go out and get my revenge." You then felt a little sleepy, then extremely sleepy. Black Pearl Merely giggled and said "When you wake up, you'll be exactly where you need to be."


O, my name was Captain Kidd,
as I sailed, as I sailed,
O, my name was Captain Kidd,
as I sailed.
My name was Captain Kidd
And God's laws I did forbid,
And so wickedly I did
as I sailed, as I sailed.
So wickedly I did
as I sailed.


Stormalong(A Black Pearl Cookie x Reader story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora