Chapter 33

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June 19
Mateo POV

“I promise to be safe dad” I said over the phone while getting dress to go out with the Pluots to do something, well I knew we were getting dinner but I couldn't help but think they had other plans just didn’t know what those plans were

Never been the “Go with the flow” type of guy but I guess I had to get use to new things

“Knock Knock, Ready to go?” Rufus asked as he opened my door and looked me up and down

God I must have looked so dorky compared to him, He was just reading an old black shirt with the sleeves cut off and ripped faded blue jeans and here I was wearing a long white shirt with a brown sweater vest over it and dark gray pants.

I don’t know why I decided on dressing so formally and I couldn’t change now so I just have to look stupid the rest of the night.

“Ready” I said with a nervous smile wishing dad was here so he could open the door and lie saying I had a fever to get out of this

But dad wasn’t here, and I promised him I have fun and that is what I plan to do

“Great let's head out” rufus said and I followed him, we hopped off the bus and I saw Malcom and Tagoe already outside, They were all basically dressed the same insead Malcom had a red shirt with ripped sleeves and Tagoe had a dark blue shirt with ripped sleeves

“Hey dumbass, Be back her by 10:00 and don’t start any fights or knock anybody up while your out” Francis warned us through the window then slammed it shut

“Lets go” Rufus laughed and we walked away from the bus

We took an uber to downtown and as we drove closer and closer I heard loud music, saw lights, and we passed by tons of restaurants and shops. When we got out we walked into a bar styled restaurant  full of people talking, laughing, and dancing.

“You drink?” Rufus asked me

“No usually but I’ll get whatever you do” I told him as we all sat down at a booth

“What can I get you?” An older woman maybe in her 40’s asked us

“You guys want to go apeshit?” Malcom jokes

“What does that mean?” I asked looking at Rufus

“That means instead of ordering an actual mean we order every appetizer and eat that insead” Rufus explained laughing a bit

“Oh okay, That's fine” I agreed

“Well have every appiter you have” Tagoe ordered for us

“Alright” She said and walked into the back

As we waited I looked around and noticed a younger woman mixing drinks kept looking at us and whispering to another girl next to her.

“I think she recognizes you” I whispered to Rufus

“Yeah that happens sometimes, It’s fine if she wants to say something she can” Rufus shrugged as our waitress came and placed tons of food down at our table

On the menu there are only 10 appetizers which didn’t seem like alot but when you see it all spread out it felt kinda overwhelming, Igrabbed a small plate and took a mozzarella stick, slider, and a jalapeno popper.

We ate and just talked and it felt nice and easy, a part of me wanted to ask about their childhood since that is what my essay was about but I didn’t want to ruin this fun easiness we had going on.

Tagoe cracking joke after joke, Malcolm eating way too much food and almost choking like three times, and Rufus arm wrapped around me

It was nice, it was fun, it was gonna be hard to leave all this behind

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