Chapter 15

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   June 14

Mateo POV

“You good?” Rufus asked me and sat across from me

“Yeah just couldn’t sleep, Not use to sleeping in a bed that isn't mine" I told him

"Can't relate" Rufus joked giggling a bit

"Why did you leave your room?" I asked him

"Tagoe being annoying" He said rolling his eyes

Then a thought came to me, Me and Rufus were alone and he seems like he wants someone to talk too, maybe I can kill two birds with one stone.

"Why don't you tell me more about Tagoe and Malcolm like how did you guys become friends" I asked him

"Oh well I got signed to the Graveyard at 12 and they wanted to make me a solo artist which was cool" Rufus shrugged and I nodded showing I was listening

“I met Tagoe when Francis became my manager and we became friends” He told me

“And you asked him to perform with you?” I asked and placed my head on the arm of the chair I was sitting in

“No we just hung out a lot, but one night I went over his house and we sang karaoke and Francis heard us and had us sing together in the booth and decided we should be a band” He told me

“Tagoe was okay with that?” I asked him

“Yeah, He was so into the idea but we needed a third person and held auditions” Rufus continued

“And that's how you met Malcolm?” I asked jumping out of my seat a little

“Nope, we met Malcolm in the bathroom where he was eating a bag of jelly beans on the floor

“Really?” I chuckled genuinely not expecting that

“Yep, He was there to audition but got nervous and we held a private one in the bathroom, we liked his voice and his vibe so we told Francis we wanted him” Rufus finished

“Oh that's actually really cute” I said and I saw the corner of his mouth curve into a smile which made me smile

“What happened after that?” I asked

“Well after we decided on the name Francis wanted us in the studio immediately and told me to write something for us”  He said sitting us

“You write all your songs?” I asked excited

“No, I only write the ones I sing same with Malcom Tagoe usually has ghostwriters” He said

“Your first song as a band was “Were heading to Hollywood” I asked tapping my fingers on the small nightstand next to me

“Yeah” Rufus sighed looking kinda embarrassed

I remember because Lidia made me listen to it when I went over to her house to study during our first finals in highschool that was the beginning of her obsessions with the band.

“You don’t  like the song anymore?” I asked curiously

“It’s not that I don’t like it but…you ever written like a story or drew a pictures that you were really proud of then a few years later you look back at it and cringe” Rufus asked and rubbed the back of his neck

“Yeah I get that” I nodded

“Were heading to Hollywood” is a sweet song about starting a new life in Hollywood while being upbeat and positive, the song is cute and jump start their career but it is slightly cringe when you look back at it as an adult

“Well I like the song” I told him

“I’m glad” He winked and I coughed feeling my throat being dry

“So I-” I was interrupted when we heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs and we say Francis wearing a white tank top and boxers

“What the hell are you doing out here, both of you get back into your damn bedroom” Francis growled at us

We both quickly got up and headed back to the room but I saw Francis stopped Rufus I kept walking and went inside the bedroom and saw Malcolm was still sleeping so I just crawled into my bed and tried to get to sleep.

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