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Meanwhile Unicron came out and searched around. "Where are my dear." He said to himself. He went and sent a bond to you. He felt you but it felt weird. He was walking until he heard a voice. "Master." Said a voice. He quickly turned and saw Sideways. His agent. "Sideways. I need you to do me a favor." He said to Sideways. "Of course master. And what is the favor?" He asked him. "The favor I am asking you is to locate my wife. She is missing. I tried locating her but with no luck. Can I rely on you?" He asked him. "Yes master you can. You can always rely on me." Sideways said to his master. Unicron nodded. "Good. Now go find her." Sideways nodded and transformed and went off to find his master's wife.

Meanwhile on Cybertron. Primus was starting to get worried. He hadn't heard from you and his brother hasn't heard from you either. "My young one, can you hear me? This is your father. Please answer your sire. Please." He sighs. "Where are you?" He said to himself. He sighs. "I hope Unicron has better luck than I do." He said to himself.

Meanwhile Sideways went and transformed himself and disguised himself as a Decepticon. He went and walked around until he saw Starscream. "Starscream, it's good to see you again. It's been a while." He said to Starscream. Starscream turned and saw Sideways. He was shocked to see Sideways but was wondering why he returned. "Sideways. Yes it has been a while." He said to Sideways. "Soundwave. I need a bridge." He said to Soundwave through a comlink. "And my Liege, I have found someone that is a reliable source for our armada." He said to Lord Megatron through his comlink. "Excellent Starscream, bring that reliable source to me and meet me in the throne room." Lord Megatron said to Starscream through his comlink. Soon a bridge appeared. They both walked through the bridge. After moments and everything Sideways already talked to Lord Megatron. Sideways went and walked out of the throne room but saw a femme who looked familiar. He approached her. "Hello. My name is Sideways. What's your name?" He asked you. I turned and smiled. "Hello. Uh, my name is Sunblast." I said to Sideways. Sideways eyes widened.

I looked at him. "Uh, are you okay Sideways?" I asked him. He looked at you. "Uh, yes. I just forgot something, excuse me." Sideways walked away and headed to the flightdeck. He then sent a message to his master. "Master. Question, what was her name?" He asked him, waiting for a response until he got it. "Sideways. Her name is Sunblast. Why do you ask?" Unicron asked him. "Well, it's because there's a femme that I saw that looks like her. And she said her name is Sunblast. Master, she's on the Nemesis." Unicron's eyes widened. "That bastard." Unicron said to himself. Unicron immediately sent a message to his brother that he may have found her.

Meanwhile on the Nemesis. You were walking around until you heard a message. And this voice sounded familiar. "Sweet spark. Listen to me. I am your true sweet spark. If you are on the Nemesis please don't listen to them. If they somehow brainwashed you. Then I will say that we have had an intimacy." I listened to this guy. Because he sounds familiar. "Who are you? Do I know you? I feel like I know you." I asked him. "Yes you do. Request a bridge and I will send it to you." I was nervous but I expected it. "Okay. Send a bridge." Soon I saw a bridge open and I walked through.

Unicron was waiting. Until the bridge opened. He turned and saw you. "Sweet spark." He walked over but you backed away from him. "I'm sorry but I don't know you. Why are you calling me sweet spark? I am Lord Megatron's sweet spark. And he thinks that he is my husband." Unicron's eyes glowed even brighter. Unicron knows he has to find a way to get your memories back. Because you aren't Megatron's sparkmate. You are Unicron's sparkmate. Unicron loves you so much he would do anything to get you and your memories back to remember him.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Sunblast daughter of PrimusWhere stories live. Discover now