Chapter 13

212 7 1

  June 13

Rufus POV

God Peck is a pain in the ass; Not only is he an asshole he knew I couldn’t do anything because I’m already on thin ice as it is and had to in Jenni words ''Turn the other cheek” every time he does or says something that pisses me off.

“This place looks good” Malcom smiles at we stopped at a pizza place cleverly named Pizza Palace

We walked in to see a black and white checkered floor, the walls painted red with posters of inspiring quotes and pizza posters, The room was empty except a pale teenager reading a book behind the counter and hadn't looked up.

He gave us a quick glance then looked back at his book but immediately looked back up with his mouth agape and he placed the book on the counter and I could tell he was shaking a bit as he straightened up.

“hi-Hi” The teenager said louder trying to be more confident which was actually kinda adorable

“What can I do to you-Fuck I mean for you” He said mentally slapping himself

“Hey dude” Malcolm smiled and looked at the menu

“Can I get the the XL 3 meat pizza, with ham, pepperoni, and bacon” Malcolm ordered

“Yep awesome” The teen nodded and wrote down his order

“And I’ll get a the onion, green peppers, and olives” Tagoe ordered

“Great choice” The kid said as his breathing calm down

“You?” He asked me

“I don’t know, What's your favorite?” I asked him and I could see his face turn red again

“Oh I’m pretty basic I liked pepperoni but you should add our specialized garlic powder which is delicious” The teen told me

“Perfect I’ll take a large” I told him

“Great um…is he with you?” He asked pointing to Mateo

“Yeah just cheese for me” Mateo said

“Okay I’ll send this to my boss” He said and walked to the back and accidentally hit the side of the door but laughed it off and walked into the kitchen

We sat down on the booth and waited

“Does that happen to you guys a lot?” Mateo asked looking at me

“People acting weird and nervous around us? Pretty much” Tagoe jokes

“It’s pretty flattering, better than when they come to our room in the middle of the night wanting us to sign something or take a picture” Malcolm said and our food came

The same kid from before placed our pizzas on the table

“Enjoy” he said and walked to the backroom

“Fuck yeah’ Malcom muttered and quickly started eating

I took a bite of the pepperoni and the kid wasn’t wrong. It was good and I watched Mateo eat. He was really cute, stuffing his face like a chipmunk.

I looked to Tageo who just winked at me noticing me looking at Mateo

“So Mateo is excited for tomorrow? Your gonna have to take a lot of pictures” Malcolm said already eating his third slice of pizza

“Pictures like what?” Mateo asked finishing the pizza he was eating

“Us at the booth, The crowd of people in the audience, and just stuff that looks good on our instagram” Tagoe explained as he ate an onion off his slice of pizza

“Wait I thought you guys posted on your instagram I thought I would just take pictures for magazines and websites” Mateo asked looking anxious

“We do sometimes but for more professional looking pictures usually have our photographer take them” I said patted him on the shoulder playfully

“Great, I'm so excited” Mateo said with a shaky cough and started eating more

We finished up eating and tipped the teenager 70 dollars and walked to the hotel Francis and Jenni Lori texted us. We walked in and were immediately met with cameras in our faces by random people ranging from ages 14 to 54.

“Get the fuck away from them” Francis screamed and got in front of us as he pushed people away so we could all get on the elevator

“Oh God” Mateo breathed out as the elevator took us to our rooms

“You also are gonna need to get use to that” I told him as the elevator ding on our floor

We walked out and Francis handed us our key cards

“Tagoe your sleeping with Rufus and Malcom your with Mateo” He said and  walked to his room

“Night” I said to Mateo and walked with Tagoe to our room for the night

I heard a weak night back as I closed the doors behind me

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