Chapter 8

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June, 13, 2022

Mateo POV

I woke up on the couch and saw my computer open on the coffee table and saw that my computer was completely dead.

I sighed annoyed and put my computer on the charger and walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and started eating it.

I heard my phone ringing and picked it up and saw it was dead. I swallowed my apple and answered the phone.

“Hey dad what’s up?” I asked him

“Hey Mateo I need you, We got a bus in the shop and I need extra hands” Dad told me

“You called me for extra hands?” I asked him confused both by his request and my afternoon nap fog brain

“You know I’m not a car guy like you?” I reminded him and yawned

“I know bud but were short staffed right now and all I need you to do is watch over the shop and make sure no one steals anything” Dad explained

“Okay I can do that, I’ll be there in 20 minutes” I told dad and hung up and grabbed my clean clothes out of the laundry basket and got dressed in the living room knowing Lidia was still out cold and wouldn’t walk in

I left a note telling Lidia that I was helping my dad at work and that I would be back on the wooden table and walked out and caught a cab and drove the rest of the way.

We stopped at a big yellow sign that read

“Get your parts checked monthly”

I got out and walked inside dad’s auto shop with the smell of motor oil and new tires surrounded me as I walked around looking for dad.

“Mateo over here” Dad said wearing his blue jumpsuit covered in oil stains

“Hey bud good to see you” Dad hugged me and I hugged him back

“You smell gross” I joked and dad playfully punched my arm

“That smell is paying your college” He joked back as we walked to the registered near a window and behind all the broke down cars

“This bus is really fucked up so it migth take some time, hope you didn’t make any plans” Dad joked knowing that I never have plans

We got there and I sat down on the chair and dad went to the back to work on the bus.

I grabbed my phone and just scrolled through articles on instagram trying to fill in time.

I’m not sure how much time passed but suddenly I heard screaming outside which made me jump and looked out the window next to me.

I saw an older white man screaming at someone on the phone. He looked angry judging by his red and sweaty face and looked like he didn't properly change from this morning because he was wearing a dark blue tank top and black joggers.

Other than some swear words I didn’t understand much and the “conversation” ended with him slamming his phone down on the road and rubbing his forehead irritated.

June 13, 2022

Rufus POV

“That's like his third phone this month” Tagoe joked as we ate our McDonald's egg McMuffins on the bench outside of the audio shop waiting for the bus to be repaired as Jenni Lori was crocheting something

“What is he pissed about this time?” Malcolm asked with a mouth full of cheap breakfast

“Oh who knows with that man, He’s probably upset the sky is blue” Jenni Lori jokes

“Well we just lost our fucking photographer” Francis growled as he started drinking orange juice that he poured tequila into earlier

“What happened?” Jenni Lori asked nonchalant still crocheting

“The fucking limp-dick asshole got an offer at a photograph company and took that job and quit on us” Francis explained finishing his cup and tossing it away

“Aw I like David…or Adam…Mike?” Malcolm asked and he finished his food

“Doesn’t matter now” Tagoe shrugged as he crumbled his wrapper

“We need a new photographer before we got to New Jersey” Francis told his wife

“Can’t we just take the pictures?” She asked

“We need top tier photos and were both too busy to focus on bullshit like that” Francis answered

“Fuck, Rufus go inside and buy me some ibuprofen” Francis told me as he handed me 10 dollars and sat down rubbing his forehead

“Sure, Be back” I told him and tossed away my trash and walked inside the mechanic shop and looked around the shitty plastic toys and cheep gas station snacks

I found a bottle of ibuprofen and walked to the check out and smiled when I saw a familiar face

“Hey, remember me?” I asked him

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