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~ Means Megatron is whispering to someone or talking to himself.

It was a couple of months and Megatron was not happy. But almost. He couldn't quite explain it. He slowly walked around. He noticed a lot of people watching him and making every move that he made. He didn't like it one bit. He was thinking until he bumped into someone he shook his helm and he looked at who he bumped into and it was you.

He bent down and lent you a hand. You accepted it. "Uh. Thanks Megatron. Now excuse me." I then walked off embarrassed at what just happened. Megatron watched you walk off. ~"Just my day trying to get used to everything. And trying not to get everyone on my bad side again."~ He said to himself. He was about to walk until someone startled him. "Megatron." Said a voice. Megatron jumped a little and he looked down and saw Bumblebee. "You hurt her." He said to Megatron. "No I did not you pesky little yellow bug. We accidentally bumped into each other. And I was just being….he growls at what he was about to say. I was just being nice and lending my hand to help her up. That was all. If you don't believe me, why don't you ask her and see for yourself. Now excuse me. I need to see Prime." Soon Megatron walked off.

Prime was working and checking things when the doors slammed open. He jumped and he turned and saw Megatron. "Megatron what happened." He asked him. "What happened? What HAPPENED! I'll tell you what happened. It's that stupid yellow bug of yours. He thinks that I hurt Sunblast. Which I didn't. All that happened was that me and her accidentally bumped into each other and I just lent my hand to her helping her up. That was all. And now I am afraid of your stupid yellow bug going and running off and blabbing to Unicron that I hurt her. To which I didn't. Prime. I….I can't take this anymore. I….I changed, haven't I." He asked Prime, wanting to know if he truly did change.

"Megatron. Why would you ask me that? We know that you have changed. Don't sudden guess yourself." Prime said to Megatron. Megatron chuckled at what Prime said to him. "Thanks Prime. But don't tell anyone that I may be getting or going soft." Prime chuckled and snickered. "Don't worry Megatronus I won't." Megatron sighs. "Don't call me that please. I don't go by that name anymore." Prime walked over and sat next to Megatron. "Well, I still call you that." He said to Megatron. Megatron looked at him. "What. What did I say." Prime asked Megatron. Megatron chuckled. "The only time I remember you calling me Megatronus was during The Golden Age. Since when have you ever called me Megatronus when The Golden Age was over?" He asked and he looked at Prime. Waiting for an answer. "Uh. How about that one time when I gave the matrix to Jack. And I used the last of the strength and power I had to defeat Unicron." Megatron's eyes widened. "R….right." He chuckled nervously. "I completely forgot about that."

Prime looked at him. "What. You forgot about that. How could you Megatron?" Megatron smiled and lightly shoved Prime. "Look, I am sorry, okay. I didn't mean to forget." He said to Prime. Prime then went and slowly used his digits and traced the lines on Megatron's back. Megatron jumped a little bit and soon relaxed. Prime was doing it until he heard Megatron purr and vent out slowly. Prime then stopped to see what would happen. After he stopped Megatron slowly opened his eyes and he looked at Prime. "Why did you stop?" He said with his voice whining to Prime because he stopped doing what he was doing on Megatron's back.

Prime looked at Megatron. "Because I just did. Now I have to get back to work." Soon Megatron saw Prime walking off. He then thought to himself. ~"What just happened."~ He said to himself. Megatron was so confused at what just happened. "Ugh." He then thought of it. "Oh Primus." He then fell backwards onto the berth. "Ouch." He then rubbed his back. He then thought to himself again. ~"What is really going on? What is happening? I know I've changed. But….I don't feel like I did."~ Megatron was so confused and his mind was spinning. He then growled in defeat. ~"This is so confusing."~ He said to himself. Soon he realized he was drifting off to sleep. Soon he fell into a recharge.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Sunblast daughter of PrimusUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum