Chapter 31

198 5 4

       June 19

Mateo POV

I woke up feeling so warm, not just like a blanket and pajama pants warm but even warmer, I realized  my glasses were still on which wasn’t a big deal but I usually don’t sleep with my glasses on, my eyes finally adjusted and realized Rufus was laying down next to me.

I also realized I was in his bedroom, I didn’t know what to do, what to do when you're in a boys bed, we didn’t have sex we definitely didn’t have sex because we both have our clothes on and I would probably remember if we did.

“Rufus?” I whispered and shook him awake

He let out a small grunt that was so cute and I also noticed he drooled a bit which I thought was kinda cute. He opened his eyes and I stretched his arms. I hopped off the bed and Rufus followed behind me as we walked out of his bedroom and I went into my room.

My heart was racing and my hands were shaking, I grabbed my phone and saw Joel and Lidia both texted me and a missed call from dad

I called dad back and sat down on the bed trying to calm myself down

“Hey dad sorry I missed your call I was sleeping” I apologized

“It’s alright just wanted to check in haven’t hear from you in a while” Dad told me

“I haven’t?” I asked and realized that I have been so preoccupied with my job, school, and Lidia I completely forgot to call dad

“No but it’s fine, I want you have fun” Dad said

Fun? Was he having fun? He couldn’t say he was “having fun” he was stressed keeping up with this lie and he was stressed with his essay, none of this was fun.

But I couldn’t tell that to dad, so what I said insead

“Yeah I am having fun” I lied

“That's great bud, I’ll leave you to it” Dad laughed a bit and hung up

I sighed and looked at Joel’s and Lidia’s text

Joel: Hey, looks like we'll see each other soon cutie ;)

Lidia: Hey are you okay?

I was in no position to have another deep conversation so I replied to Joel first

Me: Yeah I know were meeting back at Athen’s satadom

Joel: Yeah for the performance but were meeting up in two days to discussed performance plans

Me:What does that mean?

Joel: Us, you guys, and Make-A-Moment group and managers talk about money marketing  boring bullshit like that

Me: Do we have to be there?

Joel: Unfortunately yeah but usually after we usually go to a local bar

Joel: You're 21 right?

Me; yeah but I don’t drink

Joel: That fine, usually someone does or say something stupid so it’ll definitely be fun

Me: What usually happens

I really didn’t care that much but I wanted to avoid talking to Lidia

Joel: Well last time Amiee tried to make out with Rufus even though they both had different dates

Okay that definitely caught be off guard

Joel:That was a shitshow and an awkward drive back

Drive back? So was she with Peck? I know they dated for a bit which according to Lidia started the feud between them but that ended as quickly as it started and people don’t talk about them that much.

Me: I bet, Hopefully that won’t happen this time, I don’t deal with conflict well

Joel: I swear you get cuter and cuter

I genuinely can’t tell if he was flirting with me or not

Joel:Have to head out, I’ll text you later

Me: Bye

Okay now I had no reason to not talk to Lidia so I responded

Lidia: Are you okay?

Me: Yep I’m good

Lidia: I’m really sorry

Me: I’m not mad I promise

That wasn’t a lie but wasn’t the truth either, I wasn’t mad per say but wasn’t happy

Lidia: I know, I’ll see you later

I just sent a thumbs up and put my phone down. I grabbed my laptop and made bullet points on what Rufus said but couldn’t really write anything because I haven’t heard enough about Malcolm and Tagoe  and didn’t know where to begin to ask them something so personal.

I heard a knock at my door and saw Tagoe peeked in

“Francis need us and he said bring your laptop” Tagoe said and walked out

I stood with my laptop and walked into the main room where Francis, Jenni Lori, Malcolm, and Rufus were already sitting.

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