Chapter 39

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June 23
Mateo POV

Back home, I thought as we drove back into New York, Rufus was eating a bag of lays and my head was on his shoulder scrolling on my phone.

These past few days have been amazing and I hated the idea of going home especially since I didn’t have anything to go home too, Lidia and Penny have definitely moved out and school didn’t start back just until August so that meant I had to deal with a month with nothing just myself.

And I knew how boring I could be

I guess if I didn't have to go home I would stay with the band for another month and keep enjoying myself and Rufus, but staying would mean I would keep getting distracted and not finish my paper.

“Do you want to do something when we get there?” Rufus asked me as he balled up his chips bag and tossed it into the trash bin with perfect accuracy

It's amazing what you find attractive in a relationship, If any other person would’ve done that I wouldn’t think anything of it and would probably find it annoying but when Rufus did it, it kinda turned me on.

“Don’t you have to prepare?” I asked him and got off his lap

“Yeah but not till 6, We have 8 hours before that” Rufus smiled at me

“What do you want to do?” I asked him

“Were going to your hometown, show me something good babe” Rufus said and I felt my heart skip a beat

“Okay” I agreed and the bus stopped and I looked outside and saw we were outside Athen’s stadium

“I know your all leaving but be backstage by 5:30 or I will find you and I will kill you” Francis warned us as him and Jenni walk off the bus and they walk inside

“Don’t worry we’ll leave you two love birds alone” Tagoe winked to us and him and Malcolm walk away

“Where are we going sweetheart” Rufus asked and placed an arm around me

“I know a bookstore” I said hoping he wouldn’t laugh in my face

“Cool lets good” Rufus said and he called an uber and drove to the bookstore I always go to

We walked inside and immediately an 14 year old girl let out a loud screech when she saw Rufus

“Jessie are you okay?” An older man I assuming is her dad came and hugged her

“He’s in a band” She told her dad looking embarrassed

Rufus gave her a smile and she looked like she was about to pass out

We walked deeper into the store and I saw so many people staring at us recorded us

“What do you like to read?” Rufus asked me picking up an random graphic novel

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