Chapter 37

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June 22
Rufus POV

We were annoying everybody. I knew that and I didn't care. I kissed Mateo every chance I got, and didn't care if we were in the kitchen, living room. It didn't matter that I had to kiss Mateo's adorable face.

We became inseparable; cuddling on the couch, eating while holding hands, and every night Mateo came to my room and we would do something, not always sex but something not PG would happen.

"Okay we made it, everyone off the bus and get inside the building" Francis told us as we made it to the building we were gonna have our discussion about the mega concert were having

I was dreading this day most because I had to see Peck and Amiee in one room again but also because I knew this was gonna be boring as hell just sitting in an uncomfortable chair, listening to Francis, Victor, and Dalma debate on prices, who perforces first, and equally divided who does what.

We walked into the building and I was holding Mateo's hand the whole time. I noticed some glances from people in the building probably wanting to ask if we were together or take pictures and send them to some Magaze or something but we knew we were safe in here.

"Finally" I heard the familiar whiny voice

I saw Peck and his gang already in the room and saw was Amiee and her band in too

Victor hit him in the back of his head

"What did I tell you about fucking talking" He hissed and Peck slouched annoyed

We sat near the girls and me and Mateo were still holding hands under the table

"Okay let's began" Dalma said standing up and going to a whiteboard

Here we fucking go

Mateo POV

Rufus was right, This was probably the most boring lecture I've ever been in and I took an writing advancement class last semester

My head was on Rufus's shoulder the entire time, I really hoped he didn't think I was being clingy. I never had a boyfriend or been in a situationship but he never told me to move or told me to back away so I took that as an okay.

We started off talking about pricing because they were releasing tickets tomorrow and since the concert is so late they had to make them cheaper, after they discussed who should perform first and what they should sing.

That conversion was quick; They agreed that Pluots would start, Band with No Name would go next, and Make-A-Moment would finish

Now we were talking about advertisement and marketing, I was half listening and all I took from it was I made the right choice in not minoring in Marketing when I was applying to school.

I could tell we were wrapping up because Dalma and Victor were packing up, Francis officially ended the meeting and we all got up to leave

"Mateo, Joel, Dahlia stay back for a minute" Francis told us

"I'll see you in a bit" I told Rufus as he let go of my hand which made me so sad despite knowing I'll see in in like 5 minutes

I walked to Francis with Joel and I'm guessing Dahlia behind me

"Okay you guys have done a good job so far but this is big, I know you all have your respective bands but tonight you'll be taking pictures of everybody so you need to sign an agreement making sure you won't purposely do anything to make any members look bad" Francis said and gave us an contract to sign

We all signed it and walked out of the room, Dahlia immediately walked to Dalma who was waiting for her so me and Joel were alone.

"So you and Rufus huh?" Joel asked as we walked out of the room

"Yeah it's pretty new" I told him

"I noticed" He winked looking at my legs, I was confused but I realized I was limping slightly and my face felt hot and my body went stiff but kept walking

"I knew you guys had an connection, Honestly dating a guy in a band is fun when your on the bus with him" Joel joked and elbowed my arm

"You'd know?" I asked rubbing my arm

"Yeah, Kendrick's my boyfriend, did you not know that? Were pretty open" Joel asked me

"No idea" I laughed a bit

No articles said Joel's name just differently telling of the dick story, Joel seemed kinda flirty with Kendrick but Joel just seemed to have a flirty personality so it was hard to tell.

We made it back and I saw everyone was waiting for us

"Ready to party?" Tagoe asked us with a smile on his face

Rockstar (TBDATE AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora