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Megatron was sitting and waiting on the med berth for Ratchet. Until he heard peds. He looked up and saw Ratchet walking in. "So, you finally had the guts to get a check-up eh." He replied to Megatron. Megatron lightly growled at Ratchet. "Now see here, Ratchet. I am only doing this for Prime because I love him and I am only doing this for our sparklings that we are taking care of." He replied back to Ratchet. It took about 10 minutes and Megatron's check-up was done. Megatron slowly got up and walked to see his and Prime's sparklings.

Me and Unicron were busy watching the sparklings. Unicron didn't like it one bit. But I helped him along the way. I was feeding Megatron's daughter when I heard the doors open. I looked up and saw Megatron. "Megatron." He put his hand up. "At ease Sunblast. I….I want to thank you and Unicron for taking care of my daughter and Prime's daughter. Now if you don't mind Sunblast. I want to spend time with mine and Prime's daughters." He asked you. "Of course Megatron." I replied back to him. I walked over and gently laid his daughter in his arms. I then walked over and walked out with Unicron.

Megatron smiled. "Hello my little one. I have missed you." He then went and gently nuzzled his daughter. He then heard his daughter purr. He loved hearing his daughter purr and being happy. He was reaching for something when he heard a little voice that he had never heard before. "S….Sire." Said the voice. Megatron looked down at his daughter. "What was that you said? Say that again, my daughter." He said to his daughter.

She smiled and giggled. "Sire. Sire, sire, sire." Megatron smiled. He just heard his daughter say her very first words. Then he heard another voice. "S…sire. Where's sire?" Said the voice. Megatron turned and saw his mate's daughter up and looking at him. He walked over and lifted her up. He then walked over and sat down with the sparklings. "My little ones. I….I need to tell you the truth. Your sire and also with you my daughter which is your papa. Uh. He's not doing too well. His vitals are fine but he hasn't awakened yet. But don't worry little ones, I am here to protect you and take care of you." He said to his daughter and his mate's daughter.

"No. I want sire. I want my sire, papa." She said to her papa. The other sparkling looked at her sister. "I want papa too, sire. I want papa." She said to her sire. Megatron had tears in his optics. He wanted his mate too. He wanted him now more than ever. "I….I want him too, my little ones. But," before he could explain to his daughter and Prime's daughter he heard shouting and yelling. He lightly growled until he heard his name being shouted. This is what he was hearing: "MEGATRON! MEGATRON! HE'S AWAKE! PRIME'S AWAKE!" The person ran and Megatron's doors opened. "What is with the yelling? I heard my name being shouted but couldn't hear the rest. Can't you see I am trying to have a peaceful moment with mine and Prime's daughters." He said to the person. The person at the door was Knockout.

"Hey, look here Big M. I just wanted to give you a good surprise and something else." He said to Megatron. He was walking off until he said this. "Oh and by the way Big M. Prime is up and he is requesting to see you." Megatron's optics widened. "What was that you said? Please repeat that so I can hear you more clearly on what you had just said to me." He asked and said to Knockout. "I said Prime is awake and is requesting to see you." He replied back to Megatron. "Why didn't you tell me in the first place, Knockout?" He asked Knockout. "I did but you got all mad with me so I didn't get the chance so don't blame it on me. And Prime is requesting to see his daughter as well." Megatron quickly got up and grabbed both of the sparklings. Megatron ran until he stopped. He vented out slowly. He walked out and stepped into the main lobby and the med bay. That's when he noticed that his mate was wide awake. And that's when he knew that his lover and mate was going to be okay.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Sunblast daughter of PrimusWhere stories live. Discover now