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~ Means Megatron is whispering to someone or talking to himself.

* Means Prime is whispering to someone or talking to himself.

Megatron landed and gently transformed. He gently cradled the sparkling in his arms. Soon he noticed the little one waking up. The sparkling opened her optics. Once her optics opened she scanned her bright blue optics and she glazed her optics on the figure she was seeing. She smiled and chirped at him. Megatron chuckled and smiled. Soon he gasps. He realized what she just did. She claimed Megatron as her sire. ~"She claimed me to be her sire."~ He said to himself. Megatron walked in and saw Ratchet working away. "Ratchet." Said Megatron. Ratchet turned and he immediately saw a sparkling in his servos.

"Quickly bring the sparkling over here." He said to Megatron. Megatron walked over and sat the sparkling down. The sparkling whimpered. She sent a bond to her sire that she was scared. Megatron felt this. He smiled. He bent down and nuzzled the little one. The sparkling femme purred, feeling her sire. Ratchet watched Megatron interact with the sparkling. "So, I presume that she claimed you as her sire. Am I correct?" Ratchet asked Megatron. Megatron nodded. "Yes. But you will also have to check another one. Prime should be arriving soon with another sparkling. Me and Prime both found 2 pods." He said to Ratchet. Ratchet eyes widened. "2 pods that's strange. I wonder if they may be twins. But who knows." He said to Megatron.

Meanwhile outside the Autobot Base. Prime pulled up and he gently transformed and had the sparkling in his servos. He walked inside eyeing the little one. He then noticed that she was opening her eyes. The sparkling opened her optics. She then scanned around until her optics met with prime. She smiled and chirped at him. He smiled and nuzzled her. He then felt something. She just claimed Prime as her sire, like the other sparkling did to Megatron. *"She just claimed me to be her sire."* He whispered to himself. He then continued to walk to the main lobby where the med bay was located. Once he was inside the main lobby and inside the med bay he looked up and saw Megatron interacting with the sparkling that he and Megatron found. He then walked forward. Megatron looked up and saw Prime and smiled. Ratchet looked up and saw Prime with the sparkling that Megatron talked about. "Bring the sparkling over here so I can examine her Prime." He said to Prime.

Prime walked over and sat the sparkling down. He then whispered to Megatron. *"Did the sparkling you found claim you as her sire?"* He asked him. Megatron looked at him. He then whispered back. ~"Yes. Why? Did the sparkling you found claim you as her sire too?"~ He asked him. *"Yeah. She just claimed me to be her sire when I first stepped into the base."* He said to Megatron. Megatron looked at him and stared at him. Prime looked at him and noticed he was staring at him. *"What."* He asked Megatron. ~"Prime the sparkling that I found also claimed me to be her sire when I stepped into the base. Look, this can't be a coincidence, can it be Prime."~ He asked him. Prime shrugged his shoulders. *"Don't know but we will have to wait and see."* He said to Megatron. Megatron smiled as he went forward and kissed Prime.

Megatron stopped and he looked at Prime. Until he heard the sparkling crying. Megatron turned and got up and walked over to the sparkling who claimed him to be her sire. Megatron gently lifted her up and cradled her. "Shhh. Your sires here. You are safe, my little one." He said to her in a calm and soothing voice. The sparkling suddenly calmed down and stopped crying. She then fell fast asleep in Megatron's arms. Prime saw this and he smiled. *"Megatron"*. Prime whispered. Megatron looked at him. ~"Yes"~. He whispered and replied back to Prime. *"Look"*. He said and whispered to Megatron while pointing at the sparkling who was fast asleep in Megatron's arms. Megatron looked down and smiled. He chuckled. "Sleep well, my little one." He then walked over to Prime. "Prime. It looks like we are going to be Sire's to these sparklings." He said to Prime. Prime nodded. "Yes. And we will take very good care of the sparklings. And nothing will harm them. And I mean nothing." He said to Megatron. Megatron smiled. "Indeed." Megatron replied to Prime. That's when Megatron and Prime both knew that they were going to be parents to these sparklings just only sire's.

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